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Everything posted by Mr.P

  1. Mr.P

    Soviet mission #6 (i think)

    Key to this mission is being slow and methodical, always check your six on the penninsula. There's a sniper up there that will eat you alive if you don't take him out. Plus, the M21 he has will be a BIG help on the next set of Vulcans. For those, set up shop on the big hill. Have most of your team stay back except for the sniper, and have him perch on the hill. Take out all the troops you can, then if you have to kill one of your men and take his rpg (hey, it works......). If you're a good shot with an RPG you can probably take out at least one of them from long range, but its risky, if you miss you could quickly find yourself blown to bits. Better chance if you rush the base and take them out from behind buildings. Your sniper can provide you cover should you have forgotten any troops.
  2. Mr.P

    Stupid chopper

    found an interesting way to combat this problem.........let the other guy fly. Just have him go to the waypoint and it will all take its course.....after the cutscene though, immediately bail out. The chopper will go wacky on you but the computer guy will get it under control, then just proceed with the mission
  3. Mr.P


    I did something a bit like DragonFire, but even more fun........ disable the M1 and repair it......the key is, stay next to the repair truck.......whenever you take damage, just keep clicking repair over and over again Basically you can sit there in a invincible M1 for the length of the round Fun times.
  4. Mr.P

    C01:  convoy

    I have yet to beat this mission fully, but I did have an amusing go at it the other day.....I nailed the hind with an AA launcher and the pilots LANDED, then bailed out. Shot them both, and stole the Hind. Made short work of the tanks (duh), but then for some bizarre reason the freaking thing just blew up for no apparent reason and I didnt' have a save game........sigh.
  5. Mr.P

    Stuck on red hammer mission

    I just mowed through them with little difficulty lol......maybe I just got lucky, took pretty heavy damage, but nothing that would disable the tank.
  6. Mr.P

    Clean sweep extraction glitch

    Interestingly enough, yes, but the mission still completes for me
  7. Mr.P

    After montignac

    Sweet mother of everything that is holy I cannnot defeat this mission for the life of me...... I've tried everything, sneaking, gunning, even stealing an RPG and blowing up the damn BMP, EVERYTHING gets me killed. If I manage to sneak by the patrols and the BMB, the friggin Hind gets me........how the hell do I hide from THAT? The one time I got to the jeep and got into it I got shot 3 seconds later......... I've been stuck on this mission for a week now......
  8. Mr.P


    I just had by far my best game of OFP ever I was playing Silent Killer for the heck of it (the one where you have to blow up the fuel depot and the fuel truck in the convoy), easy mission, but I wanted to try to take out as much as possible with what I had.......here's what I wound up with: 2x T-72s 2x Officers 3x BMPs 2x MGs 2x Grenadier 2x Ural Fuel 16x Soldier 12x Crew UAZ Not bad if you ask me....... I got lucky though, I placed a charge by the fuel dump, then one in the middle of the road hoping to catch the T-72 as it went by........well, as it went passed my position I thought what the heck and opened fire on the crew hanging out the hatches......and got both of them. The driver hops out of the tank, I shoot him.......now I have a undamaged T-72 at my disposal. Problem is there are 2 BMPs roamin around that will blast the crap out of me if I hop in.......so I wait till they're back over by my charges and take out both with them. Hop in the T-72, destroy the convoy easy, take out another T-72 that comes my way, then another BMP. Use my last satchel charge to blow up the one I'm in, then run off to the car. Man that was a blast!
  9. Mr.P

    Fade problem

    I have a legitimate FADE problem......its not graphical or anything terribly buggy, but I'm getting the "Original games don't FADE" and my accuracy is just horrid. For instance, I was 30 meters away from someone with a MP5, they weren't moving, and I opened up on full auto and didn't hit them with an entire clip.......ONCE. Mortars and grenade launchers are a crap shoot too, they literally go flying off in random directions when fired. This didn't happen at first. I tried a reinstall, and its still there, so I'm assuming OFP leaves something in the registry or whatnot that needs to be removed. I think it may be due to the fact that I've tried installs from 2 different CDs? I was an unfortunate buyer of a bad Gold Edition copy a couple weeks ago, so I tried installing from that bad CD and then teh good new CD from Codemasters. Could this be causing it? If so, what files/registry things do I need to remove to do a fresh install? Is it possible to do a fresh install after FADE has activated? Any help is appreciated, I just started Red Hammer and its becoming rediculously annoying.......
  10. Mr.P

    Geforce4 framerates disappointing inofp

    Have to agree with Dodgeme.....I have a GeForce4 MX440 (which obviously isn't nearly as good as the Ti series), but I have a 1800+, and I'm able to run everything at full with no noticeable problems or stuttering.
  11. Mr.P

    Fade problem

    I've paid for my sins........now how do I fix this problem? lol I don't want to have to reformat just to play OFP......
  12. Mr.P

    Fade problem

    I couldn't get past After Montignac for the life of me.......so I used the trainer You'd be suprized how effective unlimited M203 grenades can be........ But it was only the one time, I figured that was better then using the endmission cheat at least
  13. Mr.P

    Fade problem

    used the same CD key for both, and I still haven't played a network game, so don't think thats an issue (not confident enough in my skills yet). I haven't altered anything (ie. a no-cd patch) other then I used an infinite ammo trainer a few times because, hey, its fun. I was under the impression these didn't cause FADE though......?
  14. Mr.P

    Question about search and destroy

    I finished this mission in a fairly entertaining way.....I had a M16+mortars. I already knew where the scud was, so this was fairly easy, I mortared the thing twice then as it slowly came out of hiding (pretty well damaged already) I had my LAW soldier take it out. This saved my Carl Gustav soldier for the T-72 that rounded teh corner on my way off the hill.
  15. Mr.P

    Taking command

    I've moved on a bit (finally figured out After Montingac.....) Now here's the problem, this mission is pretty easy, and I have no problems winning it......BUT....after I win it I get sent back to the main menu and can't continue on......I've defeated it several times now with similar results......what's going on?
  16. Mr.P

    Funny ofp thing

    Even though it does relate to OFP, its not really on a topic......so I'll just put it here. I was playing Heavy Metal today and was screwing around with my tank and decided to drive it full speed into the forest........resulting in my tank ending up on its side. For giggles, I fired a HEAT round into a tree......and for some reason this caused my tank to FLYING through the air, at least 1500 meters, ontop of another tree where I got stuck again (yes, ON TOP of the tree). Fired again, similar results, landed another 1000m away, hit a building, fell the the ground on its tracks, and proceeded on with the mission....... I can't imagine this is normal.....but I haven't been playing flashpoint very long, so maybe this has happened to people before.....but it was extremely funny to me at least.
  17. Mr.P

    What spec computer do you have?

    AMD XP 1800+ 364MB DDR266 GeForce4 MX440 64mb (overclocked to 310mhz chip and 487mhz RAM) 16x10x40x CD-RW DVDrom Western Digital 30gb 7200rpm HD and a lot of fans......2 case fans, a PCI slot fan, and a hard drive fan
  18. Mr.P

    Installation problem

    I did some back reading and saw that there were some issues with the Gold Edition copies, but I'm not sure if what's happening to me is part of it. I -just- bought the game, and I'm getting the crc errors on installation. Usually it goes completely to the end and then boofs out on me (typically after a long delay). here's my system specs: Tbird 1.4ghz 256mb DDR RAM Western Digital 30gb 7200rpm eVGA GeForce2 MX 400 64mb video Sound Blaster Live! ECS motherboard with ALiMagik chipset Would LOVE to have this fixed........really look forward to playing
  19. Mr.P

    Installation problem

    Well...... I got the new CD from Codemasters......figured I give it a go, and bam, same problem. Grrrrrrr.......and nope, don't have an alternate at the moment, the only friend with a computer that could run it just has his mobo fry
  20. Mr.P

    Installation problem

    Well, I tried one last time and it actually loaded!!! BUT......now I'm having the exact same problem with the upgrade CD......I'm beginnning to think this is a problem with my computer, but I have no idea what.......