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Everything posted by MintyBoy

  1. MintyBoy

    Most Amazing Kills

    Best Kill: Cleared most of a squad of Russians from a camp on one side of a valley but missed one, who promptly did a runner down the valley and up the other side. I got a little distracted by a couple of BMPs that came to investigate what all the hoo-ha was about, so promptly forgot about him. Once the armour was dealt with I got my bearings and proceeded down into the valley, only to notice "Gormless Grigori" coming back for another try. We're talking 2-300m away, running downhill, zig-zagging like a madman. So I think "What the hell", bring up my trusty M16 and concentrate: Zig, zag, BANG, zig, zag, PAF, right between the eyes! Couldn't repeat that one if I tried.
  2. MintyBoy

    JAM3 - Beta testers

    Woopsie, my bad! To be honest, my previous comment still sort of stands though. IMO you should stay with just one mag for each calibre/capacity/type, as is (sort of) the case with JAM2. As I said, not perfect from a realism perspective. But hey, having the muzzle velocity/dispersion as a paramater of cfg_ammo instead of cfg_weapons isn't realistic. JAM's all about mag compatibility between weapons, and I personally think it should stay that way.. If that came across as uppity, I didn't mean it to. It's all just my opinion. Minty
  3. MintyBoy

    JAM3 - Beta testers

    Kooky, he meant which option would you prefer... From a realism point of view, I'd prefer option 1. But then again, if you take it too far, you're back to one type of mag for per weapon again. I think you'd best stick with option 2. From a compatibility point of view, that is. My two pence worth.
  4. MintyBoy

    JAM3 - Beta testers

    @cornhelium No probs. Sent the .cpp to your PM. Nearly didn't fit... About being handy for mission-makers, yup. I'm already bald, but if I hadn't written that .cpp, I'd be bald and grey. I'm trying to get a resistance-like campaign written and about 2 missions in, I said "Bugger this" and wrote that .cpp. Cheers.
  5. MintyBoy

    JAM3 - Beta testers

    Loooong time since I've popped my nose in here (no net connection for over a year...). Good to see that JAM's still up and kicking, as OFP needs something to try and keep all the various weapon mods compatible. One thing I've always thought was a bit odd though. JAM's got Soldiers and Ammo boxes defined in it for conveniences sake. What was NOT convenient was having to place every. Single. Damned. Vehicle down as empty, then assigning JAMmed crew. Oh, and if it was a truck/apc, clearing out it's cargo and refilling with JAM mags (nearly said rags there. Curse my icky brain). What can I say? I'm a purist- If you're gonna use JAM, use it all the way... So I made myself an extra PBO named JAM_Vehicles containing EVERY normal vehicle in OFP with JAM crew/pilots and cargo. Just to save my own sanity when mission-making. Cornhelium, if you want a copy of that .pbo to rip apart and cram into JAM 3, let me know and I'll email it to you as soon as poss. Once I've fixed my damn email. Cheers.
  6. Quite a while ago now, I DL'ed a modified version of the RPG-7 (from Kegetys Russian Weapons pack). It was modified by Tanelorn to have new sounds, extra ammo types, etc. What Tanelorn neglected to do was change ALL the classnames, so his version clashes horribly with Kegetys' original. I've taken it upon myself to fix this oversight by making a renamed.pbo with entirely new classnames. This addon is now completed, with a revised readme and .cpp. For more info, check This Forum Topic. So the question is, who wants it? Or even better, is willing to host it?
  7. MintyBoy

    Rpg-7 by kegetys (modified)

    Hmmmm... Just downloaded it from @WAR myself and all seems to be in order. Maybe Fileplanet was having a spaz-attack or something? Give it another go and if it's still not playing nice, send me a PM and I'll mail it to you.
  8. MintyBoy

    Rpg-7 by kegetys (modified)

    Check back a page dude... ;)
  9. MintyBoy

    Rpg-7 by kegetys (modified)

    Fixed the bug (hopefully), sending version 1.12 to crow to put up a @WAR. Please let me know of any further bugs found.
  10. MintyBoy

    Rpg-7 by kegetys (modified)

    Yes, yes it does. Seems I've let some kind of bug creep in with the RPG-7 (not the RPG-7v, which seems fine). I'm working on it right now, but it's a bit of a mystery, as the RPG-7v (which works fine) inherits from the RPG-7. Go figure. I'll keep you posted. Until it's fixed, just don't use the ammo box or the guerilla RPG.
  11. Quite a while ago now, I DL'ed a modified version of the RPG-7 (from Kegetys Russian Weapons pack). I think it was from ofp.gamezone.cz or opflashpoint.org, but I could be wrong. It was modified by Tanelorn to have new sounds, extra ammo types, etc. Anyways, this new addon was incompatible with the older one (missions made with the older one wouldn't start: missing classes, etc). So I finally got round to fixing the .cpp myself, making it backwards-compatible with the original addon. What say the masses- Do you want the .cpp, or should I try and upload it to ofp.info (or wherever), or am i just a complete heretic for daring to mod a mod of Kegetys'?
  12. MintyBoy

    Rpg-7 by kegetys (modified)

    Et Voila!. Finished. No longer requires KEGrpg7. Tested for compatibility-type stuff and works like a charm with no conflicts/requirements now. So the question is, who wants it (or is willing to host it)? Zip size: 1.5 meg.
  13. MintyBoy

    Rpg-7 by kegetys (modified)

    Right. just had a little hunch, and it turns out I was right: When I remove the KEGrpg7.pbo from my addons directory, all the textures are gone. I'm presuming this is because the .p3d files are still trying to find "/KEGrpg7/texturename.paa" instead of "/MTB_rpg7/texturename.paa". Can anyone recommend a good, relatively simple (and free) hex-editor? I've got the bit in my teeth now, and I want to get this thing working properly.
  14. MintyBoy

    Rpg-7 by kegetys (modified)

    Right. Done it. All classnames have been changed with my brand-shiny-new ofpec tag, MTB (just got it today ). <s>I have, however encountered one problem. There's two types of ammo. Display name and short display names for each are "PG-7" and "OG-7". However, on the Hud, they still show up as "RPG-7" (the launcher's display name) Â .</s> <s>Any ideas how I could fix this before I release it?</s> Edit: Don't worry about it. Fixed. Right then. Now all I need's a host.
  15. MintyBoy

    Rpg-7 by kegetys (modified)

    Different scope view (very intuitive when getting the range of armour). Different impact sounds. A choice of two different warheads (tandem-charge (AP) and frag), with different flight-characteristics for each (frag is lighter, so has a shallower arc of flight). New firing sound (a sharp "Pop!" noise). All-in-all, very good work based on Kegetys' original model. Marred only by Tanelorn not changing the classnames. Pop over to opflashpoint.org, download it and have a look for yourself (just make sure you backup Keg's RPG7.pbo, as it overwrites it..).
  16. MintyBoy

    Rpg-7 by kegetys (modified)

    Miles Teg- Sure, I could do that, but that would defeat the object: to make Tanelorn's version backwards-compatible with missions made with Kegety's original file (it just breaks them atm). However, if there's enough people that want it, I can do that no problem. You'll just have to edit any missions you've created using Tanelorn's or Kegety's version to use the new classnames. What do you say, peeps? Do you want Keg's fantastic-looking RPG-7 with Tanelorn's new ammo, sounds and optics? Bear in mind that this addon wouldn't affect any missions that use either of those 2 addons, and to use it you'd have to make new missions or edit old ones... Your choice guys...
  17. MintyBoy

    Rpg-7 by kegetys (modified)

    You can find Tanelorn's original modded file at opflashpoint.org (I looked it up). As Kegetys has said he does not approve (and I can't really blame him..), I will not be releasing my (semi) corrected version. The only reason I made my modification was to correct the errors that Tanelorn introduced by not changing all the classnames in the .cpp. A little advice to addon-makers: If you are going to modify someone's addon, change ALL the classnames in the .cpp to avoid messes just like this one. edit: Oh- and make sure you get permissions and give oodles of credit to the original authors as well!
  18. Quite a while ago now, I DL'ed a modified version of the RPG-7 (from Kegetys Russian Weapons pack). I think it was from ofp.gamezone.cz or opflashpoint.org, but I could be wrong. It was modified by Tanelorn to have new sounds, extra ammo types, etc. Anyways, this new addon was incompatible with the older one (missions made with the older one wouldn't start: missing classes, etc). So I finally got round to fixing the .cpp myself, making it backwards-compatible with the original addon. What say the masses- Do you want the .cpp, or should I try and upload it to ofp.info (or wherever), or am i just a complete heretic for daring to mod a mod of Kegetys'?
  19. MintyBoy

    Rpg-7 by kegetys (modified)

    Fair enough, Kegetys. I'll just keep it for personal use then.
  20. MintyBoy

    Rpg-7 by kegetys (modified)

    Fair enough, Kegetys. I'll just keep it for personal use then.
  21. MintyBoy

    I'm a dragunov

    Found this on (of all things) an XCom:Apocalypse board and thought it might give you guys a chuckle.. What gun are you?
  22. I've been looking to get a little more reality in my missions for a while now, and the RealLights addon on the AEF page looks like it should help a lot in adding a little life to OFP's towns. One problem- the download link doesn't work for me and I can't find it on Flashpoint.org or flashpoint.cz. If anyone can supply me with a working link, I'd be really gratefull. Or if anyone could send me the file, let me know and I'll PM my email to you..
  23. MintyBoy

    A vehicle unlocked...

    Iirc, locking a vehicle disables the player from boarding it, but has no effect on AIs. So just lock all the relevant vehicles and you should be fine.
  24. MintyBoy

    Reallights addon by lester

    Thanks for the swift reply Avon, but Pang already PMed me the link. Apparently it's on AEF's German page but not on their English one. Bit of an oversight on their behalf, but here's the link to RealLights.zip for anyone else who may be having trouble finding it. One of these days I'm going to have to learn a few new languages...
  25. MintyBoy

    Ground trigger

    Set your trigger up for what you want it to do (say a "Present" trigger grouped to the pilot) and put this in it's "Condition" field: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> this && (getpos pilotname select 2) < 1 <span id='postcolor'> This should (I've not tested it) wait until the pilot's inside the trigger radius and at a height of less than 1m.