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Everything posted by MattM

  1. MattM

    "sniper team" question

    Hi, When I start the Sniper Team mission, my fellow 2 snipers won't follow me! I can't find anyway of instructing them to either. Please help! Matt
  2. MattM

    "sniper team" question

    thanks Ralph. When I said soldiers around the perimeter fence I only meant the ones patrolling the entrances. Are the "Spetx Natz" given a special enemy tag? Like I said I've crawled all the way round the inside base and can only find machine gunners and soldiers. Just wondered if they were hidden inside a building or were standing around in a specific place inside the base.
  3. MattM

    "sniper team" question

    Thanks for all the replies guys. >>This was a bug in this SP mission way back. What OFP version are you running? Yes, I probably do need the patches, I'm too busy playing the game to download anything! >>I just made those guys wait, went by myself, shot the spetz natz came back. That's what I've done. I've taken most of the soldiers around the perimeter fence, and crawled all the way around inside the base but can't find the 3 spetz natz! Â Anyone help me out? >>>I just stole a Hind and blasted everything on the island, then parachuted over the evac point How do I do that then? TIA Matt
  4. MattM

    "sniper team" question

    Hi, When I start the Sniper Team mission, my fellow 2 snipers won't follow me! I can't find anyway of instructing them to either. Please help! Matt