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Everything posted by MassMartyr

  1. MassMartyr

    Vbs site updated

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (bn880 @ Sep. 16 2002,10:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> <span id='postcolor'> "There are some guys from A Company waiting in the 'lobby' to play. Â Should we go back out to get them?"
  2. MassMartyr

    Vbs site updated

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (bn880 @ Sep. 16 2002,10:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> <span id='postcolor'> "There are some guys from A Company waiting in the 'lobby' to play. Â Should we go back out to get them?"
  3. MassMartyr

    What Command addition would you like?

    LOL Gimbal ... same here. Every time I "hurry up" and use the run button for more than three seconds I get the inevitable "where are you?"'s from the entire AI squad. Stay in formation means you can get off your butts and run WITH me, ya' lazy Joes.
  4. MassMartyr


    Ummm... Although Suma did a good job on editing skytheman's original post link to "cracker" sites, the quote in the very next message still has his original references. Try to do a good deed...eh Ralph? Â
  5. MassMartyr

    Is v1.60 causing v1.46 error?

    Hello: I use the Detonator 29.42 driver with OFP 1.60 and 1.46 - no problem. Don't know if this information is of any use to you though, since my OS (Windows Me) and card (GeForce 2 GTS) are both different from yours...
  6. MassMartyr

    New netcode ?

    I am curious about the this as well, ever since I read: Operation Flashpoint: Resistance Interview - 15 April 2002 Marek Spanel - We’re going to start the MP Test of the new Resistance netcode soon, and every owner of Operation Flashpoint can join in with the testing. We believe the best results come from wide testing across the Internet. The interview is (as I post this) only 13 days old, so "soon" is probably a little more time yet.
  7. MassMartyr

    Grrrr multiplayer suck

    If you add a text file with the name "hosts.txt" into the OFP directory with the IP addresses of your favorite servers, the multiplayer menu will show you the status of those servers (creating, playing, waiting etc.) in "realtime" before you choose to join them. Just open Notepad, type 'em in (one address per line), save as a text file into the directory, and forget about it until you want to add/delete some more. Example content/format of hosts.txt (addresses are fictional): 999.95.133.184 777.234.123.33 323.251.92.94 You can add as many as you like. Â Hope this helps - it did for me. MassMartyr
  8. MassMartyr

    What the heck?

    A couple of pics you may enjoy...
  9. MassMartyr

    What the heck?

    Thanks...I was hoping some others would share some of their pictures as well...
  10. MassMartyr

    WHO HATE PATCH 1.42?!

    You mentioned applying the patches: 1.00 -> 1.30 (RH) -> 1.42 I may be misunderstanding the situation, but if you have version 1.00 - and not the "American" 1.20 - the order is: 1.00 -> 1.20 -> 1.30 -> 1.42 It could be that you DO have 1.2; if so please feel free to ignore this post. MassMartyr
  11. MassMartyr

    Squad Logos...Refreshing

    I've recently changed my squad logo, and uploaded it to the squad's website. Â The old logo has been removed completely from the site. Â The new one shows up when viewed from my web browser, but the old one is displayed on vehicles/start-up page when playing OFP Multiplayer. How do I "force" the game to refresh to my new logo? Â Is the old one saved in OFP's directory somewhere, and being referred to INSTEAD of the website? Â Do I have to "give it some time"? Â Am I missing something? Â Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
  12. MassMartyr

    Squad Logos...Refreshing

    Thank you placebo. I found the old logo with "search" in my OFP folders and deleted it...the new logo now appears in MP. Whether or not it was that - or the passing of time - is another question altogether. Perhaps it would've sorted itself out anyway. Much Appreciated, MassMartyr