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Everything posted by Matthijs

  1. Wow... OFP is far more accurate than I actually thought it would be... NICE! Hey Suma, uhm, sorry about my the outburst some time ago... (about Oxygen). I wanna take the opportunity to take back what I said about you guys. Good luck programming some more.
  2. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (sgt bastard @ Mar. 13 2002,14:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It's probobly only the BIS team who knows. But why don't you do your own experiments? Like let an object fall from a known height and take the time. Take time between firing the M60-tank and impact of the shell.<span id='postcolor'> Yes, I was planning to do that. But nothing beats knowing the real figures. I was only hoping for someone who knows the exact numbers to read this thread. Thanks for the input anyway. Ever tried to do artillery using tanks? It really beats spawning some shells in mid-air. You can actually hear the shells flying over your head. It's also a nice passtime to try the range at different inclinations. (I myself in a chopper, ordering a tank to fire away at 2,3 degrees inclination... soooooo cool... )
  3. Matthijs

    Scripting reference

    ARE YOU KIDDING? Take a look at the topic pinned at the top of this forum... Ok, maybe it is the second from the top.
  4. Matthijs


    You will have to use scripting commands to remove the weapons and ammo of a unit and then use some more to add other weapons and ammo. You can use the 'initialisation' field of the unit for this. Use the scripting reference for more information on the required commands: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/docs/misc.html You will also need a list of weapons and complementary ammo names, download the 'W&A List' at: http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/tutorial.shtml --- Example for the init field, we'll remove an M16 and all M16 magazines from the unit, then add a dragunov with only two dragunov magazines: <span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>this removeWeapon "M16"; this removeMagazines "M16"; this addWeapon "SVDDragunov"; this addMagazine "SVDDragunov"; this addMagazine "SVDDragunov";</span> - All this on a single line. - In the case of the Dragunov, the magazines and rifle have the same name. This is not always so. (check the ammo/weapon list mentioned earlyer)
  5. Matthijs

    Weapon and ammo names

    This might come in handy, check the 'W&A List' at: http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/tutorial.shtml
  6. Matthijs

    Independance lost

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Flugel @ Mar. 09 2002,22:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RedStorm @ Mar. 09 2002,19:51)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think it's a Sea Dragon, not a Sea Stallion. And we'll also get the M2A3 I think.<span id='postcolor'> M2A3 , is that the wheeled version of the bradley or sumthing?<span id='postcolor'> Just the latest version, that's all.
  7. Matthijs

    Mlrs model

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote ([DMF-MOD]_Sauron @ Mar. 09 2002,22:30)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">hobo sniper are u dutch?<span id='postcolor'> I am.
  8. Matthijs

    Osprey in next add-ons pack

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote ([Dogi] @ Mar. 09 2002,21:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">And I'd like people to stop suggesting to add more stupid and useless silly american air units and not bothering about suggesting some Russian air units.<span id='postcolor'> I do agree with the first part. I don't agree with stupid and useless though. It's just that the scales currently are way too far over to US units. How about the Russian built An-12 CUB? Nice for Spetznaz insertions or dropping an Air/Fuel explosive. I totally agree with Grave, the Mi26 would also be awesome! Some day ago I realised the most important and typical piece of Russian hardware is missing: the BTR ! How could that one ever be overlooked? It is THE cold war APC, often seen during parades on the Red square. Oh, and the T-90 as a nice counterweight to the M-1 What do you think?
  9. Matthijs

    Mlrs model

    Nice! Wouldn't it be possible to create a gunner's seat, that only shows a few dials: direction and inclination (or range)? That would be good enough for artillery. AI knows how to handle the M203, and this would basically be just a very big M203, wouldn't it?
  10. It just hit me: Maybe it's not BIS who are the assholes... It might well be that the people @ BIS are a bunch of simple tech'ies, like us, that got fucked by Codemasters... --- Think of it, a couple of friends start out programming their wildest idea's, much like David Braben did when he started programming the game Elite. After a few years of contstruction in their spare time, they find out that to finish the game, they will need to put some serious time into it. They needed a sponsor. This is where Codemasters comes in. Codemasters buys the intellectual property of Flashpoint and puts the BIS people on its payroll. Apart from that, they give BIS a deadline, because Codemasters is going to get the PR machine rolling. This is where the first problem arises. The peoples of BIS are just a bunch of enthusiastic tech'ies that don't have any real experience in planning or PR. The game gets packaged rather quickly, because the deadline is actually a bit too short - the main reason for the many bugs in OFP. The world dances in joy as Flashpoint comes out. BIS drinks champaign over the succes of their little pride and joy 'OFP', and Codemasters sees the cash flow in. Everyone seems happy, until one bad day... After releasing some free models, BIS decides they want to leverage the succes of (what they think is) their game by bringing out a bunch of modding tools. Without conferencing with Codemasters, they put this up on their boards. Suddenly Codemasters comes in: "Sorry, it is not your game, it's our game. And we say, you are not releasing modding tools! BIS being tech'ies and not having any clue of how to address big crowds (they only know how to make good games), makes the tradional mistakes: not telling the public, trying to convince Codemasters otherwise and only at the last moment, when they just can't do anything else, say 'we will not etc.' Quite a classic example of bad communication, tech'ies getting fucked by sales people and the wrong party getting blamed for the shit. BIS can't just put up a fight with Codemasters. After all Codemasters legally owns their game, and with BIS being on Codemasters payroll, Codemasters basically owns their very ass. --- Could this be the case? Let me know what you think...
  11. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ran @ Mar. 02 2002,01:16)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">max they didn't say that they only made it four 2 or 3 teams  of things wich will become commercial they'll give the tools first to the serious mod team to evaluate the capacities of the thing , to polish it , and to make somedocumentation ,the only result if they would release it to the public now would be hundred of people losted in the dialog boxes of oxygen , and then every body would cry about the lack of documentation ....... is there any way for you to return on the way of the reason ?? you were way more sympathic and reasonnable on the ofpec before<span id='postcolor'> Hmmm.. I think nobody expected a full blown Gmax-like tool. Did you ever take a look at the Rogue Spear modelling tools? I've seen more great mods than complaints about these tools. And I can assure you: THEY ARE ****ING HARD to master and not quite stable either. Hardly any documentation came out for these tools. Nonetheless, the Rogue Spear modding community has been huge, now getting overshadowed by Ghost Recon and it would have been dwarved by the OFP community, IF ONLY...
  12. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Angry Radish @ Mar. 01 2002,17:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I was paging through all the posts, ready to put my 2c in, but now I don't have to. This is EXACTLY how I feel. Great post!<span id='postcolor'> Me too. I have a load of finished Diemaco C7 en C8 series assault rifles, a P90 submachinegun and a was finishing  a Diemaco manufactured Minimi (SAW). All a waste of (much) precious time now. Thanks for nothing BIS.
  13. Matthijs

    Heigh ho...

    Hmm. Looks great actually. But no, there's no point in putting any effort in OFP models. Read [ THIS ] topic. I have a load of finished Diemaco C7 series assault rifles, a P90 submachinegun and a Diemaco Minimi on the drawing table. All a waste of (much) precious time now. Thanks for nothing BIS.
  14. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PitViper @ Mar. 01 2002,06:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think they are worried about the quality of the models that will be made after. Â One way they could address this is to unofficially support OFPEC by giving the tools to OFPEC as long as the people who run it sign modellers up and have them submit to the OFPEC staff to ensure the models are good enough. just my 2 cents.<span id='postcolor'> I'll put up $10 on the fact that it's a commercial action. They would have to put some effort in a good addon for people to buy it. Obviously, effort is not something BIS is willing to put into it. If they wanted to secure the quality of OFP, they would RELEASE Oxygen. Not hold it back. Think of where the Linux OS would be today if it wasn't open to the public. Who is willing to put hours of work into a mod, with the risk of never being able to post it on the internet? Most good modders will just go find another game to mod. This stupid action by BIS will start the demise of the OFP community. Mark my words.
  15. Matthijs


    Whatever. BIS just announced that Oxygen will not be released. Screw them. I'll never buy anything from them again. Fuckers. Assholes. I hope they get hit by a truck. Unless they WILL release Oxygen within a month or two, this is the end of OFP for me. Bye all. Come on all: put this in your signature: =================================== Â Â Â HIT THEM WHERE IT HURTS MOST: Â BOYCOT BIS'S COMMERCIAL ADDONS !!! ===================================
  16. Matthijs


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Heyvern @ Feb. 26 2002,03:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I wish the realism in aircraft flight models, that are being put into VBS1, also get passed onto the OFP commercial product.  I love flying the helos, but they could use some handling improvements.<span id='postcolor'> To be honest, I think the flight models in VBS will not be more realistic. It's more probable they will not even be 'played' by pilots. They have fully realistic Flight Sims for that. My guess is that VBS will be used to train officers in assualt tactics or maybe even strategic planning. It would really surprise me if flight personnel would actually control the aircraft. (that is... maybe @home, playing OFP with their friends.) I do agree with you, flight models should be better. It doesn't have to be "FS2000"-like real, but "Gunship"-like  real would be very nice. BeÄng Dutch, I'm looking forward to seeing a Navy Lynx or NH-90 in OFP. And, as always, I'm still waiting for the Russian Mi-26 HALO heliopter as a counter balance to the Chinook. http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/row/mi-26.htm
  17. Matthijs


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Heyvern @ Feb. 25 2002,20:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">(...) You guys are going a little too psycho literal. Â Relax, lower your blood pressure. Â Jeeeeez. Â Basically, it's the same game but the military has BILLIONS more dollars to spend than the consumer does, so NOW they get all kinds of kool new stuff before we do. We got the game first (OFP), but now the miltary gets all the cool new features, new vehicles, new weapons, and realism mods first, because the military has the big bucks, while we, the consumer, are only paying approx. 10 to 50 US dollars per box, depending.<span id='postcolor'> Nope. Blood pressure is all fine. Just pointed it out. I don't think they will hold it all back for the military though. BIS is a commercial player, they need money. If thay can squeeze some more out of us by releasing a new engine, they most certainly will. We did get the game first. USMC is in fact going to use the OFP engine, so yes, we were first. But I do think there will be quite a few very nice features that they will come to see first. Do remember that USMC needs needs realistic handling, not some graphical wonder. Whatever. I just want Oxygen. If I have Oxygen, USMC can have models of Tauran spaceships for all I care. We 'll make models 10x as cool all by ourselves.
  18. Matthijs


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Heyvern @ Feb. 25 2002,03:28)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">(...) The military took the game, and had BIS add more vehicles and more "realism" (...)<span id='postcolor'> You obviously didn't see the screenshot where aircraft are sitting ON an aircraft carrier. Ever tried to pull that trick in OFP? Placing a vehicle on top of another vehicle? Looks to me like they put at least ONE brand new feature into the game engine. It's not just about adding a new model or two and tweaking the stats.
  19. Matthijs

    Oxygen status

    Can anyone tell me the latest news about Oxygen? The last I heard it was to be released before the end of February. The end is coming near, and I've not heard any news about Oxygen yet... Anyone? Please?
  20. Matthijs

    Oxygen status

    Hmmm... kinda cool, very cool actually. It doesn't give any date though, does it? I can't read a word Czech... wel I can, but I don't understand a word of what I'm reading.
  21. Matthijs

    Add this

    Enough NATO Vehicles. We need more USSR equipment. Add this one: Mi-26 HALO Country of Origin Russia Builder MIL Date of Introduction 1983 Role Heavy cargo-transport Cargo Compartment Dimensions 12 meters - Floor Length 20000 kg - Load-lifting capacity (100+ equipped troops, armored vehicles) Maximum speed 295 km/h 475-800 km with maximum loading Standard Payload 20,000 kg Internal or external load over 80 troops, 60 litters, or 2x BRDM-2 scout cars, or 2x BMDs, or 1x BMP or, 1x BTR-60/70/80 or, 1x MT-LB Crew 5 (2x pilots, 1x navigator, 1x flight engineer, 1x loadmaster) [ Click here for a larger image ]
  22. Matthijs

    a mod poll

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">am i the only 1 who wants a bomber?<span id='postcolor'> OFP already has a bomber: the A10. The only thing that might be nice is a Hercules airlifter, which can carry eiter paratroopers or an air-fuel explosive bomb. You know, the kind that drops on a parachute and explodes at about 30ft. Exploding once spreading a cloud of fuel, and a second time (a fraction of a second later) igniting the fuel cloud. The most powerfull non-nuclear bomb.
  23. Matthijs

    Sniper rifle accuracy or adjustents for the scope?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Wobble @ Jan. 25 2002,08:21)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">M21 is great at long range.. I can hit targets out past 1000m with it all the time (setviewdistance).. Â as long as they are not moving around too much.. Â ya just have to mess with it a bit.<span id='postcolor'> With the dragunov you can take out fast-moving targets at distances up to 600m. With the dragunov you can reach waaay out and touch a target at up to 1200 as long as they are not moving around too much. (Although >1000m maintining hit-ratio gets very hard) It is even good enough to give off suppressive fire at up to 1400 meters. You will just have to learn how to use the reticule. Elevation and windage knobs would be VERY usefull. An AW/M and Barrett would be NICE... :-) My spotter could also use the Leica Vector 1500. ;-)
  24. Matthijs

    a mod poll

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (superfly_bonzai @ Jan. 18 2002,19:29)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">i want more russian choppers, the havoc would be ok but i'd much rather have the the Ka50 Blackshark (hint hint BIS )<span id='postcolor'> I strongly agree. Warschau Pact forces are currently severely underarmed. A military issue Mi-26 HALO would be a very nice counterbalance to the Chinook! http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/row/mi-26.htm Kind regards, Matthijs webmaster@bbemariniers.net
  25. Matthijs

    Where can i find this addon

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HollowPointTron @ Jan. 25 2002,00:47)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Btw, the plane in the background is an F-16, not an F-14...<span id='postcolor'> What background? If your talking about the avatar, they are F14's<span id='postcolor'> No no no... First comes an F14, followed by an F16. Take a look at the aircraft, the first has two widely placed tailfins, the second has just one tailfin and a single air-intake under the fuselage. So it's an F14 closely followed by an F16. The F14 is getting it's ass kicked by the F16.