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About Moellerstroem

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  1. Moellerstroem


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ZedR @ Feb. 25 2002,16:40)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">* go to www.flashpoint1985.com and download their Briefing templates and copy them in your mission folder Users/<username>/missions/<mission name> (erasing or moving elsewhere those you made before)<span id='postcolor'> Does this mean that I have to create a folder for the specific mission? When I make a user mission, they (.pbo-files?) all get saved in one folder - should I create a unique one for every mission that I write an intro to? I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I sometimes feel a bit too old for this html stuff. I grew up with typewriters and remember the Spectrum computer...  6423 Möllerström 42 Brig. Pv. Komp. Skyttepluton
  2. Moellerstroem


    Hi, I have this problem. I write the briefing.html, just as they say in several tutorials. I save it in the missions folder (where all the user missions are - they are all together in one happy folder). But I never get to see any briefing, not in edit mode (when you try it out) or in Single Missions (when you have exported it). What is it that I get wrong? Do I have to save the briefing.html elsewhere? Do I have to save the mission elsewhere? Do I have to include any other files? Am I asking too many questions at once? Someone please help. I have tried so hard to get this right, I am getting frustrated even starting OFP nowadays. All the joy of mission editing is gone, and I am just a pale shade of the former me. Please help! 6423 Möllerström 42 Brig. Pv. Komp Skyttepluton
  3. Moellerstroem


    Thanks, will try it out! 6423 Möllerström 42 Brig. PV-Kompaniet Skyttepluton
  4. Moellerstroem


    I am just wondering if there is a SIMPLE way to change the weaponry of a soldier. What I want to do is, for example, to equip a BlackOps with an AT-4. Possibly even a M-60. Are there any easy ways to get this done? Thanks! 6423 Möllerström 42 Brig. PV-Kompaniet Skyttepluton
  5. Moellerstroem

    chopper disembarking

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (vulcan @ Jan. 27 2002,04:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Then at the last waypoint I use transport unload BUT the troops will disembark before we get to the waypoint. Â Can someone make a list of waypoints that I need to use with chopper/truck missions?<span id='postcolor'> I am a total newbie, but I have found that the "Transport Unload" WP is used for the Chinook - for the Blackhawk you should only use a "Get Out" WP. No need to sync the WPs at the disembarking point, but at the loading point I believe it is.