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Everything posted by Mohamz

  1. Mohamz

    When are we going to see anything new?

    I think a patch is neccessary, for example to correct the "x is down" bug. Here is what Suma said about this bug: "We reproduced this bug. It seems it happens only after Report status is used. As a temporary workaround do not use Report status until we will provide the fix it" So I think that it's just a matter of time, just be patient...
  2. Mohamz

    Are there some missions you cannot win?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">and it says your whole squad was killed when they were not<span id='postcolor'> Yes that's quite unrealistic, I mean I had all my squad with me(minus two soldiers), but then in the next mission: all dead. Although the next mission was quite impressive(for me at least) I'm sure everyone solved this mission in a slightly different way. I got back to the town(North) where there is a BMP, 3 Soldiers and an UAZ, but didn't attack them since I didn't have a LAW so I got to the forest to the East then headed South. Did anybody succeed in going directly to the south(at the beggining of the mission ) ?
  3. Just wanted to know what are the minimal requirements for a computer to be used as a dedicated server, before downloading the patch. Thanks
  4. Mohamz

    Min Requirements for Standalone Server

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">However, since when do serious game hosts ask what minimum requirements are?<span id='postcolor'> It's only for a LAN game I'm not a "serious game host" Thanks.
  5. Mohamz

    Vehicles and bodies

    My problem is: That sometimes vehicles can't move when a body is laying in front of them. Sometimes I'm hidding in a bush, then a tank comes to crush the bush, but when it reaches me it stops, I feel that it's trying to move but it can't, it should crush me and continue, it's a TANK!!! Or are all AI 'Peace and Love' guys? Another time: In a mission where a had to flee in a TRUCK, I couldn't move because there was a dead soldier under the truck(I got killed). Did anybody notice this, or am I alone? To theavonlady: "Your site" is down Oh no "Your site" is down "Your site" is down "Your site" is down Ooops sorry, got used to it
  6. Mohamz

    Vehicles and bodies

    Yup! I needed something in your great FAQ... Thanks
  7. Mohamz

    What Version Is Best?

    1.42 is just fine for me
  8. Mohamz


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I thought brain is made of brain tissue and muscles are made of muscle tissue. <span id='postcolor'> You are absolutely right... "The brain is 100% muscle"
  9. Hi, another question How can I quickly reset my crosshair back to fire mode when in order mode. Last mission, I saw enemy soldiers and wanted to order my team to engage them(flank...) but then the enemy saw me and started shooting at me but I couldn't fire back since my crosshair was on order mode...Died Thanks, Mohamz
  10. Mohamz

    How to set crosshair back to fire mode

    Still a little bit slow when they are firing at you...
  11. Mohamz

    How to heal?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (amos m @ Jan. 20 2002,13:03)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'm pretty sure I've seen the medic heal himself, without orders though, on several occasions.<span id='postcolor'> Yes that's true I saw it many times, but again without you giving him any order. I don't know what happened to my squad though(I had 2 medics)
  12. Mohamz

    How to heal?

    It's me again! How many times can a medic heal soldiers? Is it limited? I think so, since I (successfully) ordered my team mate to heal at the medic then another one got injured and I couldn't order him to heal. So, is it limited to one time?
  13. Mohamz

    Patch 1.42

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Well, I was waiting for the fix of the "repeating-bug"... I´m not that happy right now....it´s not gone...AND I HATE THAT PARTICULAR BUG!!! *ripping shreds of hair*<span id='postcolor'> Yup, this Bug is REALLY annoying! Yesterday I wanted to show a friend "a great game", he was really impressed then my team mate died and it started, he looked at me: What's going on? So, what could I say??? Hope it gets solved soon...
  14. Mohamz

    How to set crosshair back to fire mode

    Backspace doesn't work... deselecting the selected troops takes (sometimes)too much time... I will try the tilde Thanks all Mohamz PS great forums!