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Everything posted by MrHanky

  1. MrHanky

    1.46: frequent dedicated server crashes

    I'll see if I can.. but my server locks seemingly while trying to run debug. I have to shut down DrWatson.exe to close it.
  2. MrHanky

    1.46: frequent dedicated server crashes

    We get this crash on our server too. Â I didn't really have anything to add until I saw Suma's post in "Possible solutions for ofp 1.46 server crashes". There seems to be a focus on taking weapons and not on taking ammo. Â Maybe I'm just a tad bit confused as to what "taking weapons" suggests. When playing "Desperate Measures", even by myself, when I take a PT boat that I have stockpiled with LAWs and AK 74 mags over to the Ural by the med tent... I usually transfer the laws over to the Ural and then take it into town. The simple act of aproaching the back of the Ural causes a server crash. Â Or sometimes, driving it near town and then simply getting out causes a server crash. There aren't any weapons loaded in those vehicles... only grenades, magazines and rockets.