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About MrCommie

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. I will look into all those issues, but right now im too d*mn exhausted.  We´ve worked 12 hours straight with the missions yesterday! Im reeeaaally sleeepy right now  But anyways, thanks for trying them out! Edit: Oh, and there´s a RPG in La Gravette, If you can spare the time to aquire it. Many people neglect searching the convoys destination... But you´re right. For the sake of the mission not being to damn hard, there should be atleast one more RPG, Satchel charge etc.
  2. Mission 1 Mission 2 Try them if you want, tell us what you think. If you find any problems, don´t just complain, suggest a solution instead! Thanks. Edit: Mission 1 is also a new version...
  3. Right... Thanks for reminding me ´bout the "s"... Im waaay too tired to spell right By the way, i know its a bit much to ask for, but would you like to play the second part when its done (sometime tommorow or saturday) ?
  4. MrCommie

    Su-25 mission

    Oh man! Great mission! I really love those voices... really professional sounding. I nearly completed it, but unfortunately i really suck at flying But hey, superb mission anyway. (Brownnose warning) It is guys like you, that guys like me who are quite new to mapping looks up to! (End brownnose warning)
  5. Ok, this HAS to be the final version... the files are piling up too fast... Â Our mission EDIT: The file Spetznaz14.zip contains a faulty mission! I have updated the link to link to the new Spetznaz15.zip!
  6. Thanks man! You´ve been of so much help! Of course i will mention you in the readme. We are preparing the final release now... BTW, should i write "Bart.Jan", or do you have a real name? Â
  7. Hehe, new version up... www.geocities.com/diplomacy84/spetznaz14.zip All according to your suggestions Bart.Jan, you have been very helpful! Part 2 is now on the way, should be done saturday or perhaps friday. That mission will be much longer and a whole lot more challenging...
  8. New version up: www.geocities.com/diplomacy84/Spetznaz12.zip I know its a bit rude to ask you to be a kind of unpaid beta testers, but we (me and my partner Siege) are quite new to mission making and would love some pointers, suggestions, constructive criticism. Thank you! //Edit: Forgot a capital "S" in "Spetznaz12.zip", the link won´t work with a small "s".
  9. Thanks for your suggestion, we´ll get back to the editor right away... When were done, we´ll post the new version here.
  10. Our mission Download it, try it, voice your opinion! Edit: Updated link to newest version.
  11. MrCommie

    Fat hummer

    Kinda. Haven´t tried the Apaches resiliance yet. But anyway, does anyone have both the stats of a BDMR-2 and the Hummer (both from 1985) so we could compare?
  12. MrCommie

    Fat hummer

    But that wich disturbs me the most, is that the Hind only withstands 19 more bullets...
  13. MrCommie

    Fat hummer

    Ok, i always thought that the Hummer seemed a little to tough, so i decided to test my theory. I put both an empty Hummer and an empty Hind on a field, then proceeded to blast away with them with an M16. The results? The Hummer (shots fired at engine from straight ahead): 285 shots, give or take some. The Hind (Shots fired at armoured section ofcrewcompartment): 304 shots, give or take some. Now tell me, is this really reasonable? I´m no expert at choppers but isn´t the Hind supposed to be REALLY heavily armoured? It should be able to withstand some serious punishment... Or is the Hummer overpowered? Some other vehicles taking part in this test: Trabant: 3 shots. Pathetic... Jeep: 58 shots. UAZ: 60 shots. BDMR: 90 shots. This one surprised me the most. The BDMR is classed by the game as an armoured vehicle, and yet the Hummer, being classified as a car takes 3 times more damage? Very dissapointing. Anyway, that´s about it... If you have some data on damage values, feel free to reply. (Note: The above tests are in no way precise. I did shoot all vehicles in more or less the same spot though.)
  14. MrCommie

    Sucky BDMR

    Ok. Tell me, why is the Hummer so much better than BDMR? I mean, the BDMR (A BDMR-2, supposedly) weighs 7.400 kgs, has thick armour plating, a commanders hatch and so on. Ok, the Hummer is one bad beast, but in a non-scientifical test i found out that the Hummer takes 3(!) times more punishment than the BDMR... The BDMR is on the same level as the Jeep when it comes to absobing damage. I mean, there should be a reason the BDMR is under the "armoured" section in the editor, and the Hummer is under "cars". C´mon! And where did the BDMR´s 14mm turret go? I mean, i actually looked forward to the BDMR, and here they go about ruining it. Narf!