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Mr Z

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Everything posted by Mr Z

  1. Well I tried what was suggested in the other topics about making sure I am the owner of the Operaton Flashpoint Folder, well I am and always have been the owner as I installed in my name! I made sure I had full control! well I still get this stupid error: Please Logon with Administrator priviligues and try again! PLEASE DO NOT SAY I HAVE TO REINSTALL WINDOWS XP
  2. Well I am not very good at editing, so I try to do alot ingame, I also use some scripts for Intro/Outro Sequences basically for the camera!
  3. Mr Z

    Administrator privligues

    well the regedit thing did not work, but the other users started reporting errors when they tried running other programs (not the privligues error though) so Decided I had to take the plunge and do a clean reinstall of XP! well guess what Operation flashpoint to 1.46 (plus server 1.6) have installed and run successfully. RESISTANCE NOW RUNS WITH NO PROBLEMS AS WELL So thanks for your help guys! it turned out that part of my windows installation was corrupt (of course XP had not informed me)
  4. Mr Z

    Administrator privligues

    ok Trying that when I disconnect let you know how it goes after I try playing! I got my fingers crossed!
  5. Mr Z

    Administrator privligues

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Mister Frag @ Sep. 03 2002,23:59)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It's a separate executable so that you can continue to play the old version with people who don't have Resistance.<span id='postcolor'> oh ok then well I ahve been in touch with codemasters support, they ain't figured it out yet either
  6. Mr Z

    Administrator privligues

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Mister Frag @ Sep. 03 2002,04:15)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Run CHKDSK and let it verify the Security Descriptors. You will have to restart your system, since you cannot perform this check without an exclusive lock on the volume, and unless you installed OFP on a volume other than the boot volume, the check can only be performed at startup. If that doesn't solve the problem, grant yourself the necessary privileges. Click on the folder that contains OFP, bring up the Properties, then click Security. Under "Group or User Names", make sure the user as whom you normally log in has full rights to the OFP folder. Then click on Advanced and make sure that the selections are applied to child objects (folders and files).<span id='postcolor'> well I did that and rechecked it all today but still no luck! why did they have to create a new executeable anyway? (couldn't have just upgraded the old one?) (well I am currently making a mission on malden using OPf 1.46 so I will look into the resistance thing when I need to play the new campaign!
  7. Mr Z

    Administrator privligues

    well none of those programs brought anything up all files where a success. there has got tobe a simple explaination somewhere
  8. Mr Z

    Administrator privligues

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (bn880 @ Sep. 03 2002,02:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">OKay 2 things... I assume you are using NTFS, when you click on a folders properties you can click on Permissions button? Manually examine every folder in and including OFP/Res  (meaning check permissions) When you get a permissions error does it specify file or folder?  If not get yourself a file monitor... run the software as you launch OFPR and check which file or folder last gets Access Denied.<span id='postcolor'> well I tried all of that, but nope (it took a while, but I gave my self full control and Ownership to my main HD (including all folders\subfolders\files) so I am stuck (no files mentioned, just says please logon with Adminstrator privligues and try again) where can I get a file monitor?
  9. Mr Z

    Administrator privligues

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (bn880 @ Sep. 03 2002,01:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Log in as the other Admin.. Â At the moment I don't know what the problem is. Â When did it start, what was changed since it worked.<span id='postcolor'> I tried the other admin well Operation Flashpoint shortcuts/executables work fine! and the Resistance Shortcuts/executables do not! ( i get the privligues rubbish)
  10. Mr Z

    Administrator privligues

    there are 3 accounts 2 are administrators ( I am one of them) 1 is Limited (my sister do not want her screwing up the computer ) checked the windows temp folder, I am owner of the main one and my own temp folder! (i also changed the shortcut so if you execute it it asks you which user? (but that just kept bringing up the error cannot create file if file already exsists) so I reset it to normal!
  11. Mr Z

    Cannot memory map file res/addons/o.pbo

    um I just ran that checker thingy it says there are 43 files missing! I looked manually in the folders all the fileas are where there supposed to be!
  12. Mr Z

    Resistance crashes

    well I do not even get that far Windows XP is denying me access
  13. Mr Z

    Gamevoice, ofp and xp

    9--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (starstreams @ June 23 2002,189)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">(Hardware-Test-Wizard) says my sound hardware cannot play sounds. This doesn't make sense because I have one of  the latest Creative gaming cards with the latest "drivers" It is an Audigy Gamer EAX Gaming card.<span id='postcolor'> ok that hardware-test-wizard does not work properly with the Audigy, (I know as I hav fixed the problem) goto advanced setting for your sound and turn down the Hardware acceleration thingy to the first or second notch then run the sound wizard, (should work) now go back to the Advanced setting tab and turn accelertion back up. now you should have no problems. ok someone already said this but hey I am here to try and help
  14. Mr Z

    Um windows xp

    ok I could play opertion flashpoint with no problem until I installed resistance, Now whenever I try to run the game using the resistance exe I get the error:- Please login with administrator privliges and try again! The problem is I am already logged in as an administrator! N.B. I have not used windows update because I had to do a full reinstall after the last time because of this error in every other game! Â Â Â yes I did do a search before I posted but found nothing similar!
  15. Mr Z

    Um windows xp

    ok delete/lock this topic as I have found what I think to be the answer in another Topic, after searching for different words
  16. Mr Z


    ah yes the is a very big LOL! I have never seen the reason needing to jump in most games I play unless its single player! And I see no reason for it tobe in OPF! PS I am back!
  17. Thats a good choice me thinks, There all team games!
  18. Mr Z

    Which Game is will sell most?

    oh! well Unreal 2 is also a deathmatch orientayed game! I forgot about TF2, but not heard any news about it either!
  19. Whats the Deepest depth for the M113 in a mission? As I want todo a beach assault for my first Mission in my Campaign! And how many soldiers can fit in the Cargo for the BlackHawk?
  20. you could give the Russians Destroy Waypoints on all the Spies! (but the Russians might start killing each other to!)
  21. Mr Z


    ah! the good old nuke, that would be useful, as an object in my upcoming Campaign, Soviets Demanding a Ransom or nuke Washington nah! not really!
  22. Mr Z

    what res u guys play at

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">WTF! What kind of beasts are you guys playing on? I got 1GHz 256Mb (unfortunately onboard grafics) and my game seriously suffers if there is more than a small scuffle in the street, and that's at 800x600x16(or it may be 32bit I forgot).<span id='postcolor'> Let me see, I got a P4 1.8Ghz, 512MB Ram, SoundBlaster Audigy with 5:1 speakers, 40Gig HD an Old Geforce Pro 256 32MB DDRam 17in Monitor, I play the game at 800*600*32 85Hz HW T&L on as my windows Desktop is 1024*768*32 85Hz refresh rate, any higher and the refresh rate on my monitor is too low. I use to have a P2 350Mhz 384MB Ram, Same Graphics Card, and I could play the game with no problem (1024*768*32) with detail on half and HW T&L on and a SoundBlaster Live! Value
  23. Mr Z

    Looking for help with a campaign

    I am currently working on a Mission which will be part of my campaign, as I know some basic scripting and some useful camera tricks. more info here:- Need Help and check my site for more info about contacting me.My Operation Flashpoint Page! oh if anyone wants to help email me mrz@mrz-website.co.uk
  24. Hi there all, I am currently creating a mission for this great game Opf, here is a brief overview:- Its part 1 of a 2 part mission, Its a beach assault near Leport on Malden, is 5 M113's Armoured Infantry Squads to many? and a Chinook (with 24 Soldiers in(2 Squads)), oh and 2 M60 Tanks and 1 Cobra Helicopter for the Attacking force, and 3 BMP2's Armoured Infantry Squads, one standard Infantry Squad and 2 T72's for the defending (they can not see each other in the beginning), Thanks to a script from Bloodmixer the cobra gets blown out of the sky with Flak! I want about6 A1Abrams and 4 T80's to arrive after the Russians have been beaten, how can I make it look like the T80's drove there with out you being able to see them, Could I make the Abrams drop in by Parachute?
  25. Mr Z

    Um? How?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ Jan. 26 2002,01:59)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'll hold him down while you stamp on his goolies  <span id='postcolor'> Yeah Ok