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Everything posted by MilkyBarKid

  1. man ive been away for so long everythongs changed who are all these new people
  2. MilkyBarKid

    Maybe making a campain

    we already have one sorry
  3. MilkyBarKid


    Rob is the campaign still on there hasnt been any posting in our forum for quite a while im just wondering???
  4. MilkyBarKid

    Maybe making a campain

    still send it 2 me !
  5. MilkyBarKid

    Maybe making a campain

    rob have u made the 1st mission of our campaign if u have can u send it 2 me!
  6. MilkyBarKid

    Maybe making a campain

    well pah ich habe eine aschloch unt meine jagerwurst!!
  7. MilkyBarKid

    Maybe making a campain

    aaaaarrrrrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh connection timed out U f**k PIGS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. MilkyBarKid

    Maybe making a campain

    yeah im loading it now takes so d*amn long what did u think of my 2 bunkers are the useful in the campaign??
  9. MilkyBarKid

    Maybe making a campain

    why this is more fun u dont have 2 look
  10. MilkyBarKid

    Maybe making a campain

    u want my bunker rob so u can look around and find out all my secrets
  11. MilkyBarKid

    Maybe making a campain

    ok i havent posted in a while because i have been making a MASSIVE bunker maybe we could use it i dunno it looks really good its all walled in if i knew how 2 post pics id show u also i was messing about and i made a burning american flag with a russian saluting maybe we can make a screen shot from that into a banner i dunno anyway
  12. MilkyBarKid

    Maybe making a campain

    red u know in the campaign about mulitple endings i started makling a mission with like 1000 triggers where u could like do different things and they affected what happened in the mission maybe we could comtinue a little with that work !
  13. MilkyBarKid

    Maybe making a campain

    hey red man i dont have access to our private bit on the forum im so sad
  14. MilkyBarKid

    Maybe making a campain

    no-one knows man and red the forum still isnt working
  15. MilkyBarKid

    Maybe making a campain

    its good nice colour scheme ! we could make a really good banner too would make the site look really good!
  16. MilkyBarKid

    Maybe making a campain

    hey red the forum dont work 4 me any way have u got a post asp or are u doing html style cos my friend has one that we could use with a member log in and stuff its pretty sweet
  17. MilkyBarKid

    Maybe making a campain

    its his speakers i think
  18. MilkyBarKid

    Maybe making a campain

    unfortunaltly "RED DAWN" is the last mission in the campaign so we are gonna think of something else oh and *BUMP*
  19. MilkyBarKid

    Maybe making a campain

    Red Dawn erm i cant think at moment
  20. MilkyBarKid

    Maybe making a campain

    i will put a link on my website http://www.pc-gaming.com ok