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About Maxguard

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  1. Maxguard

    Vote, pro or contra Gamespy?

    aginst Gamespy but its all but money so don't care what we think
  2. Maxguard

    Multiplayer: does it work and is it fun ?

    by the way Im huge fan of ww2online even with the problems. I love battle that take long time, but until you can join a 24/7 server whats the point. Most people hosting games are jerks. And its impossible to find a good one. I spend more time looking for a game to play than playing
  3. Maxguard

    Multiplayer: does it work and is it fun ?

    I hope your right and to quick to judge, just so many games screw people now days it gets old. I have 7 days to try it, until Eb will not take it back. So I'll wish for the best thanks
  4. Another POS Gamespy rouge spear game. I buy games only for Multi player and so far this game BLOWS GOATS> Who wants to play a big ass map made for 100 people and nonone can join when the game started. If this had True dedicated Servers like Quake it would rule. But it don't and it sucks. laggy aas #### too
  5. Maxguard

    Multiplayer: does it work and is it fun ?

    No this games comes up short just like all the rest, Multi sucks no real Dedcaited servers. No 100 players. laggy. Who wants to play another RS with big ass maps that take 30min to find each other. Love the maps but until Dedcatied servers works this game sucks TAKING MINE BACK TO EB