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Everything posted by Marcus

  1. It´s no problem to capture the general. I just 'deflated' the tires of his jeep and the sniper took out the Speznaz. But then I have to destroy the second Scud! I tried this a dozend times and never found the f****** thing. The briefing notes tell something about air defense as if you could use some aircraft. But the two Hind´s from the earlier mission are gone and I have no idea where to find another aircraft in time. This realy sucks because I think this is the last mission.
  2. Marcus

    Need help on the 2nd Scud mission (Red Dawn)

    Is there an allied helicopter base am Kogluew? If so you could send out one of your soldiers with that jeep to get a helicopter while you and the rest nail the general. @Bomber: Where do you found the Hind? Scud problem: I failed in this mission a dozend times, and the Scud was fired from at least three different positions in the ending sequence! I seems that it has a random position or moves in the mission.