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About Magnum66

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Magnum66

    Operation flashpoint 2

    Im betting on a vietnam OFP. the few pics I've seen, have been 1960 to 70 flavored, plus... there was a group of modders doing a vietnam mod for OFP, when all of the sudden, they were ordered to stop. how dare you try and take some of codemasters money! lol
  2. Magnum66

    Operation flashpoint 2

    Im betting on a vietnam OFP. the few pics I've seen, have been 1960 to 70 flavored, plus... there was a group of modders doing a vietnam mod for OFP, when all of the sudden, they were ordered to stop. how dare you try and take some of codemasters money! lol
  3. Magnum66

    Screenshots are so 90's, videos?

    Hello fellow gamers, As a webmaster of my own gaming group, I'm kinda tired of putting up new screenshots every day, they just don't seem to express the real action. My question for you, my fellow gamers, anyone know how or what program is good for recording game footage, and converting it to a .mov file for uploading?
  4. Magnum66

    Screenshots are so 90's, videos?

    Hello fellow gamers, As a webmaster of my own gaming group, I'm kinda tired of putting up new screenshots every day, they just don't seem to express the real action. My question for you, my fellow gamers, anyone know how or what program is good for recording game footage, and converting it to a .mov file for uploading?
  5. If you like hard core rock music and sweet revenge then I invite you guys to try out our (MGG's) offical Stand Alone mission. It's just a taste of one of our best mission makers work, he's currently working on the complete Red Dawn movie mission, which I play tested and was pretty cool. http://www.militarygamers.com/files.htm Good Gaming to you all.
  6. Magnum66

    Stand alone mission

    If you like hard core rock music and sweet revenge then I invite you guys to try out our (MGG's) offical Stand Alone mission. It's just a taste of one of our best mission makers work, he's currently working on the complete Red Dawn movie mission, which I play tested and was pretty cool. http://www.militarygamers.com/files.htm Good Gaming to you all.
  7. Magnum66

    Demo question

    This is a copy/paste from a locked thread... I see nothing wrong with this post, these moderators must be pencil neck geeks, that get off on these assigned power... Answer please before they lock, and kick me, (online because they know they couldn't do it in life.) lol Just wondering... I have resistance, so don't need the demo, but heard the 2 missions in the demo are new. can Itake those mission files and put them in my full version mission file? Thanks in advance.
  8. Magnum66

    For the moderator

    your an ass... first time visiting this forum, last time I will. search the 5000 post yourself dickhead.
  9. Just wondering... I have resistance, so don't need the demo, but heard the 2 missions in the demo are new. can Itake those mission files and put them in my full version mission file? Thanks in advance.
  10. Magnum66

    Two cursor arrows

    It's not to big of a deal, but still a little annoying... When I start OFP: Resistance, (didn't do it before), I get 2 cursors on the main screen. One is the default windows cursor and the other is the in game cursor... I can use the in game cursor and windows cursor disappears when I start the mission, and also disappears when I alt tab out then back again.... Just wondering if there is any way to fix this annoying problem. (Game still works, and is great! so no biggy if I can't.) I have a: Micron, P4-2000, 512 RAM, GeForce 3 ti500 w/64 MB... current drivers and direct X, operating system: WIN XP pro Thanks in advance.
  11. Magnum66

    Insert own music...

    At one of the tutorials there was a sample sound mission that I downloaded and installed, it worked good as is. Then I replaced the song in the exact folder they had the ogg song with my ogg song (Barry Sadler's Ballard of the Green Beret... (great military song)) and then the song wouldn't play... I'll look into a few things that I think it might be, then if no luck I'll post a follow up request. Thanks for all your help so far...
  12. Magnum66

    Insert own music...

    OK... I've converted the sound file to ogg... I've done the notepad thing... and followed the directions on the tutorial but no luck...nothing. (think the notepad file characters might be wrong, but looks right to me...) Also, I want this file as background music... so don't need a character to activate it... Any advise??? thanks in advance
  13. Kinda new at making missions for OFP. But had a few questions about inserting my own music into a mission. 1. Can it be done? 2. What file format does it need to be in? 3. and how is it inserted? Thanks in advance...
  14. Hello fellow gamers, Need a favor from one of you add on nuts. My gaming group has started a little OFP contest, (the contest is pasted below just for general info), What I need is to know if any of you know where I can get a MP (Military Police) add on. (A soldier in MP uniform.) It would be greatly appreciated, and thanks in advance. Magnum www.jarvisgroup.net/mgg OK all MGG members who have OFP listen up... We all know how versitle the mission editor is in OFP, and a couple of members (Octupi and Soulsearcher) have already created incredible missions. My challenge to you all is to make a mission that is closest to what your actual MOS is or was. Using proper TO&E, proper mission types for your MOS and proper vehicles assign to your type of unit. There are fan site out there with incredible add on's for all types of equiptment and weapons, Also Octupi and Soulsearcher have alot of add on's that might fit your challenge needs. At the end of January, they will all be submitted, all members of MGG that have OFP will test and evaluate every mission, then a vote will be taken to see, not only who has the prettiest most complete mission, but what seems to come closet to that type of MOS. We've never given prizes away before... but I'm looking into what type of prizes can and will be awarded to the winner. (but that's not definite yet)... Heres is an example: (Please title your mission by your name then MOS) Magnum 95B I would try and have a squad or platoon level of MP's with Humvees (or jeeps, depending on time of service), 4 members per team, 4 teams per squad, 4 squads per platoon. Each team consist of a team leader (M16/203), a machine gunner (M60), a radioman (M16, smoke, medic), and a driver of the humvee or jeep (M16, LAW). A typical combat mission for MP's was (in 1985), to secure the rear from speznats who were reportedly going to paratroop in the rear and disrupt supply lines, also to escort convoys, and traffic control for larger conveys. thats the basics but you get the idea. Good luck, and reply if you in, or if you think this is stupid. (so I don't waste my time being the only one. hehe)
  15. Magnum66

    Wheres the RH add on?

    I know this has probally been asked before, but I spend more time playing OFP then talking about it. lol Today is Dec. 18th, the day that Red Hammer was too be released. Well where the #### is it? (typed jokingly), I called all my store contacts they say, yep should of been here today... but they didn't get it. I want the add on now! Why the #### the US have to wait... you trying to screw with America or what? (again, posted in a fun tone not negitive. lol)