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About Longy221

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  1. Longy221

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    Sprocket worked perfectly for me. Took me 90 minutes to download too!
  2. Longy221

    ArmaHolic ArmA 2 Optimization

    Is there something wrong for me? I can only run at a mix between low and medium and I only get average fps of around 40 when there's nothing happening. (for me games are really hard to play when fps is less than 30). I got a 9800GX2, 4gb RAM and Q9450 2.66GHz. Surely that system should be able to run this game alot better.
  3. I suggest if you're going to play long games with high settings that you "flush" your video memory now and then to ensure that you don't run out of it. To flush your video memory do this: 1. Hold down left shift 2. Press the minus on your numpad 3. Release both keys 4. Type "flush" The screen should turn black and some message should pop up. After a while it's done and then your video memory should be reset.
  4. Longy221

    Merlin - Training System

    This is really awesome, and I thank you for it! There's something I'm wondering though. Can I somehow make it so clients cant see stuff like spawn messages for objects and units and those lines on the map that tells where the enemy AIs are?