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Everything posted by loyalguard

  1. Looks for access = #, that's what tells you what is protected or not. You may have to look at the full config. Value meanings are here: ​https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgWeapons_Config_Reference#TokenNames
  2. A quick peek at the configs in the SIX Config Browser show the following: GrenadeHand - access is 3 (no modifiction) G_40mm_HE - access is 3 (no modifiction) MH9_Base_F - access is 0 (modifiable)
  3. In Stratis' config file, I could find (at least) the following types of locations as they corresponded to different named locations on the map: NameCityCapital NameMarine NameLocal NameCity NameVillage Hill There could obvisiouly be more as I may not be looking in all the right places in the config. You can find the config in the SIX Config Browser. The Class "Names" begins on line 1744 where you an see the names of locations and their associated location types.
  4. There is a new command that you can also try magazinesDetail
  5. I have already been using this extensively.. a great addition to an already invaulable tool!
  6. I have already been using this extensively.. a great addition to an already invaulable tool!
  7. loyalguard

    Skirmish module tutorial?

    Just an FYI on the black screen, it is caused by use of the titleCut command to block the player's view while the module(s) is initialized. There are a couple subsequent waitUntil commands used so it is possibly if the module(s) doesn't initialize correctly the titleCut never ends.
  8. I have had some crazy crashes when working with dialogs so it is not entirely inconceivable that a missing entry could cause a crash especially if the dialog is defined in the description.ext. The .RPT does not help a ton but it could be an inhertiance problem. Regardless, just to clarify, where you executing createDialog from a client instance connected to your local server or from the server instance? CreatDialog is local only so if called from the server (unless SP) it could probaby behave erratically
  9. I remember your fine work for A2. Well done!
  10. I believe so. If you want to set the state of a task (such as the one I made above) to succeeded you would do the following function call: ["objTask1", "Succeeded"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState;
  11. loyalguard

    Skirmish module tutorial?

    I have been looking through the scripts associated with the module a little and I think you might need to just sync the module to units that you have already placed in the editor and then it creates a dynamic patrol based on that. I think there are three route options but I cannot dig in too much of what there are because I think they are based on AI FSMs. In the module's init line you can try to enter this to enter into debug mode and see what the units are doing and what their route is, but again, I think you need to place units and sync them first. this setVariable ["Debugs",2]; This is all untested and theoretical.
  12. From poking around a little, there appear to be some new function calls you can use to make use of the task modules. For example, there is a function called BIS_fnc_taskCreate that takes the following arguments (in order) used to create a task: OBJECT or ARRAY - Task owner(s) (includes object's group) STRING or ARRAY - Task name or array in the format [task name, parent task name] ARRAY - Task description in the format ["description", "title", "marker"] OBJECT or ARRAY or STRING - Task destination BOOL or NUMBER - Set as current task (default: false) Example (not tested): [player, "objTask1", ["This is the Task Description", "Task Title", "taskMarkerName"], objNull, true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate; So this would assign to the player objTask 1, with the task description "This is the Task Description", the title "Task Title", associated with the marker "taskMarkerName", with no associated destination object (objNull), and make it the current task (true). Again, I have not tried this but it appears this is how it works. Note if there is no marker just use "". If there is destination use it instead of objNull.
  13. I cannot say for sure, but if you have more than one type of object in the ammobox, getWeaponCargo probably returns a nested array. For example if you had 1 evmoney and 5 evmoney2 in there, I think the array would return: [["evmoney", 1], ["evmoney2", 5]] In the examle above, _ev = _cbcont select 1 will make _ev = ["ev2", 5] which is an array. So, in order to make your equation work, you have to extract the number from the second position in that array istelf. Example: _ev = (_ev select 1) * 350; Now, this also assumes that evmoney is in the second slot of the ammox box (select 1). If evmoney 2 is in that slot, your calcuations will be off, so you may also want to check you have the correct object before you calculate. Example: if (_ev select 0 = "evmoney") then { _ev = (_ev select 1) * 350; }; The other problem could be (or it could be a combination of the two), that first you initialize _ev as an array and then reassign it as a number. I would change the variable where you perform the calcuation to a differnet name (like _evAmount or something like that).
  14. Like you, I have just browsed through CfgVehicles and did find there are lot of objects without hidden selections. Can you give us an example of one of the objects you want to use? The particle method may be a good route. I believe several scripters/modders used a similar method to simulate thermals in ArmA1. The reason why thermals work without hidden selections is it uses a completely different method. I do not know exactly how the engine does it, but it is probably something like this: The object has a special thermal imaging texture map. It has nothing to do with hidden selections. If a player uses optics that have thermals enabled in its config, when you look at the object through the thermal optics you see the thermal imaging texture map instead of the nomal texture(s).
  15. I believe thermals are handled by a combination of a special thermal imaging texture map on the object itself which can only be seen when using weapons optics which have thermal imaging capability in its config.
  16. I am pretty sure there is no way to use PP efects to do this as this will apply the effect to the whole screen, not just select objects. But, you may be able to use setObjectTexture to re-texture the objects as needed. I have never done this but if you search it there are a lot of threads. You would probably want to try the procedural textures (R,G,B,A) method so you do not have to create new textures. In the Biki article, see the note at the botton from Lou Montana for an explanation on the proceudural texture method.
  17. Ah! Finally a command to get the stance of a unit: stance
  18. Wow! This command is going to be a fantastic addition: allMapMarkers. Before if you did not know the name of a marker, there was no way of referencing it. This command will return the names of all markers on the map in an array.
  19. Congrats on the release and thanks for using AEG!
  20. KK, I just responded to your PM on the same topic.
  21. I hope to get back into developing for ArmA one day. Real life committments have kept me away for about a year now and I am also currently without a gaming rig. If I am able to get back in to it, I will look at Lingor and other islands.
  22. Look up setPos or setPosATL, that should give you what you need need. You may also need to setDir after the teleport to make sure the unit(s) face the right way.
  23. loyalguard

    setFuelCargo locality

    If that code is executed from the init.sqf or the init line of a unit it will run on all machines unless you use isServer to ensure it only runs on the server.
  24. You could try setFormDir instead of setDir. That might fix the direction facing problem.