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Everything posted by loyalguard

  1. loyalguard

    Evolution V3.0

    I haven't tried it yet, but the next time it happens assuming it is not to far out, I want to try to push it ashore with a M113 (since they are amphibious) and then repair it. The M113 is very slow in water so I am not sure how much "force" it can generate to be able to push it but that is the only option I can figure.
  2. loyalguard

    Sahrani population..

    oh, thanks Edit: ok, that list didn't make any sense. Phew, it's not me...I thought there was something I was missing b/c I didn't understand much of it but thought I was just not reading it correctly. Sorry for leading you down a crooked path!
  3. loyalguard

    Sahrani population..

    What about the proposal from the BI Wiki: ArmA: Military Forces
  4. loyalguard

    Sahrani population..

    That is funny that you mentioned Curaçao because that is exactly what I was thinking as well as the best comparison to Sahrani. Even the language of the Sahrani seems similar in description to the language in the Netherlands Antilles (Papiamentu). From having spent a lot of time in Curaçao, I'd say the southern portion of Sahrani is very remniscent as far as terrain goes (the architecture is quite different though). I think 100,000-130,000 would be a good fictional estimate for the pop. of Sahrani.
  5. loyalguard

    Semi/auto change mode

    I agree this would be a great idea. Kinda funny though, right now with default key controls, the only unbound keys on the main part of the keyboard (everythig as far as F12) are "J", RightShift, LeftWindows, RightAlt, RightWindows, and the Application button.
  6. loyalguard

    Command menu "TEAM"

    Firstly, I want to thank you all for turning me on to Shoot. Â It has vastly improved my gameplay experience. Regarding the inability to select a color team, I think I might be close to a solution (with a minor caveat) for this but need some help. Okay, as we know there is no "team menu" in ArmA to program voice cpmmands to directly select color teams as described above. Â But, if you hold down your command key without selecting all or a specific unit and you have units assigned to color teams (say red and green), we see a menu something like this in the upper right hand corner of the screen: ~: Select --------- Team Red Team Green ---------- F2: F3: F4: Bummer, no key to select the color teams, but, we can scroll down the list with the "]" by default in ArmA. Â So, I tried this in Shoot: Phrase: "team red" Key: SpaceBar Delay: 500 Key: ] Key: Enter This should hold down the command button for 500ms, scroll down 1 line in the menu and highlight Team Red. Â To select team green, you would just repeat the "]" key, and so on...But...it didn't work! Â When I tried it by actually pressing the keys I had no problem but I couldn't get it to work in Shoot. Â Any ideas why? Â Can anyone else find a solution on this track or do you think I am off-base? If we can get a method like this to work, like I said, there is a caveat. Â ArmA lists the teams in the command menu in a hierarchial order: Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, White. Â So, if you have two teams assigned (Say red and green) the menu will show red then green. Â But, say you want to use only blue and yellow? Â Well, blue will show up first and then yellow second, but the command for blue would be "]"x3 key. Â So, to make this system work (if we can find a solution), you would always have to assign your teams in order: Red for your first team, green for your second, etc... Okay Shoot experts, what do you think?
  7. loyalguard

    FPS Display

    Minor thread hijack, but have you had any problems running TS overlay with ArmA, Pepel? Which graphics card do you have\drivers? I'm unable to run them together, the overlay causing intermittent lag. I won't speak for pepel, but I know of a few people who cannot run TSO and ArmA. Â Thankfully, I have never had a problem. Â I have a 8800GTS 320 with the latest beta NVIDIA drivers. I actually run ArmA, Fraps, and TS/TSO all at the same time w/o problem. I used to use TSO exclusively for FPS display but I have now found that if I plan on doing screenshots or recording video Fraps is better since the FPS dispaly flashes white when you take a screenshot and turn red when recording video...nice features to make sure you get the images you want (there have many times I though I got a shot or was recording when I wasn't)
  8. loyalguard

    Arma slower with Windows Vista?

    [H]ard|OCP did some evaluations recently comparing gaming performance between XP and Vista, using both NVidia and ATI cards. Â XP pretty much came out on top in all tests so it doesn't surprise me that ArmA might run slower on Vista than XP (though ArmA itself wasn't tested). Â Here are links to the articles: NVidia Cards: XP vs. Vista - A Tale of Framerates ATI Cards (with commentaty on the previous NVidia test) XP vs. Vista - A Tale of Framerates: Redux
  9. loyalguard

    6thSense.eu Presents: "Pack1"

    Greetings Sickboy et al- I love the "pack", I had it installed even before launching ArmA for the first time (this past Sunday) because it came so highly recommeded, so I guess I'll never know the difference but it is still profound...awesome work! I am having one small difficulty. I mostly play MP and also do not want to have to scroll through the extra markers that others may not be able to see (as Matt first mentioned above), I have followed the instructions on how to disable them, but they still show up in-game. Everytime I try to place a marker it defaults to a blue cross which among other markers, other can't see. Here is what I am doing: -I completed deleted SIX_TRACERS & SIX_MISC, including the .hpp files in the dta folder. - I copied newly extracted Pack1 v0.1RC6 SIX_TRACERS & SIX_Misc folders and their respective dta folders into the ArmA installation folder. When I did so, I get a message confirming that a dta folder alreasy exists and asking to overwrite, which I do. -I go into the dta folder, confirm both that the SIX_TRACERS & SIX_MISC .hpp files are there. -I open the SIX_MISC .hpp file in notepad and put "// " infront of "#define SIX_MARKERS". Am I missing something or doing someting wrong? Thanks! -Loyalguard