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About LastRifleRound

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. LastRifleRound

    Fixes Since Last Time?

    Still can't seem to equip the Javelin at all. Grass actually works!! HOLY CRAP!!! I might finally be able to play this thing after all. The Armory is a very cool new feature as well.
  2. LastRifleRound

    Fixes Since Last Time?

    I haven't played ArmA since I bought the DL version released for the UK the day it went public. Half the stuff in the game didn't work. I'm curious: 1.) Did they ever fix the Javelin? 2.) Can enemies still see through grass? 3.) Can enemies still know your position when you detonate satchels? 4.) Has encoded bullet misses been changed? I fear the answer to all of these will be they are exactly the same.
  3. LastRifleRound


    I've asked a couple times before, I'll try again. What do I need to do to access the game's config? I have no experience editing OFP or ARMA before. What file do I need to access? What tools? No one discusses this on any of the forums because anyone interested already knows how to do it. I want to edit AI and the dispersion of some of the small arms specifically.
  4. LastRifleRound

    unfair arma ?

    This is not the place for nationalistic pride. They all seem pretty damn effective when bullets discharged from their chambers are whizzing past your head. I think the last thing going through a soldier's mind is "gee, that AK-47 would be so much more intimidating if it weren't a German knock-off. Besides, I'm not afraid because I'm in close range. Those 7mm rounds suck there." Germany doesn't make the best anything. Neither does Russia, and neither does the USA. Each military has a doctrine it selected and chose a rifle to outfit itself that fit this doctrine the best way possible. Case in point: USA has switched to primarily urban-centered warfare doctrines. Hence, most all active duty military are trained on a carbine (M4) as opposed to a rifle (M16). Are we to say that the M4 is vastly superior to the M16? No, it just so happens the US army feels that the M4 fits the role they wish filled and supports they way they wish to fight the most.
  5. LastRifleRound

    The weapons thread.

    Is there a way I can scale back my ArmA to a previuos version? I DL'd the English version which is stock 1.05, but it's so bad it is basically unplayable. I've been playing OFP and basically ignoring that I even spent money on this until they drastically improve it. It feels like the FFUR/SLX mod for OFP. For some reason people really hate that aimpoint and are under the impression that it is horribly inaccurate. I heard it's zeroed at 400m, but if I aim low at the ground it ends up hitting EXACTLY where the dot is. It's like the game calculates certain shots at a target as a miss, but if you just fire at the ground they hit dead center. Kind of stupid if you ask me. I like the way they had it in OFP better. I've been complaining about this alot, but this "feature" or bug or whatever it is really makes the game feel like a roll of the dice as opposed to a tactical FPS.
  6. LastRifleRound

    unfair arma ?

    If this were a U.S. victory simulator, I don't think OPFOR would be picking you off from 500m with those "crappy" AK-74's. Note that they only suck when they are in YOUR hands. The M4 aimpoint is by far the most unreliable least accurate weapon in the game. The T-72 can successfully destroy an M1A1 at any distance as opportunely as an M1A1 can strike it. I don't know what the configs say, but playing the game, having your dumb AI squad annihilated by all-seeing OPFOR doesn't seem anti East, it seems anti-player. Drunken Russians? No. More like omniscient ninja communists to me. (Note that OPFOR in this game is not Russian, rather a made-up communist nation. The only "real" country simulated is America.)
  7. LastRifleRound

    Funny Review of ArmA

    People get grumpy as people post reviews of ARMA like that on gamespot.com. Â And they say SH*t GFX, Sh*T gameplay 1 out of 10 I'm going back to "pew pew" Counterstrike causes thats real and has fab graphics and runs fine on my Atari ST! So even a joke review upsets the fans of ARMA, Â I see ARMA and see the most stunning technical achievment yet on the PC. Others sit a bitch, that the AI can shoot them through a bush.... Funny vs ARMA would have been saying: During multiplayer, many online gamers have to go days without sleep or food trying to find were some other cock abandoned a helicopter or Fuel Truck to complete a coop mission. The woods are rendered so realistic, Â some players team up to drive in the civilian cars and compete in Dogging competions deep in the foilage while the battle rages elsewhere. hence the demand for realistic female soldiers to be added to the game... If shot in the leg, you are left crawling looking for a medic to help you, Â if shot in the crotch, your voice becomes female and high pitched and you lose all skills in driving or parking due to the massive realism implimented in ARMA. The American side of the island is unlrealistic as there are no drive-through McDonalds, Malls or gunshops (No wonder they were leaving! The entire fight between boths side boils down to control of the only toilet on the 400sq km island located in Corazol. Â Both sides are fed up with crapping in the woods. Â The absence of toilets and mirrors in the game so far explain the lack of Bikinni clad girls in the beach resorts. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. LastRifleRound

    Funny Review of ArmA

    Turn off VSYNC, tripple buffer in your GPU control software. Make sure you have a decent FPS. Don't use POST PROCESS high, Â and you can't miss at 2km. I have an ATI 1300X. Runs the game ultra-smooth at low res. Post process is set to the lowest, triple buffering is disabled on my GPU. I don't know where VSYNC is, but I'm sure that's probably not on either. Still have the problem of the M4 dispersing it's shots randomly on targets EXACTLY more than 100m away. This problem DOES NOT OCCURR with ANYTHING IRONSIGHTED. Doesn't look like a hardware issue to me.
  9. LastRifleRound

    M4 mods

    The laser sight you see is supposed to be an AN/PEQ-5, an invisble laser sight. You would only see it w/image intensifiers and thermal vision. It is primarily for ranges 100m and under, and it's advantage is allowing accurate fire without having to sight your weapon. It is a significant modification that should be represented, along with the AN/PAS-13 TWS, allowing DRASTICALLY improved target aquisition traded off with less ability to identify your targets. ACOG and Aimpoint are in there, as they should. The army is standardizing the M68, and the Marines are looking to give every Marine a scoped rifle, likely the ACOG line of sights. M4 is not full auto, M4A1 is. This is the same as RL. There needs to be a sight for the grenade laucher. You do not fire explosive ordinance off without sighting it. There is no room for guessing, and the fact that there is no sight is abject silliness. The javelin needs to be fixed NOW. Unless you are in woodlands or heavily populated urban landscapes, you are not much of a threat to any armored vehicle with an M136. This is basically OFP right now with different names for stuff. The way most people have to run it, it looks about the same as OFP, too. But this game has INCREDIBLE potential. I hope BIS steps up support, not only to squash bugs, but to introduce more features. As they threw the 1.05 patch out for the DL'able English version's release. I believe you will see the next patch around the American release by Atari late April to early May. I haven't heard this from anyone, it's just a feeling.
  10. LastRifleRound

    Funny Review of ArmA

    You know, I keep seeing that pirated versions won't allow you to hit your targets. Yet I have a legitimate version and have the same problem. After I realized that MGs and iron-sighted weapons are the way to go, the games actually a shit load of fun. And I have no friggin clue what he was talking about with the rocket laucher. The M136 is quite accurate once you get used to it's drop rate and will demolish pretty much everything except a T-72's front armor up to about 400m away.
  11. LastRifleRound

    The weapons thread.

    Interesting. See, I still have randomization of scatter with an M4 aimpoint that occurss *exactly* after 100m Any target under 100m will be hit like a laser with the aimpoint. I try raising my aim for targets beyond this range, but it's not bullet drop causing the misses or a sight zero, it's randomization. This randomization does not seem to occurr with iron-sighted weapons, and CERTAINLY does not occur with any machine guns (SAW, RPK). I bought the DL Enlgish v1.05 off of Sprockets, so my copy is legitimate. Has anyone mastered the M4 aimpoint and figured out how to use it? I've single shotted over 12 rounds to a target 215m away with the dot center-of-mass for every shot without hitting ONCE. My AI squad ended up killing him. And if they weren't distracted, he would've killed me in 4 shots tops. What's the deal?
  12. LastRifleRound

    How to add a Javelin to a soldier

    I will definitely make a back-up! How do I get started?
  13. LastRifleRound

    How to add a Javelin to a soldier

    Ok i've got this all sorted on my own. now how do you locate and edit the config files for ArmA? I'm going to see if I can fix the Jav and the assault rifles.
  14. LastRifleRound

    How to add a Javelin to a soldier

    I see. I had an earlier thread on this that was hi-jacked, and I was told to try the following script on an ammo truck (w/out quotes of course) truck addweaponcargo [javelin, 2] I get no error message in creating this script. It doesn't do anything either. The truck has the same loadout it would have had if I hadn't used any script at all.
  15. I wanted to add the Javelin to a mission, or maybe even get to use it in campaign. Everyone keeps talking about an "init" file. Where is this file? I've searched every forum and every game directory and cannot locate such a file.