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About Ligur

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Ligur

    The Cause

    I'll pipe in. Great voice acting & had a fun go playing the first two. Keep it up, if you ever make a campaign of these I'm sure it will be great. I'd include these missions with the growing but still rare user made gems for ArmA. BIS really left it to the community to provide SP content this time round, and the community is answering the shout [spoiler!] edit: in the first mission I spotted there is something in the trunk and had time to grab it, and proceeded to clean most of the capitalist pigs myself with a stolen M4. Props to the fact you don't really HAVE to though! If you can somehow make the whole series work like this instead of reverting to the typical player-has-to-eliminate-120-infantry-alone format I'll raise a toast. [/end spoiler]
  2. Ligur

    [CAMP] Perpetua - RELASE!!!

    Going on the 7th mission, Ghosts and Capriccio had me pulling some of meager hair off. In more than a few missions you really have to think on your feet, slapping orders like a minigun while doing two or three other things at the same time (and personally fighting the OPFOR on top of that) but it's a ton of fun. Dead End, IMHO, was a stroke of GENIUS. Best. Campaign. Mission. Ever. I played Cappricio and Dead End using the new beta patch btw, everything worked fine as far as I can tell. I swear the smarter path finding AI even helped (and the change in eye adaptation, albeit an improvement all in all, made some parts of Cappricio pure hell). *********SPOILAH********** Some of the stuff is really hard though. I'd give an additional minute to prepare for the convoy in Ghosts for one, took me a dozen reloads (at least, might've been two dozen; lost track of time) to survive the armor without any friendly casualties. I always enjoy a well prepared ambush and didn't feel like I had enough time to set one up, even after practicing the routine over several times. Guess that's just personal preference and a minor detail in the whole scope, the campaign overall is great. *********/SPOILAH**********
  3. Ligur

    [CAMP] Perpetua - RELASE!!!

    Started playing today, having a blast. Like this more than what BIS offered this far.
  4. Like this: leave your TOW hummers behind that... "hill" thingy the enemy armor will climb up (they, the BMPS, are using the semi zig-zag road). Place them (hummers) on a counter slope position; they should see the BMPS for about 4 seconds at most, just as they crest the hill, and then fire. Dance to a position where you can see the BMPs with your NV goggles or somehting. Use the command interface to give your hummers a target before they are even visible for them, i.e. when the BMPs are climbing up your guys already have targeted them and are ready to shoot before they are even visible: when they come up the hill and within LOS of your TOW hummers the hummers WILL launch a TOW. Or twom or three. Bang bang bang. Notice your squad mates are very, very low level on skill in this mission, so you have to practically command them each time you want them to do something even close to properly, I tried once without using the command interface all the time and they operated very poorly.
  5. Ligur

    [CAMP] Perpetua - RELASE!!!

    Haven't had the time to play the campaign yet but after reading the response, I'm sure I will. Poor grammar can and will turn some people off and can serve as a distraction, it depends... Hats off, people really seem to enjoy your work which should be enough proof of your skills. Proposal: I don't speak english as my first language either but have been reading & speaking it the past 17 years, use it daily at work (since -02) and I've also had the (unfortunate) experience of doing some technical manual translations here and there. My grammar or written language is nowhere near an academic student of it since I mostly converse... but IF you need help fixing the grammar I'd be happy to help. Email or PM me if interested or something. I can go through a lot of text quite quickly.
  6. Ligur


    Great news, keep up the good work. We tried another evening and got an injured "Boris" to the extraction point, lots of fun again. --------------- Spoiler ------------------- That rat bastard Boris actually flew out of his office like a bat out of hell after our sniper took out a bunch of guards close by. Guess he became alarmed when the soldier next to him collapsed with a hole in his head while some grenades went off in the yard? I chased him at full run for 200+ meters downhill, caught him in the bush - just as an URAL emptied a squad next to us. That triggered a "mad minute" (I think I emptied three clips without pausing) but we got out - with a crawling Boris. Laugh. --------------- Spoiler -------------------
  7. Ligur


    End mission trigger did not work for us? :P i.e. nothing happened (mind you, we failed to complete a little something, but shouldn't the mission still end when you go to the extraction point?) Fun mission though. I really like the scenery, map layout and how the OPFOR is placed & reacts. Also there are several ways you can approach the mission and even run through it without heavy enemy contact. Or then go in guns blazing. I'd love to see more 1-8 player co-ops which are also smaller, faster to complete. Not everyone has hours and hours to invest to play just one mp mission. This, Communications Breakdown and Red Hotel must be some of the must fun co-ops I've played.
  8. Ligur

    Sahrani Virus: A New Beginning (MP)

    So where does one download the most recent version? LET US TEST
  9. I had a blast with this, but before the mission started I changed the explosives (group menu) to me, instead of Mr. Spec-Ops. I crawled on the top of the hill near the wrecked Blackhawk, ordered my prone AI teamies to good cover arc positions with "hold fire" orders, adjusted my spot so as to see the radio and told my friends to open fire & simultaneously shot everyone on my own scope. The camp was cleared quick but we missed the URAL drivers so I had to shoot them through the windshields as they were trying to drive off. Props to AI teammates on this, the other one was a great help and shot what I think was a full clip on the other URAL. I rushed into the camp with a pistol, killed two OPFOR guys who were hiding behind a building (invisible from the hill to the north) and rigged the explosives. ran away and blew them up. Whee AI reinforcements time! I placed the last charge I had to the road leading west of the camp and ordered the AI guys to "stand up" and run post haste north, into some bushes. and go prone again, into a position I hoped had a clear POV to the western gate of the camp. I blew up the last charge when the reinforcement Ural came in and got into fullblown bulletspammer mode with the M24 and the M9; had a horrible prolonged firefight with them. Fun note: my AI mates I re-positioned during the last firefight were already on the extraction point by the time the situation escalated very badly and the sniper took down people on the hill to the north of the compound shooting from the EXTRACTION POINT. You should not even see anyone from there? What? Also, same ol' AI ignores terrain bug? Too much shrubbery and trees to really see to that distance? Dunno, he was standing where the helo lands and I was zooming with binocs as he took down at least three OPFOR targets in the camp. Oh well... Summa summarum: Fun mission.
  10. Ligur

    Sahrani Virus: A New Beginning (MP)

    We just had a game on "hard" with three players, albeit OFP vets. But it was far from a walk in the park. One of the guys was out of ammo half to the final base :O Also we played with no... aim... spot... whatever... so yo had to raise the optics to hit something. It was more tense for sure.
  11. Ligur

    Sahrani Virus: A New Beginning (MP)

    Yeah it has, what, 10 years? You certainly have a nick that is not easy to forget and what with making maps and stuff I still remembered you, didn't think you'd remember my nick tho. Extremely happy to hear you are starting to work on the sequel. I take it you won't be releasing updates to the first one?
  12. Ligur

    Armed Assault videos

    Try installing Quicktime Alternative and Realplayer Alternative. Google them up on Sourceforge.net After you install those two and defilerpak (http://hellninjacommando.com/defilerpak/) you should be able to view everything and anything.
  13. Ligur

    Dolores (miss2) is very very broken

    Matey, if you read the thread you should know you don't NEED to combat the enemy armor. I shot some up for fun and games, but you don't need to do that to accomplish the mission. You are asked to "harass the enemy". Ignore the armor if they feel too hard to take down, haul ass to platoon III and take a hummer. Drive away. Mission accomplished. You could also edit the game a little and reduce friendly and enemy shooting precision so they are not such cracks shots all the time. They ignore grass and other visual problems the player has to face anyhow so I don't think it's unfair to do so, especially when you get to the point where a game is not fun anymore but instead frustrating. edit: d'oh, mbv above gave basically the same advice already
  14. Ligur

    Sahrani Virus: A New Beginning (MP)

    I've actually seen them swamp a player and kill him to DEATH once. And also injure several players, including me. But yeah the most dangerous situations always are where someone panics in the middle of 12556 Zombies, goes into MAD MINUTE MODE and accidentally fires into teammates. I once bounced a grenade off the forehead of a zombie who sort of appeared from nowhere in front of me and ended up offing myself (and pile of them).
  15. Ligur

    "Sanitize" - just plain wrong

    Yeah sorry, I re-read my post and admit I sounded like an asshole. I honestly didn't mean to come out like that, guess I was in a bad mood when I wrote it. I get your point and feel like a moron right now. But I've had this "wow I'm just one of the guys running around, and OMG, the AI is handling most of the battle!!!" in ArmA, like I did in OFP. Anyway sorry for sounding off like a moron. Maybe I've just been really lucky with the missions this far, it appears almost everyone has a different experience with the campaign. Often very, very different. Sanitize is CERTAINLY a mission that needs a lot of involvement from the player to complete succesfully, but there are others that only need the player to more or less stay alive and stay low to complete. Also it is an auxiliary mission: if you want to lead the guys and think about it, play it, if you don't, don't play it. Derr. If my brain is not totally shot, I think OFP and all the additional campaigns had a lot of both. This far, ArmA has included missions that need me to do basically everything, and then others where I haven't really done much else than eat dirt. I like the variety and the _option_ to take an auxiliary mission where I am required to do and think everything on my own.