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About Lustus

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  1. Lustus

    Anti-Air Units on West

    Hello! Are there any good addons on the west side like the PATRIOT, HAWK or something else? I 've only found the ADATS and the german Gepard. There are much more AA units on east and i want to keep my addons balanced! The Vulcan is to weak against the new aircraft addons...
  2. Lustus

    Project 941 Akula Ver 1.2

    ok new chance.... is there any possibility to finish this amazing addon for ofp? ONLY this one, no others. Maybe as a little present to the community. To developer: Think about it and take your time. But it would be very nice
  3. Lustus

    Falklands mod progress

    Is there a list of the ships which will be included?
  4. Lustus

    Project 941 Akula Ver 1.2

    hello! Does somebody know if this addon is still in work?
  5. Lustus

    F/A-18E/F 1.0 Released!

    Thx!!! Now I got more slots for Bombs and Rockets muahahahahaha
  6. Lustus

    F/A-18E/F 1.0 Released!

    hi guys! Nice work! But what are the classnames for the fuel tanks? I can't find it!