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Posts posted by lennard

  1. When looking in this thread I noticed a lot of Led Zeppelin vids. I'm a great fan of classic rock myself.

    Lately I've been listening something different though. It's from a channel from youtube called "Daydreamers". It puts awesome HD footage together with trance/house songs. It's greatly relaxing when modding or travelling by public transport I've experienced. :)

  2. mi17releaseheader.png

    Today I'd like to introduce my Mi-17 BETA pack to you I've been working on for a couple of months. It will add several Mi-17 variants that are based on "Hips" that are used in Afghanistan by NATO forces. They are mostly used to drop off SF units. I've seen pics of them with Australian SOTG, Afghan Commandos, US Army SF and DEA in southern Afghan. I've also read that British SAS was using them in Afghanistan, they were believed to be baby blue.

    I've also included some variants that fit the Armaverse more as that was little effort anyway (CDF, ACR and Takistani Army).


    It adds a total of 11 variants to your game.

    Where to find it in the editor?

    DEA/CIA >> Air

    ANA >> Air/Support

    Takistani Army >> Air

    CDF >> Air

    ACR >> Air



    [TABLE=class: grid, width: 500]


    [TD]DEA Camo livery[/TD]

    [TD] "DEA_MI17_MG_Camo"[/TD]



    [TD]DEA Green livery[/TD]




    [TD]DEA Blue livery[/TD]




    [TD]DEA Black livery[/TD]




    [TD]Afghan Air Force livery[/TD]




    [TD]Chernarussian livery[/TD]




    [TD]Takistani livery[/TD]




    [TD]Czech livery[/TD]





    [TABLE=class: grid, width: 500]


    [TD]Afghan Air Force livery Rockets[/TD]




    [TD]Afghan Air Force livery Mg[/TD]




    [TD]Afghan Air Force livery Medevac[/TD]





    [TABLE=class: grid, width: 500]


    [TD]DEA Pilot Tan[/TD]




    [TD]DEA Pilot Green[/TD]




    [TD]ANA Pilot[/TD]




    [TD]CDF Pilot[/TD]




    [TD]Takistani Pilot[/TD]




    Paintschemes and Customization:

    There are three main hidden selection textures to change. To change the texture, copy the examples in the init line of the unit and edit the texture path to your liking.

    1. Main body

    Example: this setobjecttexture [0,"\len_mi17\data\mi17_body5_co.paa"]

    Texture paths:

    [TABLE=class: grid, width: 500]


    [TD]DEA Camo livery[/TD]




    [TD]DEA Green livery[/TD]




    [TD]DEA Blue livery[/TD]




    [TD]DEA Black livery[/TD]




    [TD]Afghan Air Force livery[/TD]




    [TD]Chernarussian livery[/TD]




    [TD]Takistani livery[/TD]




    [TD]Czech livery[/TD]




    2+3. Flags (Interior flags)

    Example flag1: this setobjecttexture [4,"len_mi17\data\uk_flag_ca.paa"]

    Example flag2: this setobjecttexture [5,"len_mi17\data\cdf_flag_ca.paa"]

    Texture paths:

    [TABLE=class: grid, width: 500]






























    [TD]The Netherlands[/TD]




    [TD]New Zeeland[/TD]








    [TD]Takistani Army[/TD]















    More pics here.

    Real life References:


    More refs here.


    BIS - A1 MLODS and their fantastic games.

    Lennard - Various models fixes and changes, textures, configs.

    [APS]Gnat and Thromp - Config help

    Synide - Modo p3d plugin (Many thanks for that mate!)


    By downloading this content you agree with the following:

    - The addon shall in no way be modified or repackaged, unless permission is given by the original author.

    - No responsibility can be claimed on the original author for (im)possible damage to your system/game that may be caused by installation of this addon.

    - You may not use this addon for any commercial or military training purposes.

    - It is NOT permitted to distribute this addon freely without authorization of the creator Lennard.


    - Arma 2 Combat Operations (Arma2 + Arma2 Operation Arrowhead)

    - ACR DLC Lite or ACR DLC



    Mirrors are welcome :)

    TOH Config by SamB:


    Remember it's a BETA so bugs do exist.


  3. I hava a bug to report: Backpacks are not visible on the soldier models. To fix this there should be a proxy added to the model. I'm sure Vilas knows how to do that.

    For a attack heli, why don't you retex the KA-52?

    And also why did you choose to only use one TAR variant? There are more variants available in RH's pack. The M4a1 could be replaced with a TAR+Mars+M203 for example.

    The squadleader and teamleaders with Acog.


  4. I see your point. I also do have real Crye multicam that looks like this.

    It's not by much it differs from this and those greener versions I've seen, so I advise to not overdo the green tint if changes are made.

    It depends much on the daylight or if it's indoors.

    Bright sunny day, and they'll look more bright/tan. Cloudy day or indoors it might seem more green.

    Here's and example with lots of different jackets and the like threwn in on top of this multicam.


    In my opinion none of them really stands out a lot for being so many different kinds and tints.

    I'd say this is a good base if tweaks needs to be done.

    These are just flat images, while ingame, with shading and highlights, daylight effects, etc. it's going to look a little different.

    Anyway. people could do a +5 to hue in photoshop to get that more greenish look. Not more or it gets too green.

    Yah true that. I've spent many hours getting the colors right ingame, while they looked fine in PS.
