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About Lasstmichdurch

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  1. Lasstmichdurch

    Game Launches - Textures not loading?

    Thx Saurazgul, that was the trick...:ok: The situation with not by application decided looked like this...
  2. Lasstmichdurch

    Game Launches - Textures not loading?

    Sorry, i´m now on work... But in the evening i will take one/two shots to show the missing textures... Weird, that so less other users have not this problem...normally i´ve no problems with any game/sim, cause my hard-/software is imo quite normal...W8 64b, i-2500, 660Ti For example from time to time i test/play a new Dark-Mod-Map...:)
  3. Lasstmichdurch

    Game Launches - Textures not loading?

    I´ve a similiar problem with the textures... In the distance i can see the textures, but around me/my rover ca. 500m i have only a flat grey/browncolor looking ground...
  4. Maybe i missed it...will TOM be a standalone-product or an Addon to TOH?
  5. Lasstmichdurch

    ArmA X: Anniversary Edition

    They could put VBS1 in it as a present for the community...that would be nice...:)
  6. Lasstmichdurch

    Should Arma2 be called "Arma2"?

    Operation Armed Assault: The Virtual Battlefield Simulation that makes sense for me...
  7. Lasstmichdurch


    Hi Para, with your settings but in 1440x900...i got in the second run 2822 points with a 7900GTO and 3326 points with a 8800GT now i would like to know how 260/280 cards perform with these settings... Found this...