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About LHK

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  1. LHK

    Fallujah 1.0

    I'm in love :D! Great job, can't stop playing on it.
  2. LHK

    Xam 1.4 released

    Everything works fine but AI is still too accurate so the firefights last for few seconds :/ and the sound of m136 is to weak. Keep up the good work.
  3. LHK

    Xam 1.4 released

    No, it wasn't to you. I've never had problem like this. To call an artilery i use spotter to get coordinates(he's got a Laserdesignator[in XAM it's called "Lasertelemeter" or something like that]) and then I use radio in hmmwv or radio operator.
  4. LHK

    Xam 1.4 released

    WTF are you talking about?? The patch should be released last week AFAIR.
  5. LHK

    Xam 1.4 released

    I hope that you are still going to release the patch.
  6. LHK

    Xam 1.4 released

    Great news. I've got one question- will AI be less accurate?
  7. LHK

    Xam 1.4 released

    Are there any news about patch?
  8. LHK

    Jonny´s Marines

    Great job Jonny . Unfortunately I'm losing some fps when I'm using few groups of your Marines. Keep up the good work!! Semper Fi