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Everything posted by Lepardi

  1. Lepardi

    Generation Kill, upcoming mini series

    Great series. Anyone noticed the bird sounds taken straight from OFP, in the beginning of the 5th episode?
  2. Lepardi

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    But did you also disable the onboard audio from BIOS?
  3. Lepardi

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    I've been using an X-Fi card since 2006 and never experienced any problems. ch, did you even disable the onboard audio and remove it's drivers?
  4. Lepardi

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Wasn't it said to be 4 player, not 5?
  5. Lepardi

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    You still haven't told even one good reason why would you 'love' nvidia over AMD? Because they worked and the ATI ones didnt? How did they not work? Lepardi, I think at the end of the day that some people just don't like ATI cards. Maybe their reasons are valid. Maybe their reasons are invalid. The fact is once people have been provided information that current ATI cards have a good chance of being better than whatever crap cards people might have had before is all that is required. Acting all hostile accomplishes nothing and popping up to argue whenever people want an nVidia card or express dissatisfaction about ATI cards just makes you look like an ATI fanboy. At the end of the day, it's their money, it's their computer, it's their choice... It's not as if most nVidia cards are drastically outperformed by ATI equivalents, or buying one will make your computer explode. EDIT: Seems Intel has given a name to its new "Nehalem" architecture CPUs, they will be known not as the Core 3 but as the... *drum rolls* "Core i7" Strange name, but they look like a very interesting design (supposedly the most profound change to Intel's CPUs since the Pentium Pro of 1995). Hopefully the specs on paper will translate to real-world performance boosts... Some info here and here. I just hate people making up reasons for themselves, trying to convince that something is better when it is not. That guy said that closest competitor for 200e geforce would be only 10-20 euro cheaper, while it actually is 60+ euros. Then another mindless reason is that he 'loves' the letters in word nvidia more. Why can't people just buy the best hardware for their money instead of paying for meaningless brand?
  6. Lepardi

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    You still haven't told even one good reason why would you 'love' nvidia over AMD? Because they worked and the ATI ones didnt? How did they not work?
  7. Lepardi

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    You still haven't told even one good reason why would you 'love' nvidia over AMD? Btw, for 200€ price, it is about 60 euros more than a HD4850. And about 10-20 euro less than HD4870 which is nearest it's price, while it outperforms it by a large margin.
  8. Lepardi

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Which, naturally, is why you chime in every time someone criticizes ATI to tell them how great it is? There are people out there who have had bad experiences with ATI and wont want to spend a considerable amount of money so that the same thing will happen again. In my books, that isnt dumb, its called being smart. Even though I personally am an nVidia only person (admittedly not of personal experience, but that of technically compotent friends and family members whose ATI drivers caused them a lot of grief), I still recommend ATI cards when they are good. But if people would prefer nVidia cards, so beit. I still can't see a single reason why is it smart to buy a worse nvidia card, when you can have better technology that performs better from AMD for less price. It simply is just a waste of money and not supporting the competition. If someone has had a faulty card from ancient times it doesn't mean a card wouldn't work now. Oh and what's so wrong with software? You can manage exactly the same settings etc. with both companies drivers. In the end it doesn't matter at all, AMD just would give you better performance on games.
  9. Lepardi

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Well, that's what everyone tells me. But there is a problem. I completely hate the ATI software and I really prefer Nvidia. I will only buy the graphics card mid-november probably so until then I might find another bargain for a nvidia one. A XFX Geforce GTX260 896MB DDR3 is around 280€. If it happens to descend its price to 200€ I will definetly buy it. That's a not an excuse... nvidia has driver problems, even the lock up problem in arma is completely nvidia's fault. I just can't see a possible reason for you not to get an HD 4870 for around 200€, and it is clearly better than the GTX260... it's just plain dumb to buy hardware just because of a brand. People are just sucked in by the 'how its meant to be played' logo on games. Which is just false.
  10. Lepardi

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Watch the video. It was confirmed that ofp2 is going to be modable as ofp1 was. So yes mission editor is included.
  11. Lepardi

    The Dreaded Lock-UP

    Sorry mate - If I can play the game just fine at 1.08 and no crashes and patch to 1.14 and crash with the same graphics settins why should I have to downgrade my setting to compensate for a problematic patch released by a developer? If Arma2 is truly the clone it is looking to be, I refuse to by it if it means I have to invest in another video card just to run the games "default" settings without crashing. It is the new patch, not peoples machines. It's not the patch. It's nVidia's drivers or hardware. Many people even on this forum have got rid of this problem 100% by changing to an ati card. I had this same exact problem too, but since changing to a HD 4870 I have not experienced any of this. Even the image quality got much better.
  12. Lepardi

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    No it isnt. Gameplay <-----> Graphics, two entirely separate things. But we weren't talking about gameplay. Just ingame.
  13. Lepardi

    New X-Fi drivers

    Your card is not X-Fi. It's audigy with a new name, so maybe the newest audigy drivers fit. Look from creative site.
  14. Lepardi

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    That's not a trailer. And the effects and models you see in that video are actual ingame stuff. If you haven't seen anything to prove that it will compete with arma2 at all, you must be blind or something. Have you even watched It has some ingame footage.
  15. Lepardi

    Trailer - Max Payne the Movie

    "To sceptical peoples: Those "Fallen Angles" are surely an result of the "Valkyr" drug. (you played the game, right ? You didn't skip the cutscenes right ?)"
  16. Lepardi

    Hardware and settings for ArmA

    No issues at all for me. Had issues with 8800 gts though. It's all smooth on Very High graphics, and no graphics errors even after long sessions.
  17. Lepardi

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Yup, thats a bug in bios/drivers (of course its silent, because fan works @ 22% all the time), cooler does its job just fine, but you have to set fan RPM to 35-40%. Fan fix: Link Yeah, fan works @ 22-23% all the time, thats just too low, like ~70°C in Idle. But with fan fix you can make several profiles. I have fan @35 % all the time, Idle is about  52°C. Im waiting for T-Rad2  to be ready, so I can replace my stock cooler, as I always do with new card. The card is designed to work in those temperatures, so not that much of a bug.
  18. Lepardi

    New X-Fi drivers

    Does it fix the fps drop with loud sounds in hardware acceleration mode?
  19. Lepardi

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    None. Decide the parts on your own, don't get ready packages, those PC's are just horribly overpriced. And what goes for graphics card, ensure that you get a HD 4870 radeon to your PC.
  20. Lepardi

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    10 000km VD, everything on Very high at 1680x1050, fps around 100 all the times: Haven't seen anyone else having ArmA running smoother.
  21. Lepardi

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Yes, I do mean to get another GPU and run it in SLI along with the one I already have. It may be worth mentioning that I run all of my games at 1980x1200 on a 24" monitor. In my mind, a higher resolution should require a larger memory buffer, right? Since the only 4870s I can find have 512MB of RAM, would that not render slower frames compared to the combined RAM of 1280MB from two 8800GTSs? Perhaps I am misinformed on this issue. I have 2 Gigs of system RAM. If you want something with a good chunk of memory, the GTX260 isnt that more expensive than a 4870 now that nVidia has dropped the price. As Bush said, two graphics cards doesnt equal twice the video RAM, as they do not share memory, just the workload. Why GTX 260, when you can get HD 4870 1GB model?
  22. Lepardi

    ATI 4850/4870

    ATI has a bit of a reputation for having driver issues, even with some of their older designs. However, if what youre saying about the lack of 4000 series drivers is true, I'd say that that is the caues of a lot of the problems that people would be experiencing. It takes a while for manufacturers to get out stable drivers for their products (this is true of any piece of hardware, but particularily of graphics cards by both nVidia and ATI). Give it a month and good drivers will dramatically increase  your performance. These days ati driver support is even better than nvidia's.
  23. Lepardi


    Settings pretty much cranked up: 4321.33 ArmA marks. Specs: 3,2GHz C2D Sapphire HD 4870 512MB 4096MB DDR2 800MHz Win XP 32-bit
  24. You would need a whole new PC for that.