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Everything posted by Lanfear

  1. Lanfear

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I can not understand why they didnt priorize the search for a publisher. And by the way... there IS a simple way to do a global publishing for ArmA: Use Amazone for publishing und IDEA games for country specifications, production of DVDs, some online marketing and support for the press. A nice effect would be that IDEA can use this marketing system for the other games they support. Obviously its not a strength of IDEA to do a good job in negotiation with game publisher.
  2. Lanfear

    Latest screenshots available

    wow.... look at the graphics... really good !!!
  3. Lanfear

    About the release date

    @Ukraineboy: Thats wrong! Normaly a publisher finance the complete development of the product and takes care of the positioning of the product. The reason why BIS hasn't a publisher can only be, that BIS has its own ideas of this product and they doesn't fit to the strategy of publishers. Aditionaly BIS financed the development of ArmA with there own resources... and of course they are now negotiating about a higher quota on the sales price. A demo or the reaction on a demo has nothing to do with the search for a publisher. A demo is a normal marketing strategy by the publisher not by the developer. And dont forget that BIS has a bad reputation in publishers business because of their contract exit with codemasters. No publisher wants to finance in a developer which can not be controlled. @All: I think its much to late to discuss about a release date. BIS must have an publisher for going on gold status and a publisher needs a minimum of 3 to 6 month for marketing and product tests. So you can be sure, that it is nearly impossible to release the program in Q3/2006.
  4. Lanfear

    Marketing for Armed Assault

    Hello all, at the end of this week it will be june and i think its time to to a little bit of marketing for ArmA. We all know, that BIS is (perhaps) a good developer. But their activities in marketing are a little bit "poor" Why is this important? We all know that BIS is looking for a publisher. I think its very difficult to find a publisher for a game without publicity or a public comunity (the old OFP comunity is very active but very small). So here is my idea: Let's help BIS with some ideas for marketing. Perhaps some of the comunity members can do much more than the BIS members. So here are some ideas from me: 1. We should clarify the age of the different screenshots we can find on the entiry game websites. I often saw old screenshots in actual previews. As an effect of this the readers associate this old screenshots with the actual game status... and as an effect of this we found articles like in the german "Gamestar". 2. Lets create a kind of "demonstration disc" with HTML based informations of ArmA (Background Infos, Screenshots, Videos, Â possible MODs, etc.) and send this discs to the relevant games websites / papers. Now ist your turn :-) Lanfear
  5. Lanfear

    Marketing for Armed Assault

    Due to the new Tech-Video: THIS is what I call a good marketing. Its the first time we get an impression of the performance of ArmA. Especialy the scene with the mass of soldiers running down the hill followed by tanks and Helicopters is realy amazing. So, back to marketing... lets talk about ideas for Video scenarios, which can help to demonstrate the new performance of ArmA. My first idea ist the following scene: Think about the soldier in the Tech-Viedo, standing on the hill. You can see the text "Breathtaking View Distance". I think, that this scene and this valley is perfect to show a mass of soldiers, tanks and Helis, too. As I understood, the ability of big battles is one of the improvments of ArmA (and as I know, there is still no game which is able to do so), it might be usefull to concentrate on this improvements in videos. Does anyone have some more ideas?? I think, supporting BIS in marketing doesn't mean, to tell everyone that it will be good game. Much more important are the ideas of the comunity and to tell BIS, what the most impressive material is. Lanfear
  6. Lanfear

    Marketing for Armed Assault

    So... back to topic, Ukraineboy. @Frederf: You said something important: there are facts and features which sets ArmA completely apart from other games. Back to marketing it shoudl be possible to make a kind of matrix, so everyone can see the difference between ArmA and other war based games. This might help the game newssites and papers to rate ArmA and to set it in the correct context. One more word in general: of course its not our task to do the marketing job... but why cant we collect our ideas?? Lanfear
  7. Lanfear

    Marketing for Armed Assault

    hey, hey... Cool down :-) and by the way.... i dont think that this comunity consists of 20 year old teenies who passed their 1st year in economics :-) Lanfear
  8. Lanfear

    Marketing for Armed Assault

    Of course its good to help on marketing, and of course its the task of a publisher to do the "main job". But i think its a real problem to find a good publisher without any pre-marketing. How would you confince a publisher without any marketing and response from the market resp. the fans? And of course its an old wisdom that the most good ideas comes from the users. So why dont gather somer new ideas? I'm confident that the comunity has some good ideas! So why dont ask? Lanfear
  9. Lanfear

    Marketing for Armed Assault

    You are right. Most of the actual previews have very old screenshots. As an effect of this ArmA isnt well-placed as an "modern" combat simulator. Too bad that BIS looses this chances to place their product :-( So the idea is, that we build a package of actual screenshots and send them to game newssites/papers? Perhaps a short info with some Links to the comunity sides would be enough. Therefor we need the email adresses of the relevant newssites and papers. Perhaps placebo can help?
  10. Lanfear

    ArmedAssault in PCMaster Greek Magazine

    @Hekzu: You are right !! I dont know, why BIS uses old Screenshots for their marketing. Its a rare chance to place an articel in a games paper.... and normaly BIS should use their best screen shots they have. So... we all know that BIS doesnt have a "good hand" on marketing. Thats why I started a new thread to this topic. Lanfear
  11. Lanfear

    ArmA Progress Updates

    You can see what they are working on, when you have a look on the results of the "Game2" Team. Have a short look on this Video: Gam2 Vegetation Demo Its really amazing, what they are doing.
  12. Lanfear

    New ArmA trailer

    WOW !!! Really good. @BIS: Let him make the next trailer. He has a much more better feeling for good trailers than your marketing studio