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Posts posted by legion7698

  1. Banning games is one thing but I always think the two main factors of disorderly behavior in children come down to parenting and/or socioty. After all its been proven that the media has a more adverce effect than any game will. I mean come on the news reports all these violant things such as say the death of some soldiers then with the same breath go onto the subject of some bloody pop star or something. A subject they seem to have more passion for.

    At the end of the day people are always looking for something to blame for thier own mistakes. Example of say a few months ago here in the UK a girl died by drinking a substance as part of a drinking game that is used within the building trade (cant remember what it was used for exactly). Here parents then go on to blame the company that made it and tried to get the government to ban it. They fail to realise that the fault is not the products and the company that makes it but in fact is the fault of the girl herself, her friends who encouraged her to drink it and possible her parents ( I say possible as sometimes no matter how well you do they still might do something like this).

    Also (final bit :)) many years ago over here a man went on a killing spree while thinking he was his character from dungeons and dragons and there was talk of banning it as it was obviously a bad influance :rolleyes:. No matter what you ban people will always find something to influance them as the fault is with them and those around them.

    Anyway I'll stop here as I could go on all day about such things. I will also state these are my views on the subject and I understand that people may not agree with me. So please treat this as it is. A point of view that may not be your own.



  2. Hey qtz,

    Sent you a Pm a few days back but no response so I thought I'd post here. I'm interested in helping. Just let me know what you need doing and I'll see what I can do. I know the basics of scripting, modelling, config and other assorted bits. I might also be able to offer the services of my clan RAVCRU depending on what needs doing and also what times for any play testing and such. There is also a teamspeak server around so I can also offer that.



  3. Hm. Ok so I tested a few of the textures that gave me the mipmap error and its gone. However they either now dont load up when I try to texture them or bulldozer just shows the area as white. Now since some textures, even when I used textview 2, work I'm assuming that o2 and bulldozer and all of that is set up correctly and I always double check the sizes before saving I'm at a loss as to why they dont work.

    So if I go through the process of one of the textures I want perhaps someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong.

    I take the picture using my camera (Kodak C813) and transfer it to my computer (in JPEG format). I then open it in adobe photoshop and make any alterations such as cropping it. I then resize it to the right size (64,128 etc.) and save it as a TGA (I use photoshop 7 so I have the plug-in that allows alpha channals). I then open it with a conversion program (used to be textview 2 but now I've tried both Textview 1 and paatool) and save it as a paa. I then put it into my addon folder while also making sure the names not to long and try to open it in o2.

    Now some textures off the net will work but others wont and any from my camera wont work no matter what. So since no one else seems to have the same problems (unless there doing something like the wrong sizes) if the posts on this forum are anything to go by. I'll assume that there's something obvious that I'm doing wrong but I'm just to dopy to see it.



  4. Hey all,

    So I've been doing a few basic models here and there and the main problem I generally have is texturing. Most the textures I try and use for almost anything give me the error of cannot load mipmap. I know about the compression issue and correct sizes but I'm wandering if there is other things that can cause this issue.

    I have tried images off the net and also ones taken from my camera and its random which ones work. Although the ones from my camera never work. So after a while of trying to figure out what could be causing this problem I thought I'd ask.

    It could be that it is just the compression and they were compressed before I got my hands on them but as far as I know my camera dosn't compress them. Although I could be wrong about the camera as I'm not a bright spark wth all this stuff.



  5. Hey Arska134,

    Cant remember at this moment the lines for createunit and giving them waypoints. But for the delay time thing your after just put a loop in you script and a time delay like this

    Your script lines here
    goto "loop"

    the ~300 is roughly 5 minutes so if you want it faster or to take longer just alter this number.

    EDIT: I would also reccomend that you place one of each type of unit your wanting to spawn somewhere on the map where you wont see them with this line in thier initialisation field.

    this stop true; this disableai "auto";[code]  This will stop most to all lag when they are spawned.



  6. Hey all,

    Since I've had no response I'll assume its becouse there is no appropriate command. So what I'll do is post up what I've got and ask for solution work arounds.

    ?"RC_GPMGBELT" in magazines _gpmg: goto "TRANS"
    goto "end"
    _gpmg removemagazine "RC_GPMGBELT"
    _gunner addmagazine "JAM_W762M_100mag"
    goto "begin"

    Now what this is for is a refined version of my deployable GPMG. When placed a slightly altered version of this is run. So if you have 7 mags when you deploy the GPMG you'll get 7 mags when you get into the now deployed GPMG. However I would like to do this in reverse as this stops the problem of having unlimited ammo (barring the amount of rounds left in a magazine). My problem is this

    ?"RC_GPMGBELT" in magazines _gpmg: goto "TRANS"

    dosn't appear to work for a vehicle class. So dos anyone know of a workaround solution to this?



  7. Hey all,

    I'm after the anim making tool OFP-Anim 0.98. I know its not an addon but thoguht this the most apropriate place to ask. Tried OFP-Anim Center but there download link appears to be down, or at least for me. My internet connection is a joke at best the last few months.



  8. Hey all,

    @ProfTournesol: From what I understand with your solution it would need to be put in each mission. Were as I'm after a plug and play with anyone being able to have the weapon. Unless theres a way to do this without having to create a config for some units. Of course you have a far better understanding of these things than I do so I might be wrong.

    @STGN: Thats the mod I was thinking of. Does anyone know were to get it from so I can have a look how they did it.



  9. Hey Rellikki,

    Cheers for the response. I've had some experiance with the "Hit" eventhandler in the past. All though how I'd attach that to a weapon and/or ammo I dont know. I will try on OFPEC later when I get the time.



  10. Hey all,

    So I'm making some weapons and am trying to put in a few with blank firing. I know that I can lower the damage the round does to almost nothing or delete the bullet as it is fired. However neither of the options are what I'm after as the first means the AI wont fire it and the second means nothing hits the target making it hard to know when you have been hit.

    So I'm basicly after the effects of the first one but where the AI will still fire. I think I recall a mod that did this but it was so long ago I cant remember what it was.

    Thank you in advance for any help.



  11. Hey USMCSonic,

    I'm not sure why its crashing as others seem to be using it fine. I remember that one of my other addons made someones computer crash. I dont really know much as to what causes these things but just in case it makes a difference I run resistance upgraded to whatever the highest patch is.



  12. Hey all,

    Just a little update, I have now managed to finish the textures and now need to start adding the doors and other bits in to finish it up. It should'nt be long before it can enter beta testing and then be released. Depending on how easy I find it to add in the fast roping bit.



  13. Hey Bielow,

    Thats true, but the main focus of this is for player use, preferable MP use. I've also tried to make a comprehensive AI postioning without over doing it. Once I've got the doors done and the basic textures I might release an BETA version so people can have a look and see what they think.


