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Everything posted by legion7698

  1. legion7698


    Hey All, I have updated my top post with a new link to our new forum. Its not as good as our old but its free and always up and running. regards, LEGION7698.
  2. legion7698

    CQB house

    Hey all, Just a little update, I have now managed to finish the textures and now need to start adding the doors and other bits in to finish it up. It should'nt be long before it can enter beta testing and then be released. Depending on how easy I find it to add in the fast roping bit. Regards, LEGION7698.
  3. legion7698

    Redeployable static GPMG and HESCO set

    Hey Mjolnir66, Not sure why the HESCO set is crashing your version of OFP. Also will try and remember to send you a PM later with the files. regards, LEGION7698.
  4. Hey all, Found some addon I made a few months ago and thought I'd release them on here. One is a static British army GPMG that can be picked up, carried around and be redeployed. The other is a set of Hesco buildings and walls, including a bunker that has the GPMG in it and a set of walls with firing steps on. The Static GPMG needs the PUKF weapons pack which can be found here http://www.pukf.net/forum/index.php?action=tpmod;dl=item6 Here are the links for my addons. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=20FXVJEX Static GPMG. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RYLIG9EA HESCO set. Please give any feedback good or bad and I hope you enjoy. Regards, LEGION7698.
  5. legion7698

    CQB house

    Hey Bielow, Thats true, but the main focus of this is for player use, preferable MP use. I've also tried to make a comprehensive AI postioning without over doing it. Once I've got the doors done and the basic textures I might release an BETA version so people can have a look and see what they think. Regards, LEGION7698.
  6. legion7698

    CQB house

    Hey 7894rmnxj, I could make an SAS unit as that would go well with this but at the moment I'm more interested in what features the building itself would have. Besides I think there is an SAS unit like that floating around somewhere. Regards, LEGION7698.
  7. legion7698

    Redeployable static GPMG and HESCO set

    Not sure what is wrong with the links as I tested them when I first Uploaded them and the breachable door addon one still works fine even though its hosted with the same site. If they dont owkr soon then I might reupload them and try again. Regards, LEGION7698.
  8. legion7698

    RAVCRU's Breachable door

    Hey Bielow, I've been busy with RL stuff (mainly making bloody chainmail) so have had hardly anytime to start on something yet. I've made the basic Shape of the building and am going to start adding the finer details later on as and when I get the time. Its alos good to know that someone is using my addon even if its very buggy and simplistic in make. Regards, LEGION7698.
  9. legion7698


    Hey Bielow, Unfortunatly its service issues. Being cheap beggers we run the server from one of our members houses so we dont have to pay. The problem with that is his electricity bill and him trying to remember to turn it on. I'm looking into the problem and think I have found a possible solution. So keep an eye on here as should have it sorted soon.
  10. legion7698

    Veni Vidi Vici Mod (Romans and Barbarians)

    Looks brilliant, how does the shield work, you say its a secondary weapon but can you hit people with it. That has always been a gripe of mine with any game involving shields as you cant hit anyone with it. Regards, Dave.
  11. legion7698

    RAVCRU's Breachable door

    Hey Bennie1983nl, Could try to make a house, I made an attempt a while ago but think I had problems with the fire geo. Had a bit more practice since then so will try to make some sort of CQB designed house at some point. Might even intergrate the doors into it with the option to blow it or open it. I just need to find the time and the enthusiasm for it. Also need to see if I can fix the created explosion issue with this breaching door first. Regards, LEGION7698.
  12. legion7698

    RAVCRU's Breachable door

    Hey BroneEagle, It works by placing the door in the editor, then equiping yourself with a breaching charge, class name "RC_Breach". Go upto it, select "Breach Door" from the action menu and move away sharpish. As stated in the readme, the explosion is a bit off, dos'nt happen always right at the door, especially if you place it a bit higher than the ground, might try to fix that at some point depending on if anyone is really interested in it. Regards, LEGION7698.
  13. legion7698

    What is wrong with this script?

    Hey Dengibtsschon, That apeared to do the trick, cheers for the help. Regards, LEGION7698.
  14. Hey All, I seem to have anouther problem with my breaching door addon (see my last thread). I'm pretty sure I have the correct lines in the model config as I copied it from a previous piece of work that actually worked. So my problem must be with the script itself. So the result I'm after is when the player goes near the door, they get the option to breach it. This is only aloud to be done if the player has a breaching charge in thier inventory, which is the issue that was resolved in my last thread. My problem is that despite my best tries, no action is appearing in the action menu when I get near the door and more than likely if it did, there would be a problem with the rest of my script anyway. So here is what I have in my script so far (please dont laugh, I have no clue as to what I put in these things, more just copy and paste what seem would appear to possible work) Breachinit.sqs _BD = _this select 0 _unit = nearestObject["BD","Player"] ; this bit I know works ?"RC_Breach" in magazines _unit: goto "BREACH" goto "END" #BREACH ;This is to test to see if its actually calling properly, after this is done I shall replace the sidechat bit with some effects that will make it look like I've blown it up _unit sidechat "testing" _unit removemagazine "RC_Breach" #END exit Also just in case it is the line that I am putting in my config (which I'm pretty sure is working) class eventhandlers { init=" [_this Select 0] exec {\RC_BD\Breachinit.sqs}"; }; Thanks in advance for any help rendered. Regards, LEGION7698.
  15. legion7698

    Only do x if have magazine y

    Hey Celery, Cheers for that, looked for ages but could'nt find anything like that. Regards, LEGION7698.
  16. legion7698

    Deleting multiple units?

    hey all, I have found anouther problem :). The scripts will not acivate whilst inside a vehicle, so the spawn will only work if I get out and if I try to get back in again it registers me as not there anymore so does the delete thing, including the vehicle, which I am aware that the delete part will do this, but I was hoping to take it with me as this is for use on the whole island and it would take a long time to walk everywhere. So any help with this would be brilliant. regards, LEGION7698.
  17. Hey all, I'm trying to create a zombie mission over most of a rather large map. I've set up areas that when entered, spawn the zombies but my problem is when I leave I want them to be deleted. i know how to delete units via naming them all, but this is not an option that is really viable due to I then find that they cannot be spawned again when re-entering the area. The other way I've found of doing it only deletes one of them. So my question is, what would I need to do to create a script that would delet all units within a set area upon leaving without having to name them all first. Thank you for any help in advance. Regards, Dave.
  18. legion7698

    Deleting multiple units?

    Hey, Thats done the trick, now the whole thing is working perfectly, thank you. Regards, LEGION7698.
  19. legion7698

    Deleting multiple units?

    Hey all, Cheers for the help guys, got it working like a treat now, it deletes all the zombies in the area. One thing I did note while testing in MP quickly is that if I've set it up to say spawn 4 zombies when I enter an area, it will multiply it by each amount of human players present. So in the quick MP test with two players, instead of spawning 4 it spawned 8. Could this be becouse of the way Ive writen the spawn script. This is the line I use to spawn them with (one for each I want spawned of course. "pep_Zslow_soldierw" createUnit [position z2,dead1, "",0.4,"Corporal"] So after helping me fix my other problem, could you please help me with this. Thank you and regards, LEGION7698.
  20. legion7698

    Deleting multiple units?

    Thank you both for the help. However this bit {isPlayer _x} count thisList == 0 appears to not be working, producing and error (think its the _x bit its having a fit over) and is now not deleting anything. Thank you and regards, LEGION7698.
  21. legion7698

    Deleting multiple units?

    Hey Rellikki, Thank you for the response. This would appear to give what I need with the exeption of its needed for multiplayer with a player force of currently around 9. So I assume instead of having the line of !(player in thisList) && alive player I could have something like !(a1, a2 in thisList) && alive a1, a2 Or something like that? Regards, LEGION7698.
  22. Hey all, Just my idea's on the matter. If OFP was ever remade, all I'd be interested in would be AI improvments (suppression, use of cover and such wot). Graphics I really could'nt care less about as I've never had the money to get the latest bits for a computer and as such if I can actually run a game, it can only be with a hanfull of things on the map before the graphics alone clonk my comp out. Since it is only with my current computer I can actually have fairly large battles with OFP (and ArmA I) I'd be happy for the graphics to stay the same. Although I do realise that even if BIS did remake OFP, the main intention would be to get the maximum amount of sales as they are a buisness at the end of the day and as such usually what I want from any type of game would'nt get said sales and therefor would'nt be done. So perhaps a less computer intensive version of ArmA II would be nice. Regards, LEGION7698
  23. legion7698

    zombies update

    Hey all, Just tried to download, the first link worked fine but the second one (for the updated with the readmes I think) dos'nt seem to work for me. If I'm somehow being an idiot you all have permission to point and laugh. Regards, LEGION7698.
  24. Hey All, I've had a few attempts at searching but could'nt find anything about this so sorry if its been done before. I'm making a simple backpack script to allow the player to carry extra ammo, got it all sorted apart from the issue of the player can "take out" as many mags as he wants. So my question is, is there a way to put a cap on the amount of times an action can be done. So say instead of being able to take as many mags as the player wants they can take only around 6 or something. I've seen things that would apear to have the desired effect I'm after hence why I'm assuming it can be done but for the life of me I cant find out how to do it. Thanks for any help in advance. LEGION7698.
  25. legion7698

    addaction limit?

    Hey WW2Weasel, Cheers for the help, I will look into how to add a loop counter (think I know how, but never had to before) to the script. I like the sound of what your working on though,a far more refined and improved version of what I'm planning. Cheers again. Regards, LEGION7698.