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About legion7698

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  1. Sorry for the slow reply. By the sounds of it most the bugs appear to be ACE related. Something I did not test compatibility with. I'll have a play around and see what I can come up with in regards to a fix. @Mihikle. I noticed that one a while ago which is what prompted me to get my one released some time this century. By the looks of it the model and textures will be better than mine by far.
  2. Serjames, never experienced this bug before and cannot seem to replicate. Are you running any other addons with this? Also if anyone can confirm this bug that would be awesome. Skream & Bravo93. Didn't add an unarmed version simply because I've never come across any reference to one being used in the field (apart from command and other specialised ones). However if I get enough requests I may modify and add one for a future update. Main focus now though is on my next project and my feelings towards the mastiff are not that great.
  3. Here we have my attempt at the Mastiff 2 Protected Patrol Vehicle. It was made mainly for use by VOLCBAT and anyone who reads stuff from them will know this has been floating around for a while on there. So first a little note on the quality. Except for the weapons & weapons mount (see credits below) the quality is a bit lacking. This is mainly down to my own skill at making addons. Chances are i wont bother to upgrade this anymore except for bug fixing as I've now been working on this for over a year and am thoroughly bored with it. Features: Mastiff in both woodland and desert colour scheme with different weapons. - Mastiff 2 HMG (Woodland/Desert) - Mastiff 2 GMG (Woodland/Desert) - Mastiff 2 GPMG (Woodland/Desert) Credits: Exluding weapons + weapon mounts all modelling, texturing and config work was done by me, LEGION7698. Weapons + weapon mounts, including the textures for them, origionally created for Project: UK forces (UKF) by: Messiah Chris Da12thMonkey Plus other members of the original members of the UKF team. Kindly donated by Da12thMonkey & Messiah. I would also like to thank the UK armed forces dev group over at RKSL studios for helping to test it and bug find/fix. Also a thank you to VOLCBAT for helping test and bug hunt and for putting up with the original version dubbed the "Golden pimp mobile". Download links: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?gfpfrryaypaay4t If you find any bugs please feel free to post on here or PM me. Known Issues: Steering wheel not turning. Due to my limited knowledge any attempt to fix this seems to break other parts of the addon. Since it is not a very important part I decided to leave it as it. AI not firing at gunner. This is a bit of an on going issue that me and Cleggy (maker of such fine addons like the Ridgeback, the Mastiffs smaller brother) have been looking at for a while. Originally they did fire at the gunner but they would also prefer to shoot small arms at the vehicle rather than any RPGs they may have. So it was changed to the current setup which means they will engage with any AT but no small arms fire. Enjoy. Regards, LEGION7698.
  4. The way he goes on about the fun part just reminds me of willy wonker.
  5. legion7698

    BI's zooming eye thingy?

    After reading through the thread I was linked to previously I'd totally agree. I'd never realy thought that much into it which is why I posted here for a further discussion. Now thanks to you kind chaps I have been enlightened to a side of things I've never thought of before. LEGION7698.
  6. legion7698

    BI's zooming eye thingy?

    Cheers guys. I tried searching for a thread like this but failed. Regards, LEGION7698.
  7. legion7698

    BI's zooming eye thingy?

    Hey All, I thought I'd post this in off topic as it seemed the most sensible place to put it. So you all know when you press and hold the rght mouse button it will zoom your vision in (cannot run ArmA 2 so not sure about it being in there although have ordered parts to take me well above the needed minimum specs). I have had many people claim this is unrealistic, usually when debating things like call of duty and such, but I have always countered it is a realisitc stand-in. My reasons for this is that in real life you are able to focus on objects at a distance thus "zooming in" your vision. I've found you cannot focus on an object on a moniter the same way. So I would like to know what you guys think of this and how you play reflects this. Regards, LEGION7698.
  8. legion7698

    Have a go Granny beats up six armed Jewel thieves

    Problem with doing nothing is they will just do it again. It also wont stop at robbing shops. They will likely mug people commit assault and there is a good chance someone will end up seriously hurt and maybe killed. I would not condone anyone for not doing anything for such situations are very scary but I,personally, would and have always done something. It is the same way you stop bullies. You hurt them enough, even if they batter seven bells out of you and they will generally leave you alone. Dosn't always work but is better than if you do nothing. Also the problem with claiming on insurance is it will increase your premiums, you will be considered a high risk and if it happens again, which is likely, then you can even get to the point where the insurance would not cover you and you'd go out of buisness. Of course over here in the UK if you do do something there is a chance that you can be charged for assault. But a lot of the police force try to turn a blind eye as much as they can. My fiancee many years ago had two drunks try and mug her (prior to me meeting her) and she battered the hell out of them. The police turned up and the two drunks demanded that she be charged with assault. The police then proceeded to explain that they would be charging a 5'2" 7 stone teenager for attacking two huge adult males. They decided to drop any charges. Just my two cents, LEGION7698.
  9. legion7698

    Royal navy buys Hornets not JSF...

    The other advantage of people disagreeing with Rock is that he then posts more info to back his side. It means we end up with info we otherwise wouldn't know about so thanks Rock I've found the info from you very interesting. Regards, LEGION7698.
  10. legion7698

    Tank wrecks

    I didn't know that Rellikki. I'll tuck that bit of info away for later use.
  11. legion7698

    Tank wrecks

    hey Suomileijona, As far as I'm aware, and anyone with more experiance can correct me if needed, there are only two ways to have wrecks at the start of a mission without the explosion. The first is to set the dammage to a certian point above fully damaged and set it to locked so no one can get in however be aware that even just above completly destroyed it can still explode so you'll have to experiment with the damage settings to get the desired effect. The other is through the of thrid party addons. Regards, LEGION7698.
  12. legion7698

    Trouble with a pepperpotting script

    Hey guys, Cheers for the help and advice. Its now working perfectly. regards, LEGION7698.
  13. Hey all, I'm trying to use a pepperpot/rush/whatever you know it as script I found on this website made by General Barron. The script works fine but to exec it you have to put the unit who's doing said action, the direction and the distance. Now since the unit they have to pepperpot to will appear from anywhere I want to make this dynamic. So to this effect I do the following. I place the pepperpotting units down as three squads, en1, en2 and en3 on the resistance side. I then place the unit they will pepperpot to down on the west side (unamed as the final mission will have multiply but I'm only using one to test the script). I then put a trigger down with the paremters of west detected by resistance and on the activation field I put [this] exec "Attack.sqs" that then executes the Attack.sqs script which is as follows. _group = _this select 0 {_x disableAI "TARGET"} foreach units en1 {_x disableAI "TARGET"} foreach units en2 {_x disableAI "TARGET"} foreach units en3 en1 dotarget _group en2 dotarget _group en3 dotarget _group _dir1 = getdir en1 _dir2 = getdir en2 _dir3 = getdir en3 _dis1 = en1 distance _group _dis2 = en2 distance _group _dis3 = en3 distance _group [en1, _dir1, _dis1] exec {rush.sqs} [en2, _dir2, _dis2] exec {rush.sqs} [en3, _dir3, _dis3] exec {rush.sqs} My problem is it constantly falling over on the distance command and when I comment out the distance and put a fixed number it then falls over the dotarget command. Also for those interested here it the pepperpot. ;======================================================== ; Rush.sqs v1.0 ; ; By General Barron ; aw_barron@hotmail.com ; 8/11/04 ;======================================================== ; ; This script will cause the squad to execute a basic infantry maneuver: a ;squad rush. Part of the squad will run forward, while the rest of the squad lies ;down to cover them. Those rushing forward will lie down, and cover those ;behind them while they get up to rush, and so on. ; To stop the rush manually, set the group's formation to any formation other than ;"line". It is best to execute this script when the group is already in line formation, but ;that is not required. ; ;TO CALL THE SCRIPT: ; [group, direction, distance] exec {rush.sqs} ;In any init/activation field/script, where "group" is the name of the group to ;execute the rush and "direction" is the compass heading you want the rush ;to be oriented. "Distance" is the maximum distance in that direction the group ;will rush (in meters). If you only want to stop the formation manually, via script or trigger, ;simply place a number like "9999" in for distance. ; ;FOR A RETREAT: ; A retreat is basically the same as a rush, only instead of the units laying down facing in the ;direction of the rush, they face the opposite direction (to cover their buddies as they run away from ; the enemy). To call a retreat, instead of a rush, simply put a NEGATIVE DISTANCE in. ;IMPORTANT NOTE: The movement will still be in the direction given, even though the distance is negative! ;For example: [group1, 90, -100] exec "rush.sqs" ; Will execute a retreat that will go 100 meters east. ; ;NOTES FOR BEST RESULTS ; Think of this script as a replacement for a waypoint. Instead using a waypoint in the middle ;of a town to get the AI to attack, use this script: First move the AI close to the town via waypoints, ;then have the AI rush the remaining distance (a couple hundred meters or so) via this script. ;The result is a much more organized and realistic assualt. ; To prevent OFP's default AI from taking over the script, I suggest you use the "disableAI" ;command when you call this script. Use the following line right before you call the script: ; {_x disableAI "TARGET"} foreach units *group name* ; I also suggest that you use high-dispersion magazines in missions using this script. ;Due to OFP's lack of cover, lack of suppressive fire, and the AI's super-accuracy with weapons, ;rushes and retreats done by this script just aren't as effective as they are in real life. ;High-dispersion help balance these problems. ;======================================================== ;------------------------- #Group_Init ;------------------------- ? count _this == 4 : goto "Unit_Init" ; Error message if missing params ?count _this != 3 : hint "RUSH.SQS PARAMETER ERROR: EXITING SCRIPT"; exit _group = _this select 0 _axis = _this select 1 _rushDist = _this select 2 {_x disableAI "TARGET"} foreach units _group {_x allowFleeing 0.5} foreach units _group ; End any other rush/retreat scripts that are running. ;?formation _group == "LINE" : _group setformation "WEDGE" ;@formation _group == "WEDGE" ; formation = "line" indicates group is rushing _group setFormation "LINE" @formation _group == "LINE" ; Execute the script on each member of the group. Pass it three variables so it ; knows to jump to the right spot. { [_x,_axis,_rushDist,0] exec {rush.sqs} } foreach units _group ;------------------------- ; Define functions to be used in script. Global variable is used, since function only needs to be defined once for all instances of the script. ; Function used to find the distance a unit is from a line, designated by a position and a direction (i.e. line running to the left and right of a unit) GENB_distFunction = {private ["_x1","_x2","_y1","_y2","_dir","_dist"]; _x1 = _this select 0; _y1 = _this select 1; _x2 = _this select 3; _y2 = _this select 4; _dir = ((_x2 - _x1) atan2 (_y2 - _y1)) + 90 - (_this select 2); _dist = (sqrt((_x2 - _x1)^2 + (_y2 - _y1)^2)) * sin _dir; _dist} ; Function used to find the average distance the squad members are from an imaginary line running left and right of where the leader stood at the beginning of the script GENB_avgDistFunction = {private ["_xpos","_ypos","_axis","_units","_avgdist"]; _xpos = _this select 0; _ypos = _this select 1; _axis = _this select 2; _units = _this select 3; _avgdist = 0; { if (alive _x) then {_avgdist = _avgdist + ([_xpos,_ypos,_axis,getpos _x select 0, getpos _x select 1] call GENB_distFunction)} } foreach _units; if (({alive _x} count _units) != 0) then {_avgdist = _avgdist / ({alive _x} count _units)}; _avgdist} ;------------------------- exit ;------------------------- #Unit_Init ;------------------------- _man = _this select 0 ; Adding (almost always) prevents a harmless error from calling _distFunction on leader before he moves. _xpos = ((getpos leader _man) select 0) + 1 _ypos = ((getpos leader _man) select 1) + 1 _axis = _this select 1 ; maximum distance the group will rush forward, in meters. Script will exit once the group is about this far from their starting point, (or if formation is changed). _rushDist = _this select 2 ; maximum distance away from the center of the group a individual member can be. A maxDist of 20 means ; that the group will spread out a maximum of 40 meters from the front man to the rear man while rushing. _maxDist = 10 ; Set up behaviours for unit _man setBehaviour "COMBAT" _man setSpeedMode "LIMITED" _man setUnitPos "DOWN" if (_rushDist >= 0) then {_man dowatch [(getpos _man select 0) + 99999 * (sin _axis), (getpos _man select 1) + 99999 * (cos _axis)]; _man setCombatMode "YELLOW"; _retreatBonus = 0} else {_man dowatch [(getpos _man select 0) + -99999 * (sin _axis), (getpos _man select 1) + -99999 * (cos _axis)]; _man setCombatMode "GREEN"; _retreatBonus = 2} _rushDist = abs(_rushDist) ; About a third of the squad will rush immediately, the rest will wait a short time. ? random 1 < 0.33 : goto "RUSH" ; @ is used instead of ~ so that if the formation is changed (to end the script), the script will end immediately (it will skip through all the delays). _waitTill = _time + random 8 @(_time >= _waitTill) OR formation _man != "LINE" ;------------------------- #RUSH ;------------------------- ;(2 + random 2) ; Get the unit up and start him running forward. ~5 _man setUnitPos "UP" _man domove [(getpos _man select 0) + 100 * (sin _axis), (getpos _man select 1) + 100 * (cos _axis)] _waitTill = _time + 3 @(_time >= _waitTill) OR formation _man != "LINE" ; If the unit is too far behind the rest of the squad, keep him running. ?alive _man AND (([_xpos,_ypos,_axis,getpos _man select 0, getpos _man select 1] call GENB_distFunction) - ([_xpos,_ypos,_axis,units _man] call GENB_avgDistFunction)) < (_maxDist * -1) : goto "RUSH" ; Get the unit down. _man setUnitPos "DOWN" _waitTill = _time + 3 @(_time >= _waitTill) OR formation _man != "LINE" dostop _man ; Wait until the unit is too far forward of his group, this will make him wait until his squad (an average of their positions) has caught up within _maxDist of him. @ !(alive _man) OR (([_xpos,_ypos,_axis,getpos _man select 0, getpos _man select 1] call GENB_distFunction) - ([_xpos,_ypos,_axis,units _man] call GENB_avgDistFunction)) < _maxDist OR formation _man != "LINE" ; Stay down for a short time, then repeat. Exit if the unit is dead or formation is set to anything other than "line". _waitTill = _time + 5 @(_time >= _waitTill) OR formation _man != "LINE" ?alive _man AND (formation _man) == "LINE" AND ([_xpos,_ypos,_axis,units _man] call GENB_avgDistFunction) < _rushDist : goto "RUSH" _man domove getpos _man _man setunitpos "AUTO" exitWith regards, LEGION7698.
  14. legion7698

    Play OFP online for the first time.

    If you want to play online the best bet is to start with something like the LOL clan as they have public servers. I've never been on them myself as of yet though so I'm not sure what they use. My own clan dosn't use any modifications other than a few addons to depict the British army so we're probably no where near what your after.
  15. legion7698

    Multiple turret issues

    Unfortunatly its the normal solution there for looks ugly. I'm also having to sort out the MP issues but am sure I can sort it. Although it didnt appear to be CPU intensive and my processor is crappy I've yet to try it in a normal mission though so results are not yet in. It does also look worse than the one I was copying from as when moving it causes a double look effect but I think this is due to having the gunner proxy visible. I'll keep working on it though and will let you know of any improvements.