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Everything posted by Londoner

  1. Londoner


    The ability to join a squad a la battlefield 2 series
  2. Londoner

    First ARMA impressions

    I respect your opinion, and it saddens me that after all this wait, the impression seems to be that this was a rushed release with obvious bugs in it. 505 must be quaking in their boots at the thought that the community will have tested this game to death before they are in a position to release it. And if the community gives it a thumbs down, they could be left with a lot of product that wont be shifted. I hope its successful, I've waited so long for this game, as all the members of the OFP community have, and to see so many negative comments come out has really made me question if I should pre - order this or not.
  3. Londoner

    CTI in ArmA

    Â I did see that Placebo...but it's still very short, and it does seem to have been the spark that has sent everyone of into theories as to what CTI is. I'm still waiting for a detailed description...even if it's a scan from the user manual that someone can translate Â
  4. Londoner

    CTI in ArmA

    6 pages of post, and no real indepth analysis of what the BIS Armed Assualt CTI is all about. I'm not talking about what you wish, or hope, or what OFP's CTI is. But that was mentioned as part of the build up to this game. So, does anyone have any info?
  5. Londoner

    World in Conflict

    http://www.worldinconflict.com/main/overview.html Read the overview..I think they are 5 years too late
  6. Londoner


    Not being able to JIP on OFP is at best the most annoying feature of the game. I don't want to wait in the lobby for 45min, and I don't want to wait around for a team of people on a pub server to fill up. JIP work's on most multiplayer games, COD, RO, ET, UO BF2 etc.. You need to attract people to this game, and make it easy for them to get in and play. Those who want hyper realistic games can have their servers locked down, but I'm sure most people would like the ability to jump in and play
  7. Londoner

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    I do have a cockney accent, so if you want to send over a couple of copies to me mate, I'll try my best and sort it out
  8. Londoner

    ArmA Progress Updates

    great trailer..cant wait to play the game