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About LepparD

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. LepparD

    Team fight with airplanes!

    Nice ideas every1 Some1 mentioned something with a radar. As an alternative goal, it would be fun if you could destory an enemy radar, disabling their anti air missile locking. Maybe even have 2-3 grunt roles, that could be inserted using a c-130? (because radar isnt visible from air, and is randomly placed in enemy island) ? These grunts is on a seek and destroy radar, so we will have 2 games in one? Maybe the tree grunts attacking, but can also choose to spawn at friendly radar for defending?
  2. LepparD

    two operation flashpoint 2s?

    I will buy the game thats the best, regardless if its codies or BIS. Frankly, I think BIS was really great developers a few years back, really was interested in what the fans said. The past 1Ë years, they have been quiet, and all that we ever heard of anything was from codemasters. Why is BIS still so quiet? It annoys me, and makes me feal that i ow nothing to them. Best of luck to both companies.. 1Ë year ago, I was hoping to get an ofp2.... now we get Allied Assault and 2 ofp2s... 3 sequeals!! YAY!!
  3. LepparD

    IGN previewnothing new

    ... I wonder why BIS is this quiet? And is codies planning on releasing their own version of ofp2? Sorry, ive been away on holiday the past week... WHATS UP GUYS?!?!
  4. Well, since ofp2 is years from now... Ill look into it again... Havent coded in ofp in a year though.... I was in charge for the mission scripting, and another member for the interaction with a program. I think his plan was to just start an .exe file up (i actually think it was a vb program), with -parametres. For example: this addaction ['blah','script.exe -levie=east,1bmp,2t72,14infantry,3rpg" Monti="West,2m2a2,1jeepmgun"] etc etc. Would some1 look into this? This program, would then print out these values into a webpage accesseble on the net. The hard work is to make it a persistent world. Which means first of all, make it alot harder to gain ground than fx CTI... So when captured a city, you automatically gain some AI defends in the town and around it, making a frontline with trenches etc. To take a town takes alot of time, but is very gaining when done - so you will have to work close together to conquer land. It will be very similar to CTI in some areas. The more land you have, will give you more money... But things cost alot more than what they do in CTI. In short, you can say its a slow long-time based CTI, where you can go offline, and log on again after maybe a day.
  5. LepparD

    Leave No Man Behind

    Yea, you need to make a dead guy model addon. Then just make it non-moveable, and make the player spawn as one when dead in his current position. When transporting the player, just drive a jeep to him, and let him "get in ride in back". Isnt this the only way? It would be fun to see a dead man driving though
  6. My old squad and I was planning to make a "WAR map" over a whoile island cutted into zones. And whenever a 45 minute game was over, the zones would be saved as well as armour count etc. The game would restart, allowing new players into the allrdy fighting battlefield. We were pretty far in the project with web layouts etc. (Website, with image over war-map and the zones in correponding colors), with countdown for next player-entries. But when bis released information about ofp2 and the ingame join, we dropped the production... Also since the ofp multiplayer scene isnt what it has been.
  7. LepparD

    replaced heat sink

    If you accidently pushed the motherboardboard down on the rig (shell), the motherboard is grounded and wont boot (psu protection from short circuit). If this is the case you will have to unatach the motherboard and attach it again with all the things on it making sure its not touching the shell. I tried it once.
  8. LepparD

    need help w/ networking

    use ICQ (also a chat tool). When transferring data with it, its actually faster than normal explorer click and dragging. (Well it was back in win2k and win98 days.
  9. LepparD

    How Cilit Bang was meant to be

    Hi all... Check out this flash video of the INCREDIBLE Cilit bang cleaner!!! http://www.funpic.hu/swf/cillitbang.html
  10. LepparD

    Real life spidermen

    Now they only need to fire webs out of their wrists... Seriously, this is amazing. Are these guys very brave/good and dedicated athletes, or are they just plain stupid and insane?? http://www.compfused.com/directlink/81/
  11. 613051 visitors have tried to solve the riddle since August 2004. So far 366 people from 42 countries have completed it up to Level 81 63 of them are women. The average age is about 24 years. Try the riddle on http://deathball.net/notpron/ Its pretty cool, Im at level 11 now.
  12. LepparD

    S.C.S. Dangerous Waters

    I played alot of 688i hunter killer back in the old seawolves days
  13. LepparD

    Offtopic forum showing signs of stupidity!

    This isn't the "ask a mod" thread so I won't go into details as to why threads were closed or not closed. However I will quickly respond to why the Hunter S. Thompson thread wasn't closed. If members feel the need to reflect and share their grief and sorrow at the passing of someone that has had an impact on their lives then it does no harm at all to allow that to happen and serves to reflect that we are a community here, often with common interests, goals and feelings. I think that it should be quite clear to anyone why such a thread has a place and validity compared to one for example where someone cannot configure their Outlook (no offence intended LukeMax ). breaker44 don't spam please Sure, I can understand why that topic wasnt closed, but I think you mods should allow more offtopic discussion ín the offtopic area. Sure, a topic about setting up youre outlook wouldnt be much interesting for most people here, but others can be very fun and interactive. Maybe allow more humor inhere, that may be able to help members stay on the forum and wait for ofp2 (Cause ofp2 news isnt really massive atm). Its not just about having good discussion expressing our oppinions, its also (as you say) about a certain community having the same interest and waiting for the same thing. All ask for is a little looser about the "not-revelant" rules (as you practised in the hunter-thread), and let us post a little more than the 90% politics right now, cause if I would come by the forum right now not knowing about the game, my first thought would be "Wow, what a bunch of boring intellectuals - I wonder how this game would be". Leppard
  14. LepparD

    Offtopic forum showing signs of stupidity!

    One thing I dont like about these boars, the the subjectiveness of the mods. Dont get me wrong, its really nice to have so many active moderators watching the boards, we cant live without them - but they are killing the offtopic section (all other sections are fine) with subjective closings. They close every thread which has nothing to do with OFP or military, unles its in the interest of the mods, for example Hunter S. Thompson dead Whats the deal with that? Topics not revelant (according to forum rules) but interesting to the moderators = fine?