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Lean Bear

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Everything posted by Lean Bear

  1. Lean Bear

    Stargate mod, important!

    I see a lot of sense in that. If MGM are bringing out a new SG game soon then the fans would be torn between spending a reasonable sum for a probably rubbish game or spending a few mins downloading a free mod that would be a lot better. btw Mr Burns that's too bad that you've already had to pay so much to avoid further conflict - I hope you guys make it out without too much of a problem
  2. Oh yeah... thanks for spotting that I was too busy trying to figure out if all the braces were right Corrected now.
  3. @ GB That's the same as mine but with an extra script
  4. Yeap, just make a trigger like I described in my first post, then make an init.sqs which looks like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">; Init.sqs ~2 ; Add EH to all civs in radius of trigger which checks if the unit who killed them was a player ; If it is, then kill the player (or whatever you'd like to do), otherwise the script will exit. {_x addEventHandler [{killed}, {if (_this select 1 == player) then {player setDammage 1} else {exit}}]} forEach list all_civs Dunno about MP tho I'm afraid.
  5. I pressume that this would be in SP right? Cause I don't think this would work in MP. In your mission, put a biiiggg trigger that covers all the civilians on the island and set it so that it is activated by presence of civilians. Then, in the OnActivation field, type: all_civs = this list (Or is it list this ....) This code should select all the civilians under the trigger and group them into an array called all_civs. (btw You might have to name all the civilians first, if so, just do: c1, c2, c3... c89 etc. but I think it will work without) Then, make a script with code something like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">; Delay to make sure OFP has the array safely stored ~5 ; Begin loop #Loop ~0.001 ? {!alive _x} forEach list all_civs : goto "Hurt" goto "Loop" ; Hurt the player a bit to repent for the murder #Hurt ; This will always deduct 25% of his life ; ie. not just take 1 quater away each time, but first 25%, ; then 25% of what is left etc. _life = getDammage player _hurt = _life * (1/4) _hurt / 100 player setDammage (getDammage player - _hurt) goto "Loop" Then run it either from the init.sqs or as the init.sqs and see if it works. There are many flaws to this version tho and it depends on what the mission is like and how many civs there are. If its a lone wolf mission then it should be fine - but if you have trigger happy comrades, then if they shoot a civ, you will get hurt. There are ways around this but it requires even more scripting - so try this out first
  6. Lean Bear

    External Camera

    This has been bugging me for ages. I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to set an external camera (or any camera that stays in a fixed position) in a mission (ie. not an intro or outro) so you could still control the player' unit - but the camera wouldn't follow him around? I've tried a number of things (mainly the really obvious ones such as testing out the different cameras and having a fiddle with specific models' external cameras (the 3rd person viewpoint etc.) but there's nothing that I can see that will keep them fixed or anything. Any ideas? edit I've been told my q isn't exactly too clear, so, to sum it up: When your character moves the camera is focused on the screen and not the player.
  7. Lean Bear

    External Camera

    OK, well - that's fair enough. I guess I could always include a warning to make sure that people use the default set-up. I guess the next challenge I'd be facing is working out all the mathmatical calculations to determine what each key press would do...
  8. Lean Bear

    External Camera

    Yeah, we are talking about the same, thing - what I meant was: at the time when it came out, I was curious as to how it worked and looked at the source code, but I didn't get it. The scripting thing I understood once you recommended using fwatch *slaps head (should have thought of it earlier)*. I'm just not familiar with the loadFile command :P But after looking through the scripts in the fwatch race mission (mainly rally.sqs) it seems easy enough to set the camera up - but then do I have to put in what all the key presses do?
  9. Lean Bear

    External Camera

    Funnily enough, that's where I originally started before trying to use a config or scripting trick to get it to work. Apart from the really basic stuff, I found it too complicated to understand, but by now my C knowledge must have improved, so I'll give it another crack, thanks
  10. Lean Bear

    Best CPP editor that checks your work?

    TextPad always works a treat for me. It's just like WordPad or Notepad, but it can understand basic C and will find errors like that in no time - you'll see the text in red or something, it will look obvious where there's an error :P
  11. Lean Bear

    Star Wars mod

    Jakob Persson, apparently Looks excellent though!
  12. Lean Bear

    Star Wars mod

    Nah - as the player you use a mouse-click or left-ctrl to use it.
  13. Lean Bear

    Star Wars mod

    Hey guys, sorry I've been so quiet lately. Just a quick update... Unless Sanzinsky stole it , I'm still working on the Super battle droid. Also, I've finally fixed the main bugs with the CQC engine, so I'll next implement movement and the lightsaber anims. Later
  14. Lean Bear

    Texturing Units

    I can't think of any off-hand, but I think I know what will help you. In O2, if you press "G" (or goto Surfaces -> Gizmo Mapping) you will open the Gizmo mapping screen. You need some knowledge of this in order to use it properly and I believe there is a tut about it at OFPEC in the Editor's Depot. Also, if the textures aren't streched, but more blurred then that could just be the way O2 works. 70% of the time the textures will look much better in-game than in Bulldozer.
  15. Lean Bear

    Adding Light to a Weapon

    I really don't have a clue how to do this. I first tried to add the light (as a plane - so it would look like a runway light - that sort of thing) to the weapon model. Which didn't work. Then I was advised that I should put the light into the unit model (who uses the weapon) and tie it into the proxy for the weapon. But I don't really know where to start on this part. The only other thing I know is that it should probably be in the memory lod.
  16. Lean Bear

    Adding Light to a Weapon

    Well, that topic helped with the O2 work, but I'm clueless over what I'm emant to do with the config. Do I define them as reflectors or light or what?
  17. Lean Bear

    Adding Light to a Weapon

    Thanks a lot ade_mcc. I finally figured out how to do it (took a lot of browsing through various links :P)
  18. Lean Bear

    Adding Light to a Weapon

    That's fine But how do actually add light to the soldier? Is there a tut or something that goes over this that I can look at?
  19. Lean Bear

    Adding Light to a Weapon

    Thanks for the response How would it look if I added light to the soldier? Would it look really bad when the soldier moves or what? Also, how do you do this anyway??: "light is added to the soldier aligned to the weapon proxy"
  20. I dunno what the problem is I re-textured the Res Truck but when I put one in the mission editor the new textures "come off" and the previous ones are seen. Why does this happen and how can I fix it?
  21. Lean Bear

    Textures *switching* on and off

    Whoops! Sorry I took so long to reply. I found my answer at the editing center. Basically, I had only re-textured the highest res lod's, so as the player moved further away, the truck was rendered in the original textures. Thanks anyway
  22. Lean Bear

    Changes to config.cpp

    ^^What exactly do you mean? Is the entire screen like that or what?
  23. Yeah, I heard it made it easier for the OFP engine to read .bin files (especially when they're big ones like the main config.bin). Also, I've found that some addons don't work without having a .bin file.