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Everything posted by Lurchisme

  1. Lurchisme

    ArmA Addon request thread

    the biggest planes on my wish list would be the Mirage 2000, the Prowler (US Navy Eletronic warfare plane), and the E-2 Hawkeye. I would say the Falcon and the Hornet as well, but someone's already working on them. I'd also like to see the B52 Stratafortress as an addon, but mostly because it's such a mammoth plane it'd be interesting to see if they could even fit it in the game.
  2. I'm having trouble creating the 'get in' action for an addon I'm making. Also, when the player exists the vehicle, they exit aproximately 2 metres into the air, fall, then die. I've had a look at how some other addons have been configured, and there seems to be two points in the Memory point thing which could be it... Something gunner dir and Something Gunner I've tried both of these, but they don't seem to work. I seem to remember in OFP, Chech names were used for a lot of the memory points. Does anyone out there know how these are supposed to be done?
  3. Lurchisme

    Disabling black people?

    I hate to derail this thread even further than it already is, but... There's some peaple who think that even mentioning someones skin, sexual preferences, gender or religion constitutes descrimination. From my experience, these peaple are either insecure about their race/gender/etc, or they don't really know the group their defending all that well. I'm from Australia, so there isn't much racism against Negro's here. There is a lot of racism against the Aboriginals though. There's some that think calling them 'blacks' is racist'... I work with a large number of these, and largely the type which give Aboriginals such a bad name. They refer to themselves as 'Black fellers', and us as 'White Fellers'. Bringing attention to someones differences is not descrimination. Even treating them differently is not descrimination, assuming there is a reason. You wouldn't give a guy without legs a job as a lifeguard. That's common sense, not descrimination. Similary, refusing to have black peaple in your arma mission because the army it represents doesn't have black peaple is also not descrimination. Anyway, rant over.
  4. I do, but not on me... I'll post it next time I'm online, unless someone else has first.
  5. Surely the way to go if your seriouse about your arma multiplayer gaming is clans? I don't have home internet access, so I havn't looked, but there's got to be some out there.
  6. Lurchisme

    Jet Fighters

    Hey guys. The likelyhood of the different countrys in Sahra to be able to afford these aircraft, and the socio-political ramifications of them being there is all very interesting and all, but what projects are already out there? How many have been completed? Aside from helicopters and retextured/armed existing planes, the only plane addons I've seen are a few small cargo planes, and one or two Cessna-type aircraft. Disregarding the cost, and real-life likelyhood of these planes actually being there, I'd like to see a hornet, a falcon, or possibly a tomcat. (I imagine the sliding wings would be a challenge to model). You might as well argue that peaple shouldn't make WWII addons because no countries use vehicles that old any more. ArmA is a combat simulater, but it's also a game, and if an addon enriches your experience, I'm all for it, regardless of realism. *Edited* And the F22 Raptor... From what I've read, low payload, but doesn't show up much on radar (easy to incorporate in the config via camoflage setting) Oh yeah, cool Hornet pics btw... got an ETA for the addon?
  7. Lurchisme

    Importing a model with textures to O2?

    Sweet... I actually came to this board to see if I could find out how to use the UV editor in O2... So glad I don't need to. That things painful. (BTW, I didn't search, just found it on the first page)