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Everything posted by LaKing

  1. Time to unleash my Mission for Operation Arrowhead, that I composed in order to test the German Radio Protocol. The mission is quite intense, and I hope you will have a lot of fun while playing it. Also, I hope BIS will release the German protocol in the next patch. Download CrowingBamjahan.Takistan.pbo and get yourself ready for the combat.
  2. LaKing

    SP: Crowing Bamjahan.

    Thank you. :) .. Yes, that enemy attacking thing is the last bug, that I couldn't sort out. The AI gets all orders, Combat mode Red, etc, but they still don't attack, just stand around, or take a walk. Actually the game-play is not fully linear, it depends a lot on the surprise-drop. If someone has a bug-fix / update, please feel free to let me know. LaKing
  3. LaKing

    SP: Crowing Bamjahan.

    Theoretically, no mods are required. OA with the latest patches and updates only. Infantry mission. Goal is to rescue survivors, and to prevent their transport from the crash site. ... Two hours ago, Captain John G. Sumida, the navigator of the C130 Hercules crew, which is assigned to drop supplies under cover of night for the US Army Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 101th Infantry Regiment, positioned north of Sakhe, reported unknown enemy activity, and shortly thereafter sent a mayday signal from his position, heading east. Experts analysed the recordings, the aircraft has been damaged and due to the engine failure, the crew had to perform a quick emergency landing. Friendly troops in the area reported no sign of crash, therefore the aircraft is assumed to have landed, and the crew is assumed to be alive. As soon as possible, find the crash-site, evacuate the lost crew, and prevent their transport from the Area and their capture. Prevent any chance of crew members being subjected to torture by the enemy or filmed for extortion and ransom purposes before their execution. As soon as possible find the crash-site and clear the area. Aid in the evacuation of lost crew members. US Air force units will transport 3 squads of special forces from the German Bundeswehr, that kindly offered quick help. - All units will be parachuted in low altitude around the drop-zone, where the last signal was transmitted from. - Make sure no enemy forces are stationed on your back. - Proceed on the mountain ridge, make sure that the enemy has no strongholds. - By the time the crest of bamjahan is reached you should have visual to the crash site. - With the lost crew collected, hold position, and call for evacuation.
  4. LaKing

    Air vehicles in Arma 2

    And ofc, it is possible to change the weapon loadout of everything, by script.
  5. LaKing

    Few questions to devs.

    Could we get back to topic plz? ...
  6. LaKing

    should you be able to move and shoot in ARMA?

    i have only 1 problem related to this thread. While u running (weapon in automatic) u see enemy and even if your weapon is lowered u get scared and u start fireing. (in real life u get scared even more). But that u can press the trigger while running it has no effect. Thats not realistic. I die in Arma CTF games, becose i open fire 10ms b4 i can? Seems shitty to me ...
  7. OFP Script Editor Allows to work directly on PBO files ... syntax highlighting .. etc
  8. LaKing

    ofp on a 15,4'' widescreen

    thanx for the info,... may try -twomon, but my Gf440 MX keeps crashing ofp .. t y
  9. LaKing

    OFP and Dual Core Processors

    Ah, thats why i lag on my X2 3800+ ... i was suspecting the hub ... thanks man
  10. LaKing

    New Engine

    Guys .. There is a lot to do in the new Game. Nearly everything has to be rewritten. (3D, Netcode, &&& ...) But i dont see any answers about the new engine by BIS here :/ The screeshots look very good. I love the feeling in it
  11. LaKing

    KICTI 1.0a @RES released

    Hi... KICTI is a new CTI where you have mainly platoons to controll instead of AI soldiers. You have to get the Island for the General ... for detailed description and manual read: http://www.D250.hu/kictimanual.pdf the map pack can be dowloaded from http://www.D250.hu/kicti.zip cheers LaKing
  12. LaKing

    OFP on a Mac?

    Install fedora Core on your mac, and try Winex. theoretycally it should run.
  13. LaKing

    Hardly readable fonts

    Why?and Workarounds? I think its caused on nVidia chipsets by settng to "better performance." Install a fresh new driver. When a new driver is installed, i only set antialiasing to 2x and nothing else. there is another mipmap settings something too... but that didnt work Have fun.
  14. LaKing

    Graphics engine improvement

    Hi all,... First: I dont understand why modern games (AA,CoD,OFP,...) dont use antialiasing. Its available with HW support on most videocards. If i turn it on on OFP, the fonts are getting unreadable, and i have to reinstall videocard or mipmap smthg... so it doesent works enywhere. Make the Object visible on long distances too, i hate when i dont see the tank wich is shooting my base to dust. I Hope there will be particle system too in ofp2 for fire and explusions. I miss the Grass. I remeber, Delta Force had a primitive grass, and in CoD Grass looks great, but still not perfect. What Graphical engine is used by Bi? Is This a secret? Does it has its own? I Hope OFP2 will be ahead of his time,...like OFP was. Tanks