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About Lamorak

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Lamorak

    Desert 5t truck pack.

    Yes - 150 GB until the end of this month ;)
  2. Lamorak

    Is there a linux server setup manual?

    This one was shipped with the 1.85 server: There is also a start/stop-script included, that can be used, too (and ist much more comfortable).
  3. Lamorak

    Bandwidth and ping problems on linux server

    Nothing to worry about. Every hint is helpful and makes me learn more about the ofp-server thing. I thought keeping MinBandwith low wouldn't prevent the server from taking more if he needs to. Anyway, a test with higher values is worth a try, but this has to wait until tomorrow.
  4. Lamorak

    Bandwidth and ping problems on linux server

    May I quote from the DS-Admin.rft, a document shipped with OFP (or belonging to the dedicated server): followed by the parameters you posted. I found some confusing posts in this forum about the correct place and decided to follow the official instructions. If there is a proof, that this is wrong: please show me. I can put the parameters in both configs, too. But I will try to raise the values and tell you (and others who might read this) if it helped. Thx so far, Lamorak. PS: Even if I have defined 32 players, we usually are 5-10 people on the server, so even with 1 Mbit (the server has more) the bandwidth should last.
  5. Lamorak

    Bandwidth and ping problems on linux server

    server.cfg <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">hostname = "LzZ - Pr0n & Panzer"; motd[]= { Â Â "Welcome to:", Â Â "LzZ - Pr0n & Panzer" }; password = "***"; passwordAdmin = "***"; maxPlayers = "32"; motdInterval = 2; cadetMode = 0; kickDuplicate="true"; checkfiles[]={}; flashpoint.cfg <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Light_Explo="1"; Product="Resistance"; Cloudlets="1"; Limit_LOD="0.005289"; Cockpit_Textures="2048"; 3D_Performance="100000"; CPU_Benchmark="12000"; HW_Type="Direct3D HW T&L"; Object_Textures="2048"; File_Heap="1"; VehShadows="1"; Frame_Rate_Pref="500"; refresh="70"; MaxObjects="256"; Language="English"; Shadows="1"; Adapter="0"; Resolution_W="1280"; Quality_Pref="500"; Resolution_H="1024"; Resolution_Bpp="32"; Texture_Heap="1"; MaxLights="32"; Reflections="1"; Animated_Textures="2048"; Sky="1"; Landscape_Textures="2048"; Light_Missile="1"; LOD="1.000000"; Shadows_LOD="0.005289"; Textures_Drop_Down="0"; Total_Memory="768"; Light_Static="1"; MaxMsgSend=384; Â Â Â Â Â Â Â // also tried 256 and 128 MaxSizeGuaranteed=512; Â Â // and 256 MaxSizeNonguaranteed=256; Â MinBandwidth=1024000; Â Â Â // and 768000 userinfo.cfg <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">diffTracers[]={0,0}; diffWeaponCursor[]={1,1};
  6. Lamorak

    Bandwidth and ping problems on linux server

    Can you please tell us how low the upload of this player is, so that we have a comparison? @[iT|Q]: This really seems to be the same problem. The symptoms are identical.
  7. Lamorak

    Bandwidth and ping problems on linux server

    Yes, he has and the upload speed ist 16kB/s (with 96kB/s download) He is using a hardware router to access the net. Perhaps anyone has some trouble too with such a device.
  8. Hi! The environment: Pentium 4 HT @ 3,06 Â GHz with 1 GB RAM Suse Linux 8.1 with Kernel 2.4.23 fast internet connection ofp 1.96 (tried 1.95 and 1.94 too) The problem: While playing, the ping of some users rises from 25 or 30 to over 100 or 150 ms. In the meantime the bandwidth drops from over 100 to 5 or 6. This often happens while using vehicles. If the player dies and respawns, the values sometimes go back to normal. It seems as if the player gets all the informations from the Server (he sees other players drive or walk around) but the server doesn't get any informations from the client. For the other players the one with the problems doesen't seem to move and he ist invisible for KI. Perhaps there are some config tweaks for ofp or even for the network settings of linux. Any idea may be helpfull. Thx in advance, Lamorak.
  9. Lamorak

    Cti- worst thing to happen to ofp

    To keep it short: without CTI I would not play OFP anymore. Coops are nice the first time but boring if you play them again. CTF is too simple (from a strategical point of view). /edit: I buy an "o" ;)
  10. Lamorak

    Slow mission loading on suselinux8.2

    You speak of the clients downloading the missions or the server starting the mission? First thing sometimes takes some time, but last one has never been a problem on our Suse 8.1 server.
  11. Lamorak

    Squad.xml in lan

    No need for an Apache ;) there are many tiny webservers out there that can do the job and are installed and configured with a few klicks.
  12. Lamorak

    Server requirements

    I hope you don't plan to play CTI missions on your server. We use a 3,06 GHz PIV HT with 1 GB RAM and the machine is running at 10-15 frames per second while using 99,5% of cpu power.
  13. Lamorak

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    @iNeo: I can't see a picture from Lee the last page, so I think you refer to my CTI pic. I use "unsharpen mask" before resizing from 1280x1024 to avoid the picture getting to soft. But colors on SILESIANs pictures really look excellent.
  14. Lamorak

    Useful ofp linux server scripts and utilities

    I modified the default script to run the server under a special user account and added some variablels. This runs in a Suse Linux 8.1 environment <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#!/bin/bash # # ofpserver: Operation Flashpoint Linux dedicated server control script #  (c) 2003 BIStudio # # with modifications done by Lamorak # #  OFP binary version must be 1.92 or later! . /etc/rc.status #======================================================================= #========        CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS         ======== #======== MUST BE EDITED MANUALLY TO FIT YOUR SYSTEM PARAMETERS ======== #======================================================================= MYDATE=$(date +%y-%m-%d) OFP_USER=ofpserver OFP_DIR=/home/ofpserver/ofp CONFIG=${OFP_DIR}/server.cfg PORT=2302 PIDFILE=${OFP_DIR}/ofp_server.${PORT}.pid RUNFILE=${OFP_DIR}/ofp.server.${PORT}.run LOGFILE=${OFP_DIR}/logs/${MYDATE}_${PORT}.log SERVER=${OFP_DIR}/server #======================================================================= return=$rc_done case "$1" in   start) if [ -f ${RUNFILE} ]; then   $0 stop fi echo -n "Starting OFP server..." # file to mark we want server running... su $OFP_USER -c "echo \"go\" >${RUNFILE}" # launch the background watchdog process to run the server nohup </dev/null >/dev/null $0 watchdog & echo -e "$return" ;;   stop) echo -n "Stopping OFP server..." if [ -f ${RUNFILE} ]; then # ask watcher process to exit by deleting its runfile...   su $OFP_USER -c "rm -f ${RUNFILE}" fi # and terminate OFP server process if [ -f ${PIDFILE} ]; then   su $OFP_USER -c "kill -TERM $(< ${PIDFILE})" || return=$rc_failed   if [ -f ${PIDFILE} ]; then su $OFP_USER -c "rm -f ${PIDFILE}"   fi fi echo -e "$return" ;;   status) if [ -f ${RUNFILE} ]; then   echo "Server should be running..." else   echo "Server should not be running..." fi if [ -f ${PIDFILE} ]; then   PID=$(< ${PIDFILE})   echo "PID file exists (PID=${PID})..."   if [ -f /proc/${PID}/cmdline ]; then echo "Server process seems to be running..."   fi fi ;;   check) echo -n "OFP directory: ${OFP_DIR} " if [ -d ${OFP_DIR} ]; then   echo "OK" else   echo "MISSING!" fi echo -n "Server executable: ${SERVER} " if [ -x ${SERVER} ]; then   echo "OK" else   echo "ERROR!" fi echo "Port number: ${PORT}" echo -n "Config file: ${CONFIG} " if [ -f ${CONFIG} ]; then   echo "OK" else   echo "MISSING!" fi echo "PID file: ${PIDFILE}" echo "RUN file: ${RUNFILE}" ;;   restart) $0 stop && $0 start || return=$rc_failed     ;;   watchdog) # this is a background watchdog process. Do not start directly while [ -f ${RUNFILE} ]; do # launch the server...   cd ${OFP_DIR}   su $OFP_USER -c "echo >>${LOGFILE} \"WATCHDOG ($$): [$(date)] Starting server (port ${PORT})...\""   su $OFP_USER -c "${SERVER} >>${LOGFILE} 2>&1 -server -nomap -config=${CONFIG} -port=${PORT} -pid=${PIDFILE}" || return=$rc_failed   if [ -f ${RUNFILE} ]; then su $OFP_USER -c "echo >>${LOGFILE} \"WATCHDOG ($$): [$(date)] Server died, waiting to restart...\"" sleep 5s   else su $OFP_USER -c "echo >>${LOGFILE} \"WATCHDOG ($$): [$(date)] Server shutdown intentional, watchdog terminating\""   fi done ;;   *) echo "$0 (start|stop|restart|status|check)" ;; esac To execute at boottime, the script is palced in /etc/init.d with a reference in /etc/init.d/rc3.d Some users are allowed to execute this script with the following aliases: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">alias ofpstart='sudo /etc/init.d/ofpserver start' alias ofpstop='sudo /etc/init.d/ofpserver stop' Do be allowed to use "sudo" on /etc/init.d/ofpserver the file /etc/sudoers has to be modified. I added the following line for every user who should be able to restart the server: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"><username>  ALL = NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/ofpserver No matter who operates the server it is always running unter the "ofpserver" account. Perhaps this can be usefull. One thing I am missing: As long as the server runs, his otuput goes to the same logfile for days. Is it possible to change to an other logile without restarting the server? One more ;) : I don't use modfolders for the server yet, but this could be implementet very easy, I think: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">watchdog) # this is a background watchdog process. Do not start directly while [ -f ${RUNFILE} ]; do # launch the server...   cd ${OFP_DIR}   su $OFP_USER -c "echo >>${LOGFILE} \"WATCHDOG ($$): [$(date)] Starting server (port ${PORT})...\"" # begin modfolders case "$2" in config1)   su $OFP_USER -c "${SERVER} >>${LOGFILE} 2>&1 -server -nomap -mod= .... -config=${CONFIG} -port=${PORT} -pid=${PIDFILE}" || return=$rc_failed ;; config2) ... ;; esac #end modfolder  if [ -f ${RUNFILE} ]; then su $OFP_USER -c "echo >>${LOGFILE} \"WATCHDOG ($$): [$(date)] Server died, waiting to restart...\"" sleep 5s   else su $OFP_USER -c "echo >>${LOGFILE} \"WATCHDOG ($$): [$(date)] Server shutdown intentional, watchdog terminating\""   fi done ;; It would be startet with "etc/init.d/ofpserver start config1". Not testet, but should work