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Everything posted by Looney888

  1. Looney888

    SP-Mission Pack / Mini-Campaign "Insomnia"

    It's fine I was still on the custom settings from my mp server so wasn't seeing radio chatter, that made it more obvious.
  2. Looney888

    SP-Mission Pack / Mini-Campaign "Insomnia"

    Ah ok, didn't see the car at all, will go back and try it again :)
  3. Looney888

    SP-Mission Pack / Mini-Campaign "Insomnia"

    Just tried the first mission, saw the helicopters, got the task to RTB. Got back to Air Station Mike (boring walk btw) and nothing happened.
  4. Weird Pixel have a review up: http://www.theweirdpixel.com/2009/07/05/review-arma-2/ Pretty much times in with the brilliant and awful at the same time theme.
  5. Looney888

    Crash whilst Installing GOTY edition

    I've solved it. I copied everything except the damaged file to the hard-drive, I then made a copy of the promo video that worked and re-named the copy to have the same name as the one that didn't. I then burnt the whole lot to a blank cd and the installer recognised it as disc 3
  6. I know the problem is a scratch on disc 3 which means that one of the promo videos on disc 3 cannot be read, this causes the whole installation process to crash when it gets to that stage. Is there a work around to this? Everything else on all 3 discs is fine but I cannot install the game because of one silly little promo movie that I'll never watch.