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Everything posted by Lin_Txarames

  1. Lin_Txarames

    What questions do you want answered?

    32 or 64 bits architechture? or both? will we enjoy OFP2 like a mix of "air simulator" and on ground too? Â
  2. All we know that when OFP was developed our computers the same does not worked sufficient for this game xD. It will happen the same with the OFP2? For me the OFP continues having a dark side, the levels of the land, the distances of vision on the map at max. levels is another game that little people are even enjoying it. I have read in the AMD's web, the launching of 64 bits processor in games as the "Farcry" is going it to include in a beta for these processors. I suppose that BIS will very consider the new one was that this supposes for the games and partly delaying the OFP2 to experience the game with these processors's tecnology. My opinion is if we want to smell the OFP2 we must buy in a future these processors. What now I do? I buy a computer ~ to 3.2 GHZ & Gforce FX 5950 or better we hoped to spend the money in this new processors tecnology? BIS could anticipate minimum requirements that the game requires I think. Translated spanish to English xDD
  3. Lin_Txarames

    My first model

    Screenshots: http://www.tacticalblunder.com/~upload....ipa.JPG http://www.tacticalblunder.com/~upload....pa2.JPG http://www.tacticalblunder.com/~upload....pa3.JPG
  4. Lin_Txarames

    My first model

    Hey Joe Sorry man, I read ur name wrong, very sorry dude.
  5. Lin_Txarames

    My first model

    lol  Thx u Friend YEahhh !!
  6. Lin_Txarames

    My first model

    Yes, This model is for my Desktop jejeje and I'm not worried about how many poligons it have. I will do another version to OFP. Are u rdy to know how many polys it have? Â 69500 Â !!! Â tooomaaaa yaaaaa. Â Hey thx Fatboy, now I have just learnt how many polys have a model. Â
  7. Lin_Txarames

    My first model

    Thx all. The model takes me 3 days with 3d s max, because I've never seen this program before. About confings, I dont know How to make it. I saw several tutorials in ofpec website very interesting. These images of G36 are rendered, it makes more round all...I think....I'm nooob  Look this screenshots: I want something similar. http://www.farazansari.com/screenshots/g36noskin.jpg http://www.farazansari.com/screenshots/g36-render2.jpg sweet?? I love It.  . Can I make in OFP a gun with two differents optics. ( mira telescopica, no se como se dice jejeje). I hope my new friends can Help me with the Gun and My poor English jjejejejejeej. Hey syphboy, post it. Txarames
  8. Lin_Txarames

    My first model

    żQue si tiene muchos poligonos? A jierro tio xDDD. Ya los bajare para cuando meta el addons al OFP. English: Now the polys are too much but I will reduce when I use O2.
  9. Lin_Txarames

    My first model

    Why not? Spanish Infantry uses G36. First again I must learn how to use Gizmo mapping in O2, I have an excellents Photographs of G36 airsoft, so I think It will be my new Toy in OFP Sounds...żwhere can I found it? In HK website there is a video but I'm not sure If I can use it, I will look it.
  10. Lin_Txarames

    My first model

    are u an angel? ooook dude I will send u. very thx u.
  11. Lin_Txarames

    Spanish uro vamtac pack

    No problem  Maybe I can help u with O2, I followed some tutorials to make an m16 and a Box and a Car with O2 xD. I have seen someone give u a tutorial web (brsseb) , that web is perfect for u to learn about Lods, commands for tires, wheels... If u want to learn to texture with Gizmo O2, on this forun (O2 subforum) u can found tutorials in english to use it. Months ago I saw a translation to spanish on cazadores de monte's web, but I think they remove it or something because I cant found it. Try to ask them in their forum m8. About my g36...is my first model with 3d studio max, I'm very noob on this world...jejejejeje PD: esto ya en espańol porque sino me rallo xD. Pos eso que aun no me creo que me haya salido la g36 asi para ser mi primer modelo un poco serio xD, en un principio no es para un addon pal ofp porque lleva un monton de poligonos si los reduzco la are pal ofp, pero aun le queda mucho, detalles, texturas.... en fin, te voy a ańadir al msn va? Bye all.
  12. Lin_Txarames

    My first model

    I cant upload the images to a server.
  13. Lin_Txarames

    Spanish uro vamtac pack

    Hola. Yo soy tambien de Espańa. No te conocia de nada tio, pero me agrada saber que gente espańola tambien hace addons y esas movidas. Me gustan esos bugas !!! jejejeje, bueno tio, yo estoy aprendiendo a modelar, y mi primer trabajo es una g36. Suerte con las texturas. Nos vemos Sorry to speak in spanish.
  14. Lin_Txarames

    Operation flashpoint 2 --> 49,99 euros

    OFP is a simulator game, the rest of games like u named aren't it . I cant understand why other companys try to make a game like OFP...millions of copies selled..., maybe if they do this, OFP2 had been developed months ago. There's no game nowadays that is the competence of OFP, and now VBS1. I could say that BIS is the strong name in this kind of games...and they are not worryed to finish OFP2 as soon as posible. And later OFP2 they will work on VBS2 jejejeje It is too sweet for them. In my opinion BIS is too intelligent doing that, but I think they were wrong making OFP for XBOX, never a console will replace a PC, first because simulation is more realistic on PC, second, If I have a PC why I should buy a Console??
  15. Lin_Txarames

    Operation flashpoint 2 --> 49,99 euros

    What is happening here !!! We are knowing more news with amazon that Bis and codemasters Both jeejjejee...OFP was developed in june or july too If I remember well...and I preorder it I hope it is true... SUma or Maruk or somebody...tell us something dude