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Little Blue Assassin

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Posts posted by Little Blue Assassin

  1. Yes, it is a bummer, but be patient and someone with knowledge will likely reply. It is best to wait a day at least, or preferably until your thread has "fallen" off of the first page. Then you can "bump" it up to the first page again with a post. As to your question, I'm afraid I do not know. I believe that the scud missile is actually part of the scud launcher, even after it has launched. Listen. Go into the mission editor, and on the desert island map create a civilian (set him to player), an empty scud, and an empty BMP. Test the mission. Get into the BMP, and knock the scud onto its side. Get out of the BMP, and get into the scud. Now launch the scud, and you will see what I am talking about. If you somehow rock the truck back and forth while the missile is still in sight (but has left the truck), it will waver around in the air. From this, I gather that the missile is attached to the truck by a sort of invisible, untouchable support. Thus, I do not think that the missile is a projectile, and so I am afraid that you must create your own unit for your mission. I hope this is not the case, and that someone with knowledge superior to my own will quickly inform us that I am wrong.

  2. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (InqWiper @ Feb. 08 2003,17:53)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">[getpos this select 0,getpos this select 1,0.1]<span id='postcolor'>

    Just what does "this select" mean? Also, how are coordinates measured? On the map, there are letters and numbers, but these are just numbers (I know that they are the x, y, and z coordinates, but beyond that I am completely ignorant). Please enlighten me.

  3. It really is difficult to find exactly what you are looking for here. I usually get pissed when people post redundant topics, but in this forum I can understand.

    The line in your trigger that creates the unit you want to arm should look something like this:

    soldierwb createunit [getmarkerpos "markerone",groupalpha,this removemagazines "handgrenade,"this removemagazines m16,"this removeweapon "m16"]

    Or something...

  4. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Beno @ Feb. 08 2003,05:20)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Or, if you want to be more specific, you can use:

    this removeMagazine(s) "HandGrenade";

    or whatever mag you want out. Using Magazine removes one of the type, using Magazines removes all of the type.<span id='postcolor'>

    I'm not sure that the "removemagazines" command will remove magazines from a crate or a truck. I think it only works on a soldier.

    Junker, I was actually referring to the countless missions I have played where the soldier starts out with the default four magazines and six hand grenades or whatever. It's very irritating removing your handgrenades every game. It's even worse on maps such as Blackops HALO when you are commander and have to remove twelve or fifteen blackops' satchel charges every single time one of your guys goes splat or when your team gets wasted driving foolishly through the town after Saint Pierre. I've only seen one or two maps where you actually start out with a weapon other than the default. Don't these people learn how to edit before they make maps available for public use?

    Of course, the problem that you are talking about is also irritating. My personal peeve is the G36. It always kills in one shot (unrealistically), and all of the mission makers seem to love placing them liberally throughout the map, so everybody grabs it and runs around randomly spraying in full automatic. All you need to add is bunny-hopping and we will have something along the line of Counter-Strike.

  5. What is working correctly?  If you mean that the soldier is now always prone, then it is not working for me.  Even when I put "this stop true" in, he stands up soon after he hears a certain explosion that occurs at the beginning of my mission.

    [edit]It seems to work if the soldier is part of a group.  If he is alone, it doesn't.[/edit]

    [edit]Never mind.  It doesn't work if he's part of a group, either.[/edit]

  6. Okay, I'll do that. I did it before, and it seemed to work, but then I discovered the "disableai" commands and since the "this stop true" command was labeled obsolete by the command reference, so I replaced it with "disableai," thinking that it would remove the problem of the soldier constantly switching to rocket propelled grenade (I removed his gun but not his launcher) and therefore suddenly sitting up. Thank you for your input...

  7. I don't know the scripting involved, but this is what it is like playing it. You enter a town and go to the flag pole in the center. Upon reaching it a new action called "Raise flag" appears in your action menu. Upon selecting this, the pole displays your side's flag and the message "Town has been captured by West" displays for every player. Usually you start accumulating points for holding the town over a period of time. If the enemy manages to get to the flag pole and raise their flag, it becomes their town.

  8. Well, I'm afraid I don't know how to do this myself, but there are many capture-the-flag maps that use the same principle (and I've played a map of the very type you describe, complete with flags, but I don't think I have the file). If you want to, I can e-mail one to you and you can dig around inside to see what they did. I personally would suggest having a single pole on which you can raise the three different flags.

  9. Okay, I am trying to make a soldier act as if his legs were shot (it's too bad I can't just script that). Actually, that's just part of what I am doing. I'm trying to make a completely disabled soldier. I put

    this setunitpos "down"; this disableai "move"; this disableai "target"; this disableai "autotarget"; this setdammage 0.8; this setcaptive true

    in the soldier's init field. However, he simply refuses to stay down. I searched in this forum under the keywords "force," "unit," and "prone." After wading through eight pages of topics, I have come to the conclusion that this particular question hasn't been asked before (which surprises me). Can someone please give me a workable solution?

  10. Ah!  Thank you very much, that is exactly what I was looking for.

    Now on a somewhat related note, I am trying to delete a helicopter in the air when it reaches the edge of the map.  This works, but the pilots both fall to their deaths, and I want them to be deleted instead so that it does not affect my rating.  Now, I tried making an empty helicopter and two pilots with names (so that I could delete them seperately with a different trigger) and then placing the pilots in the helicopter, but one of the helicopter's waypoints before the deletion involves the "transport unload" command, and it will only work if the helicopter is created as a manned unit (I mean, it can't piloted by two guys placed inside using the "moveindriver" command as I tried to do).  And you can't name the drivers or pilots of a unit that is created manned (as far as I know).

    What I am trying to do now is create a trigger that will affect all units within its radius, but I have searched both this forum and the command reference for a long time and I cannot find any "all units within this trigger's radius" command, or anything like it.  Please help.

  11. I am attempting to make it so that if the player gets within a certain radius of a certain enemy tank, the enemy crew must all get out.  Now, most of this is easy.  I made the player, the tank, and the two crewmen, and gave everybody names.  I then placed the two crewmen in the tank using the "moveindriver" and "moveingunner" commands.  Then I made the trigger.  I set it to "activated by West" and put this in the "on activation" line:

    crewmanone action ["eject", vehicle crewmanone]; crewmantwo action ["eject", vehicle crewmantwo]

    This works.  The problem is that the tank must move, and the trigger won't move.  Thus the only way to activate the trigger is to go to the place on the map where the tank started out.  This is stupid.  Is there some way you can attach a trigger to a vehicle?

  12. Okay, okay, I did exactly what I was told to do. I made a marker called "bugger," and made a trigger activated by Radio Alpha. In the "on activation" line of the trigger, I put

    "t55g" createUnit [getmarkerPos "bugger",groupAlpha]

    I made a civilian stand right in front of the "bugger" marker, and set him as the player. I tested this and activated Radio Alpha. ALACAZAM! Nothing...

    What am I doing wrong? I have searched very extensively on this and nobody else seems to be having this little problem.
