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Little Blue Assassin

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Everything posted by Little Blue Assassin

  1. Little Blue Assassin

    Laser guided bombing

    Does he have to be in your group, or what? Also, will he keep painting the target until it is dead?
  2. Little Blue Assassin

    Direct speeking

    Yes, I am sure. However, all of the channels work on my brother's computer. Only on my computer does direct speaking work only.
  3. Little Blue Assassin

    Direct speeking

    Well, my brother and I have both gotten the voice chat to work with direct speaking. It's cool, and I again marvel at the detail put into the game, but it's useless because it does not work at distances. We cannot get any of the other channels (global, team, et cetera) to work with voice chat. Why?
  4. Little Blue Assassin

    Direct speeking

    What is Directplay? Is that the built-in program as opposed to Gamespy? I have also been suspiciously eying my sound card. I know that I cannot record anything while another program is using sound, and that I only have a few channels.
  5. Little Blue Assassin

    Direct speeking

    Let me get this straight. When playing version one point four six, you first switch to direct speaking, then hit capitals lock, and then simply talk away (assuming that your microphone is set up)? Or do you have to hit the chat key, say whatever you want to say, and then hit enter? Someone please describe the exact process. Talk to me as you would an idiot, for I know nothing of this! My experiments have led me nowhere.
  6. Little Blue Assassin

    All units

    I have a trigger, and anyone will activate it when they enter its radius. But how do I tell the trigger to do something to all units within its radius, or even simply all units? The only thing I can get it to affect is named units and players.
  7. Little Blue Assassin

    All units

    Aha! I thank both of you, that has truly made my night.
  8. Little Blue Assassin

    Hit damage difference

    There is no difference in the soldier damage in Operation Flashpoint version one point four six and the Resistance demo. I know for a fact that soldiers can only take one hit in the chest (with very rare exceptions that I cannot seem to figure out - I think they are bugs), or one hit in the head.
  9. Little Blue Assassin

    Screenshot ripped out of the ofp2 flash file

    I have three words for you. Dream on.
  10. Little Blue Assassin

    Screenshot ripped out of the ofp2 flash file

    I have three words for you. Dream on.
  11. Little Blue Assassin

    All units

    I want to remove the hand grenades of all units on the map. So I made a trigger that is activated by anyone and has a radius of ten thousand meters. Now, you are usually supposed to put this removemagazines "handgrenade" in a soldier's init line to remove hand grenades. So I put "_x removemagazines "handgrenade"" foreach thislist in the "on activation" line of the trigger. The problem is that the trigger doesn't like the double quotation mark at the end of "handgrenade." I can't remove the quotation marks from around "handgrenade," either. How do I go about fixing this?
  12. Okay, okay, I did exactly what I was told to do. I made a marker called "bugger," and made a trigger activated by Radio Alpha. In the "on activation" line of the trigger, I put "t55g" createUnit [getmarkerPos "bugger",groupAlpha] I made a civilian stand right in front of the "bugger" marker, and set him as the player. I tested this and activated Radio Alpha. ALACAZAM! Nothing... What am I doing wrong? I have searched very extensively on this and nobody else seems to be having this little problem.
  13. Little Blue Assassin

    I can't create the stinking guy with the trigger

    Thanks...now all I need to know is how to create a guy with a trigger. I'm stumped.
  14. Little Blue Assassin

    I can't create the stinking guy with the trigger

    Aha! Â Thank you, Doolittle...I would never have found that problem. Â How do you create a manned vehicle? Â Would creating an empty vehicle and a separate crew and inserting the crew via init line work? Â How do you name a created vehicle? [edit]I just tried it. Even using "soldierwb," it doesn't work. Â Would you please type out the exact script which you use to create a soldier? Â I believe that my problem lies in my grouping method. Â I have no clue what I am doing here.[/edit]
  15. Little Blue Assassin

    I can't create the stinking guy with the trigger

    I am having a very hard time believing that there is not one editor out there who knows how to create a unit.
  16. Little Blue Assassin

    I can't create the stinking guy with the trigger

    "BUMP" Please?
  17. Little Blue Assassin

    I can't create the stinking guy with the trigger

  18. Little Blue Assassin

    I can't create the stinking guy with the trigger

    Here's a little update. I gave up on mission editing for a while, and now I am trying again. I still cannot create a unit, even when I am trying to create it into an existing group with a unit already in it. This is exasperating. Why isn't there a manual? I did exactly what the stinking command reference said! I made a marker called "sod" and a trigger activated by Radio Alpha, and put this in the "on activation" line of the trigger: "uh60mg" createunit [getmarkerpos "sod", groupalpha] I then made a soldier and put this in his init line: this setgroupid ["alpha","groupcolor3"] However, the trigger did not work. So, I found out what "groupcolor3" is by placing a unit (let's call him "Bill") in another group on the same side as the soldier in the group whose color is "groupcolor3" (we'll call this guy "Bobby"). I played as Bill, and shot Bobby in the leg. Bobby said "Alpha Black One, cease fire!" When he said this, it called him "Alpha Green One." Thus, "groupcolor3" is green. Then I changed the trigger to "uh60mg" createunit [getmarkerpos "sod", groupalphagreen] It still didn't work. Can anyone help me? Does anyone even follow me?
  19. Little Blue Assassin


    Is it "unload" or is it "transport unload?"
  20. Little Blue Assassin


    Okay, I hate the way the helicopter unload and load waypoints work. I always have problems with it, so maybe I can help you with some of my solutions. First of all, if you took an empty helicopter, named it, and placed two pilots in it with the "moveindriver" command, then you are fucked. There's nothing you can do. I advise you to delete the empty helicopter and the two pilots, and create a manned helicopter instead. It sucks, I know, but oh well. Now, if it isn't an empty helicopter, then I don't know what the problem is. I suggest trying to put an invisible H where you want it to land, but that shouldn't fix the problem. Is the sniper a player, or is he an artificial intelligence? If he is an artificial intelligence, is he in the player's squad?
  21. Little Blue Assassin

    Force a unit to stay prone

    Okay, I am trying to make a soldier act as if his legs were shot (it's too bad I can't just script that). Actually, that's just part of what I am doing. I'm trying to make a completely disabled soldier. I put this setunitpos "down"; this disableai "move"; this disableai "target"; this disableai "autotarget"; this setdammage 0.8; this setcaptive true in the soldier's init field. However, he simply refuses to stay down. I searched in this forum under the keywords "force," "unit," and "prone." After wading through eight pages of topics, I have come to the conclusion that this particular question hasn't been asked before (which surprises me). Can someone please give me a workable solution?
  22. Little Blue Assassin

    Force a unit to stay prone

    Thanks... How about the x and y coordinates? How are they measured? On the map, the coordinates are letters and numbers, but here they are just numbers. Also, where is 0,0? Is it the center of the map, or is it the lower left corner?
  23. Little Blue Assassin

    Respawn in group

    Check out this thread. You should find something useful there, especially in the third post from the last.
  24. Little Blue Assassin

    Scud missile object name

    Hmm? Â Oh, screwing around, the usual idiotic stuff... You know. Â Little Blue Assassin grins. Â You should see us at Through the Looking Glass, the Thief forum I attend. Â Thief is an excellent (albiet rather old) game, but it has a very buggy physics engine. Â We come up with so many dumb tricks there. Â Recently I discovered that by leaning against a door and swinging the mouse sharply to one side, you will be hurled away from the door. Â You can use this to slam into enemies and hurt them. Â Another person discovered that if you land on an artificial intelligence, you will survive a fall of any height. Â One of the objects in the game is an egg that you can carry which will, when thrown, create a small demon that will destroy itself upon enemies. Â People take an egg, climb to the highest point in a map, and jump. Â Right before they smack into the ground, they drop the egg straight down and land on the artificial intelligence, so that they survive. Â We call it "frogbeasting." Of course, Operation Flashpoint isn't buggy like that, but we have our fair share of funny things to do, such as tank flying.
  25. Little Blue Assassin

    Capturing a hill

    I've often had the exact same problem. As far as I know (which doesn't mean a whole lot), there's no way to get around this. I eagerly await the replies of other editors; maybe we can get this figured out.