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Little Blue Assassin

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About Little Blue Assassin

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  1. Little Blue Assassin

    The Soviet anthem from the setup

    I mean, the full version of the exact version they used in setup dot wav. I'm not having a very good evening! Perhaps this will straighten things out.
  2. Little Blue Assassin

    The Soviet anthem from the setup

    Thanks, but could someone give me any pointers to finding the exact version that was used by Bohemia Interactive? All of the dozen or so that I've downloaded have sounded slightly or greatly different than the one in the setup, including the one in the Avon Lady's Operation Flashpoint Frequently Asked Questions. To your credit, Avon Lady, the one that I mentioned was the closest happens to be the same version as the one on your site, but one is located on that Russian site your linked to, and the .mp3 is louder.
  3. Little Blue Assassin

    The Soviet anthem from the setup

    Hello again! Does anyone know where I can download an .mp3 file of the exact same recording of the Soviet anthem as the one used in the setup .wav file? The closest one I can find is this one. Thanks!
  4. Little Blue Assassin

    Bushes as concealment on nogova

    How sloppy...
  5. Little Blue Assassin

    3rd person view zoom lock

    Good luck hitting anything... By the way, do you wear glasses in real life?
  6. Little Blue Assassin

    Cheats for goty

    I agree, but we must also be allowed to mock his wimpiness.
  7. Little Blue Assassin

    Animated trees

    It looks very nice on Ghost recon, but there is a problem. In real life, your eye detects most motions, but the waving of trees is so slight (at least at the base) that you just don't notice it unless you are looking up. In Ghost Recon, no matter how slightly the trees move, the pixels change, which ends up making much more of a fuss than it should, because our resolutions cannot measure the small movements that I'm talking about. It makes the smallest movement that it can, which is fairly large. So, in short, the trees' smallest movement is hugely exaggerated. Since your eye in real life has a nearly infinitely better resolution than your computer monitor, you don't notice trees waving except for at the top where the movements are very obvious. And those movements cannot possibly be mistaken for the movements of a human in real life. In the game, however, you can't tell them apart. Am I making sense here, or am I speaking Gaelic?
  8. Little Blue Assassin

    1.94beta is out

    Er, I'm not complaining about being unable to eject out of helicopters. Â I'm not at all sure about the realism in that (I think that you can eject from some helicopters if you lock the rotor first, which would take a while, but I'm not at all sure), but in real life you can often survive a helicopter crash. Â That's what I'm talking about. Â In Operation Flashpoint, if your aircraft is destroyed, you cannot eject. Â You die when your aircraft does. Â You can never survive a crash. Â You can never survive a missile hit. Â This is frustrating, unimmersive, and unrealistic. Â You can never play out the exciting scenario of having your plane get hit by a missile, fighting the controls briefly, shouting "Oh my god I'm hit" or something, and then punching out. Â You can never pull a Black Hawk Down (an even better book than movie, by the way) and successfully crash-land your helicopter. And, the "don't like it don't use it" argument is silly for the G-36. Â Bohemia Interactive advertises Operation Flashpoint as being realistic, and in most ways it is. Â But the G-36 goes directly against that. Â Why should I miss out on a large number of missions simply because I want what was advertised in a game? Â Too many of the Red Hammer missions, and far, far too many simpletons who make the online missions, use the G-36 because it is a superweapon in Operation Flashpoint. Â Never mind that in real life it is no better than the M-16. Â Never mind that it not only is unrealistic, but also unbalances gameplay. Â I don't see how anyone can like that gun, because the realism crowd doesn't like it and I can't imagine the balance crowd liking it.
  9. Little Blue Assassin

    The future, or just more virtual reality hype?

    I think that her point was that a guy like me can run in Operation Flashpoint for hours without any breathing rate increase, and yet if I were to jog down the road for ten minutes in this cold weather I'd be flat on my back nearly completely unable to breath because of my asthma. And, from all of my experiences, you don't get "bullet time" when your adrenaline is up. Time may seem to take ages to pass, the way it does when you have to be bored for a long period of time, but it's not like slow motion.
  10. Little Blue Assassin

    1.94beta is out

    Yes, I missed the word "owe" there. You are wrong. Â They do owe us something. Â If you went to Burger King and ordered a double cheeseburger, and you got a bun, two slabs of meat, and a piece of cheese, I think you'd be pretty pissed. Yes, it is a great game. Â It's the best infantry game out there. Â However, it has huge and glaring flaws that make the experience fall short of realistic. Â I can promise you that they will not fix them in Operation Flashpoint 2. Â I'm willing to bet money on it. Â I'm talking about things like the bouncing tanks and the fact that your health is linked to that of your vehicle (for instance, you can never eject after being hit by an anti-aircraft missile, which is very unrealistic and frustrating). Â Oh, and let's not forget the things that they could have easily changed with the alteration of a single line of code in any of the patches, like the infamous G-36 damage. Â You know that in real life, the G-36, the M-16, and the Steyr Aug are the same caliber? Â Yet in Operation Flashpoint, the G-36 does far more damage than the M-16 and the Steyr Aug, and will kill anyone with one shot, no matter where. Â Why, the G-36 even does more damage than the fifty caliber machine gun, which is hilarious. Â The G-36 is much smaller than fifty caliber. Â It's two-two-three. Things like that really spoil the immersion, the feeling that you're really there. Even if they only fixed the easy-to-fix problems, it would make it so much more like you're really there. Because I haven't seen anything that comes anywhere near Operation Flashpoint for overall realism. Again, this ass-kissing is making me nauseous.
  11. Little Blue Assassin

    Why the save on quit?

    There are several erroneous statements in this thread. The save on exit uses a completely different save as the one-time manual save. If you exit, it saves your position, yes, but as soon as you resume, that save is gone. If you die, you have to start from your last manual save or retry point. The manual save, on the other hand, is permanent until you revert to the beginning of that mission.
  12. Little Blue Assassin

    1.94beta is out

    Don't you think that they it to us to at least partly fix the game that was not finished when we paid for it? I don't understand all the ass-kissing I see around here.
  13. The extended armor is not an option for realism. That is the arcade option. The default armor is the realistic one. And, from what I've seen in videos of the effects of missiles on tanks, the default armor is actually more effective than most real life armor. I don't know where you got the impression that the extended armor is the realistic one, and that we're all playing on arcade mode. I assure you, it's the other way around. I imagine that you, like most folks, are under the impression that bullets (and missiles, really) are easy to stop, because most movies portroy them as being that way. I don't know how many times I have to preach this rant, because it doesn't seem to do any good. A "bullet proof" vest won't stop any rifle caliber. And a tank's armor won't protect it from a decent missile, or even a burst from a good cannon.
  14. Little Blue Assassin

    Ofp2: simulation or arcade

    When it comes out, I'm going to have a bitter laugh and an "I told you so." Â I'm currently enjoying this dubious pleasure on another forum, because the much-anticipated sequal of another game which was just released happens to suck just as badly as I said it would. It, too, was designed for X-box, when it's prequels had been only for personal computer. Oh, I know that old story!
  15. Little Blue Assassin

    The game crashes after two seconds

    Screw this card. It runs all of my games even worse than my old piece of junk, for the most part. If the latest drivers don't work, then I'm putting my old one back in. Maybe I'll fiddle with the new one if I ever get around to installing Windows XP. I hate that Windows. But my brother says that the Geforce prefers Windows XP. That would explain much. Thanks awfully for the help, Avon Lady and Placebo...I seem to be conducting a limited war with my computer.