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Posts posted by lee_h._oswald

  1. There will be a few weapons in the release. At the moment we are planing for Mg3, Mg4 Panzerfaust3 and maybe an AG36 variant. we'll use the BIS G36 as the standard weapon.

    BIS G36 is ok so far, but please remove the "burst" and make only single/fullauto.

    How are you going to use the ZF/HKV?

    At the moment I'm using an edited version of this addon:


    MfG Lee

  2. Those sounds in the BF videos are very well made!


    OFP/ArmA/ArmA2 sounds are ok, but there is a reason why so many soundmods exist and so many people are using them.

    A2 at the moment is missing more ambient sounds, there should be way more wind/nature/animal/gear/etc sounds to bring life into this game.

    Many gunsounds are to quiet and not "sharp" enough.

    I remember shooting the HK G3A3 (7.62x51mm) without ear protection for 1 shot. OUCH!

    Weapons in real life are VERY LOUD and ArmA2 is simulating max. 10% of that.

    Another thing is what you "feel" when shooting a real rifle, ArmA weapons don't give any "feel" for the weapon!

    How about a little shaking effekt like the "head bobbing" to simulate the kick back?


    Those BF videos doing a good job of "sounds during a battle", maybe a bit to much. But hey, they want to sell that game and the more action, the more money. ;)

    MfG Lee

  3. There is an entry in the config.cpp

    class SoundEnvironExt

    Kegetys also put this:

    class SoldierWB:Soldier{};
    class KEGSSoldierWB:SoldierWB{
    	displayName="Arctic Soldier";
    	class SoundEnvironExt{};

    ...for every "winter soldier" he made.

    I'm going to start up OFP and take a look if this sound effect is only with Keg's soldiers.

    MfG Lee

    EDIT: To bad, it only works with Kegety's soldiers.

  4. I'll try to explain it in basic form. Basically the CPU handles ai, physics, any variables (anyhting changeable in the game) and many other things. The campaign has a massive amount of ai going on in some missions, each of these ai are carrying out scripts and calculations. This puts a heavy strain on the CPU. So while you're seeing a couple of boring things in front of you, there's still a lot going on in the background.

    To setup a scenario that will allow you to understand it better, goto the editor and create a set of 3 squads on each side and give them waypoints to attack each other, then setup a squad of your own far away from the battle then play and check your fps.

    Now goto the editor again and add another 20-30 squads around the map having battles of their own, then load up and see how it effects your fps.

    Now, imagine putting a lot of triggers and scripts on top of that and your game is going to crawl.

    Another way to look at it is to think of the largest battle you had in crysis. Now that battle is the only thing going on with the game (as crysis is a linear game that only loads the small area around you), imagine that battle going on 10 times over all around the area, think if your computer would keep running.

    Hope that helps understand why CPUs are suffering from the arma 2 campaign

    And if you ask me, there is another big problem with arma2.

    I did following:

    Put me as an infantrymen on chernaurus with 3750m viewdistance in the editor. No other units/scritps/etc are active:


    Normal shitty 26fps...

    Then looked in the sky and zoomed in:


    99FPS, nice!


    Then back in the editor I placed far away from my position 5x Russian motorized infantry squads(12 men and a truck), which are doing absolutely nothing:


    Again, the normal shitty 26fps...

    Then looked in the sky and zoomed in:


    50fps, what the??


    And what is this? 60 infantry men and 5 trucks that do nothing cost us so much performance? Why?

    This game has some serious problems..

    MfG Lee

  5. Now if some of you "addon gurus" could fix the tearing line on the ground that follows you around (most notable in slopes, look ~7 m ahead of you on the ground while walking)


    I hope for a "fix" since A2 release, it looks horror.

    Ontopic: This plants mod works very well for me.

    I'm testing mods like this with high speed - extreme low helicopter flights and I have zero stutter and lod changes are ~ok.

    But I still dream for a plants/tree mod without any lod changes!


    MfG Lee

  6. It's really not about the fps counter...

    Problem is:

    If you want a nice looking arma2, you have to live with slow fps and choppy gameplay.

    If you want smooth gameplay, you have to live with a "not so nice" looking arma2.

    If you want both(what we all want), you have to play another game, wait for the community to fix the fps problems or wait for BIS to fix them.

    At the moment, it looks like the community is going to fix it.

    MfG Lee
