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Posts posted by lee_h._oswald

  1. Im amazed people actually play with german as default language... horrible

    So you want all games in "klingon"?


    Small bug.

    All versions, driver view, over the right shoulder.


    MfG Lee *amazed people actually play with a tank, looking over their right shoulder... horrible*

  2. Biggest problem is the llauma head bugs in mp, and when unit leave vehicles the faces flicker. Trying for a workaround other than just removing the random faces.

    Hmm, wasn't that problem solved?

    Thought I read it here in the forum.

    MfG Lee huh.gif

  3. For OFP Freaks like us, the site may be ok.

    But for someone who has no clue about OFP/ArmA yet, the Armed Assault site isn't a good source for information about what you can do with this great game.

    - Where is the Story?

    - Where is the list of "cool" vehicles?

    - Where is a list of some of the unlimited features this game can offer?


    I think it would be nice to show some more of what a fantastic game this is going to be and that it will be a MUST HAVE.

    MfG Lee wink_o.gif

  4. First, this "map" is great!

    Fun to fly with faster Jet's at viewdistance 5000. Very good for use with ships also!

    After a quick flyover, I just found this litte bug:




    Maybe for a future version, you can work a bit on the land textures.

    Most islands are either sand or grass.


    If you could make "sand" coastlines and a mix of sand/grass land textures, like here(Leusderheide island):


    This would give the islands a more realistic, "not so monotonously" look.

    Otherwise it's nice! Great for Antonov AN-124 landing troops, MI-26 landing BMP's on the islands and so on.

    MfG Lee thumbs-up.gif

  5. difference between this and what was in FFUR

    - You can use Hind's without a big mod(ffur).

    - You have more than ONE hind.

    - You have a different weapon loadouts on each chopper.

    - You have nice rhs crew.

    That's enough if you ask me. Best thing is that I don't need FFUR or other "Full Mods" to fly a chopper.

    MfG Lee icon_rolleyes.gif
