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Posts posted by lee_h._oswald

  1. If you can afford it get a new graphics card, you'll be amazed by the difference. One of the best Å130's I've ever spent.

    Buying something new isn't the problem.

    I can order everything to build a nice Core 2 Duo with GF8800GTS tomorrow, build it myself the day after, overclock it like hell and start playing.

    But is that the solution for all the ppl having performance problems with their 3GHz, GF6XXX PC's?

    And why do I have to throw away my nice and fast PC like it was a hundret years old piece of crap.

    I would like to know what's the reason for the sometimes very strange behavior of the ArmA engine.

    Maybe I will find out, maybe I will not.

    But I can discuss it on a german ArmA forum instead here, if you like.

    MfG Lee smile_o.gif

  2. Just another testing with the 6800GT to show that something is wrong with: ArmA or My PC or Me or the rest of the world. wink_o.gif


    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    Sehr Hoch=Very High

    Sehr Niedrig=Very Low



    - Same location.

    - Looking north and south.

    - 1200m viewdistance

    - 50m viewdistance

    Settings used:

    1.) High -> Very High

    -> Click for settings <-


    -> Click for Screen (3360x2100) <-


    Settings used:

    2.) Ultra Low

    -> Click for settings <-


    -> Click for Screen (3360x2100) <-


    Any idea why there is:

    - Close to NO boost in fps by changing the viewdistance from 1200m to 50m? (doesn't matter if High or Low Settings)

    - Only a boost from 11fps to 33fps changing from Very High to Very Low? (doesn't matter if using 1200m or 50m viewdistance)


    Thanks for listening.

    MfG Lee crazy_o.gif

  3. Clean your system of all spy/malware and close down msn etc.

    Defragment your hard drive

    Install the latest DirectX from microsofts website (even if you think you HAVE it already)

    Install the lastest OFFICIAL drivers for your card

    I'm working in the IT, those things are the first I have done.

    Also my gaming PC is cleaner then "virgin maria".


    I have some other hardware here I borrowed from work.

    Let's see if things are better with a GF 7600GT.

    MfG Lee

  4. No way.

    I have a Shuttle XPC SN95G5. (photo)

    Athlon64 So939 3800+(2400MHz @ 2900MHz)

    2x 1024MB DDR1

    256MB GF6800GT AGP

    Audigy 2ZS

    There is NO chance that I will buy another Socket 939 board with a new heatsink(the shuttle has a fantatic heatpipe cooling system), a new powersupply, a new pc case and a graphics card like the ati.

    It would be a waste of money because socket 939 is DEAD.

    MfG Lee icon_rolleyes.gif

  5. So we can say:

    CPU: ~3000+

    RAM: ~1024MB


    GeForce 6XXX = Bad Performance.

    or +

    GeForce 7XXX = Good Performance.


    Very good, my pc has AGP...

    So I can buy a MSI 512MB NX7600GS, which isn't that expensive and has passive cooling. But performance can't be THAT great, DDR2 vram as far as I know.

    Or the 512MB Gainward 7800GS+ GLH(goes like hell) which is too expensive for the "old" GF7 chip, looking at the new NVidia G80.


    So my dear BIS programmer, hat do you recommend?

    Buy the 7600GS?

    Buy the 7800GS?

    Buy a new PC?

    Wait for new NVIDIA drivers?(Do they know about ArmA or only BF2142)

    Or wait, cause you are working on a patch right now?


    MfG Lee ...

  6. Important

    If u patched [Eng Language] the game make sure you didn't run all the bin files that screws the TEXTURES BIG TIME [ i did it, the campaign wouldn't play ]

    I reinstalled  and patched using the new language patcher which is just one file so you cant get confused and now no lod bugs/glitches and campaign works perfect.


    I have no clou what the hell you are talking about.

    MfG Lee huh.gif

  7. We should face it, german ArmA runs like shit. No more, no less.

    I have tried the whole day to get arma playable, no chance.

    There is something wrong with this game and we have two choices:

    - Play the game in 640x480 (Try it, you will get the feeling of how it should run.)

    - Wait for a patch that makes this game playable on pc's with ~3GHz, 2GB Ram, 256mb GeForce 6xxx graphic cards and audigy soundcards.

    MfG Lee banghead.gif

  8. Today was helicopter testing time for me.

    Here are my thoughts about it:

    Well, there is something wrong. To be more precise, there a two major things wrong.


    But first, if you are flying with mouse+keyboard you are on the "lucky" side. Because you have only one major bug.

    It's the "rudder" not working at higher speeds, so you can't fly the helicopter precisely enough to get it only a bit left or right to attack the enemy with unguided weapons like mg or ffar's.

    You have to move sideways ( <- or -> ) like you would do with a plane.  crazy_o.gif

    Please give us back the rudder at higher speeds.

    Everything else can be configured in the options menu, but be careful because you can configure:

    - Rudder left/right

    - move sideways left/right


    - move sideways left/right + Rudder left/right <-?!

    Last option makes helicopter steering with mouse pure horror for me.


    Ok, let's take the joystick you can fly with every helicopter- and plane-OFP-Addon available like Chuck Yeager!

    Same problem with the rudder here... Higher speeds -> rudder not working -> no chance to target precisely with unguided weapons. confused_o.gif

    But there is another bug, at least for me. Pressing the joystick forward or back makes the helicopter reacting like a crazy horse running wild.

    The helicopter(plane) reacts wayyyyyyy too sensitively to control inputs.

    This is not releated to the stick or the calibration or the software(e.g. logitech wingman profiler).

    It's an ArmA problem or an ArmA-helicopter-config problem, because in OFP the stick works fine.


    Those two bugs are the major problems for me to fly a helicopter and plane(only tested the camel so far) in Armed Assault.

    I'm sure there will be some sort of fix in the near future or some usermade addons which are better, but BIS should put this on the high priority list because we all loved flying choppers and planes in OFP and maybe some day in ArmA too.

    MfG Lee wink_o.gif

  9. I pressed a whole day my F5 key to update the morphicon website to see if the patch is out.

    The first thing I have done is to update ArmA to 1.01.

    It did NOT help!

    I have turned everything to ultra-low-deluxe, does not help.


    Turning down the resolution helps, yes.

    But playable is ArmA only at 640x480. Looks great...


    Here a screenshot with the lowest settings available:

    Click me, I'm running on 30fps!


    I think, I know why it looks so bad.

    You all know about OFP's feature located in the userinfo.cfg:


    Means: OFP try's to hold the fps stable at 25, using lower LODs and textures, etc.

    If we say, there is something wrong with ArmA or the copy protection system used, so we allways have too low fps even with high end PC's.

    So it looks to me, that ArmA try's to hold stable FPS, which is not possible with this bug present(if there is one hidden in the engine or the copy protection).

    Result is bad lod's switching in front of you, slow texture loading, etc.


    I can't and I will not believe that Morphicon, BIS, the Betatesters played ArmA this way and said:

    "Horray, runs great, we have Gold Status!"


    MfG Lee huh.gif

  10. Just want to say, I have also extremly performance problems.


    - Athlon 64 Socket 939 3800+ @2900Mhz

    - NForce3 Chipset

    - NVidia Geforce 6800GT 256MB

    - Creative Audigy 2ZS

    - 2x 1024MB DDR1 PC400 Ram "Dualchannel"

    - S-ATAII Harddisk Raid 0

    - Samsung 205BW widescreen 1680x1050

    (compare my hardware with the "recommended hardware" printed on the back of the arma's dvd cover)


    Running ArmA with everything at "normal" settings, 1200m viewdistance.

    Vsync = off

    AA and AF = "application controlled" in the nvidia control panel.

    Also tried the -maxmem=xxxx command.

    Latest Bios, drivers, patches, updates, directX for everything installed. PC runs perfect.


    - The games runs slower then OFP at high settings/viewdistance.

    - Extremly slow loading of textures.

    - LOD changes 2meters in front of you:

    CLICK! Look at the soldiers weapon. (14fps)

    - Soundproblems like someone else said here. First shoot sounds like underwater.


    What can I say. I did not expected my pc to run ArmA very fast. But seeing ArmA running like this makes me extremly disappointed.

    There is something WRONG with the engine of this game.

    Don't know if it's the copy protection, but it's not ok like it is now!


    What a shame, think about all the new customers never heard about OFP, installing this game and can't even get a touch of what it is capable of...


    Hope there will be a patch out SOON that fixes this PERFORMANCE HELL.

    MfG Lee ... (no smilie available for my feelings...)

  11. Shadow, yes, there are bad things in it.

    But nothing ruins the game. Or does it really for you?

    I know, it's hard to see some of the changes after we played 5years with OFP, but hey we will not die because of that.

    ArmA feels like OFP and that's the most important thing for me. Some bad bugs are in ArmA which will be fixed in the near future. We better collect those bugs and tell BIS about instead of posting in every thread that has a user view and/or screenshots of Armed Assault.

    Some of the changes will stay, you should learn to use, not to hate them. Some of the changes can be fixed by people like you.. modding freaks. wink_o.gif

    Everyone should try to find the fantastic features ArmA can offer, not only the "bad" things.

    MfG Lee smile_o.gif

    --> goodnight.gif

  12. How are the helicopters?  Are they like everybody says?   Planes?

    You know what?

    I can't tell you!


    Because I'm first configure the controls! And this alone is great, you can make very cool things like mapping one key with e.g. this:

    - "Press key"

    - "Press key 2x"

    and with the STRG Key you can make:

    - "STRG + Key"

    Example: You use "Q" for lean left. Pressing "Q" and the charakter lens left. As long as you hold it, you lean left.

    Now you can configure pressing "Q" 2x and the charakter holds the lean left.

    And you can configure "STRG" + "Q" for another feature, maybe compass, watch, map, whateveryouwant.

    It needs some time to configure it, but it's very important to do it right!


    I just played with 5 different soldiers, unarmed hmmwv and a pickup truck on the smaller island. Nothing more.

    I can't understand the ppl starting the game, seeing it is a little different to OFP and come here start "crying".

    Please! Take the time to understand how some things now work. I first missed the action menu, but then i saw that it was not there because there was no action to do at this moment.

    It only shows up, when you need it, but most of the time you are doing the needed things with a quick click on the middle mouse button. For things like take AT launcher from back, you now have a key! Waaaaaaaay better then the sometimes laggy action menu.

    I had some impressiv enemy AI behavior while taking a look how things work in the editor.

    Example: Had an enemy squad ~1000 meters away behind some buildings. Was trying something and shooting around. Nothing special.

    Then some minutes later, someone was shooting at me from somewhere!  wow_o.gif

    It was only the sniper from the enemy squad, send as a scout searching for me! Amazing!


    Can't wait for the weekend to test some more!

    MfG Lee wink_o.gif

  13. ArmA will be so much fun!

    Even with all those small bugs, which will not destroy gameplay, it is the best game available for us.


    Don't search the bugs, the bugs will find YOU!

    MfG Lee wink_o.gif
