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Posts posted by lee_h._oswald

  1. There is no discussion about "ppl should know about patches for games". Sad as it is, installing patches is normal today.

    And as we all know, the patch 1.01 DID NOT fix the performance issue for everyone.

    I only tell, this is bad for ArmA, it's community and BIS(and their money).

    It's hard to show friends how fantastic ArmA is, when the performance is crap like it is now.

    MfG Lee

  2. So you buy a car and there is something wrong with the engine and it's ok?

    But hey, you are over 18 it must be ok. Just use your brain.

    Don't let us get to far away from the discussion, but the performance problems cost BIS money and I believe that is not their main plan.

    MfG Lee wink_o.gif

  3. ArmA was on german television last night.


    They had to install ArmA on different PC's, the fastest one was half way able to run the game.

    The freedom and very nice graphics was presented very well, but when it comes to play some missions everything went bad.

    The performance was pure horror, he wasn't able to play smooth because of the low fps and the constant frame drop.

    They tried on very high, low, very low but the performance was crap. I wonder they didn't call it UNPLAYABLE.

    It's so sad seeing "our" game presented that way.

    BIS, I beg you! Make a performance patch for ArmA or this game will never be a "big player" on the market!

    MfG Lee crazy_o.gif

  4. I would like to see "SIMPLE MISSIONS".

    What for you ask?

    For fun, for lan-party, to show other ppl that arma is not only about realism.

    To say it like it is.. We need Battlefield 0815 and Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter style MP maps.

    - Sector Control

    - Coop with just "kill the random enemy"

    Just downloaded the huge Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter Update V1.35

    Many nice mp modes included, perfect for the next lan-party, but I prefer to show ppl ArmA.

    MfG Lee wink_o.gif

  5. Yes, the GF8800GTS.

    The Shuttle XPC i used had an nforce3 chipset, the new mainboard has an nforce4. That will not bring that many fps.

    CPU, RAM, HDD, Soundcard, etc. is same as before.

    I tested with Oblivion and Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter at highest settings also, very nice fps boost.

    Perfect card if you want to play in higher resolutions(if you have a good cpu).

    MfG Lee

  6. I now play arma with over 60fps in most locations.

    I can say you this:

    ArmA is two games in one -> A really bad one when you have to play with fps lower than ~30. And a fantastic one with fps over ~30.

    No wonder so much ppl complain about vehicle steering and other handling problems in Arma. With low frames it's close to impossible to drive a car. With high fps it's easy as hell.

    MfG Lee

  7. And here we go.

    I build a half new PC by using following parts out of my old Shuttle XPC:

    - CPU AMD Athlon 64 So939 3800+ (2400MHz@2900MHz)

    - 2x Ram DDR1 PC400 1024MB

    - 2x 80GB SATA2 harddisk running as ~160GB Raid 0

    - 1x DVD-Rom

    - 1x Soundblaster Audigy2

    I bought new:

    - 1x Midi Case

    - 2x 120mm fan @ 5v

    - 1x Mainboard ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe (Socket 939 = OLD)

    - 1x CPU Heatpipe Cooler Arctic

    - 1x 420W power supply

    - 1x GeForce 8800GTS


    NOW, ArmA runs like it should! Even on very high settings!

    The GF8800 has extrem performance, unbelievable!

    ArmA FEELS completly different now!!

    But, there are Bugs in the ArmA Engine, as said thousand times before.

    Moving very close to bushes and look at them, drops your frames from ~90 to ~35.

    Loading of textures on "Very high textures" isn't ok also.


    What can I say... I now can seriously begin with playing arma.

    It cost me money, time and nerves!

    I really hope that BIS is going to fix the engine or whatever is broken with this game, so that ppl that DON'T can afford new hardware or have problems with their high-end pc's can play ArmA like it should be!

    MfG Lee

  8. @ Dec. 10 2006,21:46)]Anyway suggestion to all those who have experienced a similar problem: try sliding down all the details (to the very minimum like i did if necessary) and meanwhile play and enjoy.


    Great! I did THAT and installed ArmA on a NASA computer!

    It's PLAYABLE! wow_o.gif


    No need for a patch!

    MfG Lee crazy_o.gif

  9. There are some serious issues with ArmA at the moment that need fixing

    Do we have an official statement on this?

    Maybe it's everything ok with ArmA and we are all idiots or something?

    Fact is, there are a lot of ppl with unnormal performance problems. You can look at forums around the world, there is at least one forum thread talking about low performance on good pc's.

    MfG Lee

  10. Screens are resized from 1680x1050 to 800x500.

    Config changes:

    sceneComplexity=1 <- Yes, ONE.

    (highest value is 1000000 btw)

    Placed myself here(my testing place for fps and texture loading):


    Because of sceneComplexity=1 nothing can be seen:


    Great FPS for seeing nothing.

    MfG Lee biggrin_o.gif

  11. I preordered a GF8800GTS which will arrive next week with a bit luck. Then I will test that thing in my other pc(HTPC).

    Note: I will have to put my cpu, ram, audigy from one pc in the other one and make a clean windows install, optimize windows, overclock the cpu to have the best base for ArmA.

    A LOT of work no one pays me for...


    Btw, here is a list of things I tried so far(I'm sure I forgot something, will add later):

    Quote[/b] ]

    - 4x different chipset driver

    - 3x different vga driver (older, latest, latest beta)

    - 1x new sounddriver for the audigy

    - 1x new OpenAL software installed

    - disabled "turbo mode" of the audigy

    - 2x checkdisk for partition c: and d:

    - 3x defragmentation

    - checked that "compress files" is disabled

    - checked my RAID 0

    - checked drive speed

    - checked that enough drive space is available on c: and d:

    - 1x complete fresh install of Windows on another harddrive -> ArmA runs slower

    - disabled all not needed windows services

    - disabled all not needed startup programs

    - 2x scanned for virus -> nothing found

    - 3x scanned for spyware -> nothing found

    - checked for new bios

    - tried bios settings like "agp aperture size" 32/64/128/256/512

    - installed latest directX

    - changed the pagefile(virtual memory) disabled/50MB/1024MB/2048MB

    - checked the temperatur of: cpu, gpu, motherboard, power supply, ram, hard drives and my head

    - installed another power supply

    - over- and underclocked my cpu

    - over- and underclocked my gpu

    - tested with 2048MB dualchannel mode

    - tested with 1024MB singlechannel mode

    - checked if "amd cool and quite" is disabled

    - tried 3x different dvd-rom drives

    - installed arma 4x

    - installed arma on partition c:

    - installed arma on partition d:

    - installed arma "special edition"

    - installed arma "normal edition" (yes, I own both)

    - installed arma on my htpc (home theater pc)

     -> AMD 3200+(939), 1024MB, GF6600GT, GF7600GT also tested

    - installed arma on a pc at work

     -> AMD 3500+(AM2), 2048MB, GF7600GS

    - installed arma on a friends brand new notebook

     -> core 2 duo, 1024MB, GF7600 GO

    - 3 other friends installed it on their pc's (one has oc'd amd OPTERON cpu and GF7900GT)

    - started arma with version 1.00 and 1.01 -> last one is a tiny bit faster

    - started arma with and without virus protection enabled

    - started arma with the "audigy"

    - started arma with "onboard sound"

    - started arma with "sound hardware acceleration" on/off

    - started arma with "vsync" on/off

    - started arma with "triple buffer" on/off

    - started arma with "aa" on/off

    - started arma with "af" on/off

    - started arma with "max. rendered frames ahead" 0/1/2/3/4/5

    - started arma with all 4 different nvidia "image quality settings"

    - started arma with desktop resolution lower then ingame

    - started arma with 16/32bit color depth

    - started arma with a "dvi" cable connected to my tft

    - started arma with a "normal vga" cable connected to my tft

    - started arma with my widescreen tft

    - started arma with my "normal" 19inch tft

    - started arma with my lcd beamer (1024x768)

    - started arma with -maxmem=512/-maxmem=640/-maxmem=768/-maxmem=1024/-maxmem=1536/

    MfG Lee icon_rolleyes.gif

  12. I'm sure at everything I have done for a whole week now.

    The list is ENDLESS!

    I can do what I want, there is no way to get ArmA playable without setting everything to ultra low AND change the resolution to 640x480 which looks HORROR on a widescreen tft.

    This is the worst performace problems in a game I have everseen.

    And it's not only this one pc, we tested on 6 differrent computers, laptops with different graphic cards. from GF6600 up to GF7900GT. Low fps whatever you configure.

    MfG Lee

  13. Some news.

    After installing several new drivers...

    Defragmented my hard disk...

    Tried another thousand things... with no changing to the performance....

    I tried following:

    Put the cpu clock back from overclocked 2900mhz to it's default 2400mhz.

    RESULT: nothing... Not 1 Frame more or less.


    Ok, let the cpu work at 2400mhz and take out one of the 1024MB ram modules.

    So we now have 500mhz cpu power AND 1024megabyte ram less.

    RESULT: nothing... Not 1 Frame more or less!! crazy_o.gif  crazy_o.gif


    Thank you BIS for let me getting INSANE!

    MfG Lee pillepalle.gif


