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Posts posted by lee_h._oswald

  1. I just bought ArmA (UK)

    Be happy, patch 1.05 is close, very close.

    I bought ArmA "normal" and ArmA "Special Edition" at 30.11.2006

    That's 3(THREE) month of not being able to play the game I spent my money for...

    Yes, ArmA sucks at the moment, but patch 1.05 is another(the last for me) chance for BIS to make this game playable.

    Let's wait(just a little longer...) and see what we get.

    MfG Lee *no smilie*

  2. $400 is not in the budget, as well as the fact a lot of people are having problems w/ 8800 series and ArmA.

    Not to mention the fact that it will probably be 3 years before a DX10 game comes out...

    The 320MB version of the 8800GTS is right arround the corner, cost about ~300$.

    About the problems with ArmA, what do you think, is it NVidia's fault or BIS'? (Other games run fast like HELL with a 8800.)

    First DX10 game is, as far as I know, Crysis. This game is planned to be released Q3 or Q4 this year.

    MfG Lee smile_o.gif

  3. Yes, I can confirm this bug.

    Quote[/b] ]

    Jurassic Park:


    RAY ARNOLD watches his computer screen and the video monitors at

    the same time, keeping an eye on the cars as they move through the

    park.  HAMMOND hovers over his shoulder.


    Vehicle headlights are on and don't respond.  Those

    shouldn't be running off the car batteries.

    He signs and reaches for a clipboard hanging next to his chair

    and jots this down.

    ARNOLD (cont'd)

    Item one fifty-one on today's glitch list.  We've got

    all the problems of a major theme park and a major zoo,

    and the computer's not even on its feet yet.

    MfG Lee icon_rolleyes.gif

  4. No chance to download the new file.

    It looks like FileFront has some bigger problems.

    MfG Lee

    Edit: Got the chance to download the mission.

    Do I understand correct, you have to go on foot over the whole island and kill enemy sniper? With no medical support? With no car? icon_rolleyes.gif

  5. I must say, it's a nice idea.

    For a SP mission, the character switching could be used very good if proper scripted.

    Like: You fly the helicopter to insert the team on a roof, then switch to a sniper which is somewhere else observing the house, then switch to the team leader and storm the building from the roof, etc.

    MfG Lee smile_o.gif

  6. -Voltage setting in BIOS is 1.5 but the Asus Mainboard undervolt the cpu, so it's at 1.440

    - My cooling is a "low cost" heatpipe from Arctic Cooling:


    The fan is connected with my beQuiet 500W power supply, which has a fan control so you can't hear the heatpipe-fan.

    - Temps are ~48° (I can get lower temps with higher fan speeds but I want a silent pc.)

    - Motherboard is Asus A8N32-SLI Deluxe

    - Ram is 2x 1024MB DDR(1) Kingston PC3200 (400) CL2.5 - So you can see, it's no special overclocking ram.

    MfG Lee

  7. -Voltage setting in BIOS is 1.5 but the Asus Mainboard undervolt the cpu, so it's at 1.440

    - My cooling is a "low cost" heatpipe from Arctic Cooling:


    The fan is connected with my beQuiet 500W power supply, which has a fan control so you can't hear the heatpipe-fan.

    - Temps are ~48° (I can get lower temps with higher fan speeds but I want a silent pc.)

    - Motherboard is Asus A8N32-SLI Deluxe

    - Ram is 2x 1024MB DDR(1) Kingston PC3200 (400) CL2.5 - So you can see, it's no special overclocking ram.

    MfG Lee
