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Posts posted by lee_h._oswald

  1. Ok, sometimes "funny" performance, but overall very well.

    Tested different settings and different viewdistances and I can say that ArmA:

    - runs very stable

    - has no LOD/Texture bugs

    - has no more frame drop after some minutes of play (GF8800 bug)

    - is playable at very high settings with lower viewdistances (~1500, which is enough for now)

    - looks fantastic with the "very high" quality settigns

    It would be nice if BIS could do some more work on the overall performance of ArmA to get some more fps without setting everything to "very low".

    This game has still a long way to go, but I have a good feeling about it now.

    Thanks BIS and keep up the hard work.

    MfG Lee

  2. BUZZARD @ May 15 2007,16:46)]laughing my ass off at all those who bought these 8800's and whatnot, paying the heavy price, but moaning just about everywhere about how they're not "pwning" everything


    Very lame comment.

    I did not buy that card to win a counter strike leet speak pissing contest against you, I wanted ArmA to run smooth.

    It's a shame to read crap like this here in the BIS forums.

    MfG Lee ...

  3. After changing the setting for the action "Zoom in/out" to default, my FOV was correct again (I dont have any TrackIR):

    That fixes the FOV in first person, great!

    But with that, the "cheater-zoom" in iron sight view is back. crazy_o.gif

    God, I hate such things... If you choose a good thing, you always have to live with a new bad one.

    Is there any way to get the right fov in first person + the new iron sight view??

    MfG Lee whistle.gif
