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Posts posted by lee_h._oswald

  1. For me OFP is better, because I was able to play it from DAY1.

    It's about time that BIS is going to fix all those stupid bugs and the damned GF8800 FOG BUG!

    Fix those bugs and I can finally enjoy ArmA.

    Or do I/we have to wait for ArmA II.

    MfG Lee ..

  2. Runs perfect with all settings at high @ 1680x1050. (8800GTX)

    I only have to set texture details to medium, otherwise I get missing textures ingame sometimes.

    But no need to get in detail with this game because it's nothing more than all the other shooters out there + very good graphics + fancy new features scripted for your viewing experiences.

    If someone make a Jurassic Park Mod for this, I will buy the game.

    If not... well.. goodnight.gif

    MfG Lee icon_rolleyes.gif

  3. I love to play the hunting game "Deer Hunter 2005", but it's getting old now.

    Yesterday I found a demo of the new "Hunting Unlimited 2008", which is nice, but the graphics are HORROR!

    Is there any chance that we have modding freaks out there who also love hunting games?

    ArmA's islands are huge, the graphics are nice.

    Only thing we need are animals and missions with some type of a scoring system.

    MfG Lee smile_o.gif

  4. This discussion about airsoft vs. paintball is so lame and it's boooooring.

    Any chance the "fight" can be fought via private message or msn or icq or whatever instead of here?

    Thank you all.



    Got a "used" MP5 SD5 with a lot of stuff like battery, magazines, bb's, charger, decharger, etc. for a very little money. It's great.

    Oh, and a friend of mine just got his first as gun.

    A Classic Army Steyr AUG A1. This gun is also great and it looks fantastic!


    MfG Lee pays.gif


    Edit: Take a look at this:

