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Posts posted by lee_h._oswald

  1. I think we see us again at ArmA II with the same question.

    No, I don't think it's possible.

    Arma supports single, dual and triple screen, but you can't use them to only show the map/etc as far as I know.

    MfG Lee xmas_o.gif

  2. I prefer a good information politics by a company.

    I do not count the childish part of this community, allways crying and ranting about this and that, as an option.

    BIS' "beta-release" of ArmA is history now I don't care anymore. But now is the time to get this game finally DONE.

    I as a customer want hard informations now and don't want to getting lynched by the "forum mob" which think, asking BIS about the patch, result in getting the patch 2 month later as a punishment... (like BAS threatens some day, if I remember correct.)

    2007 was a year full of working and I(as many others) finally are on holiday, maybe want to play a bit with their favorite game(s). For me, it's ArmA and I want to know if it's worth waiting or if the patch is going to be delayed into the new year.

    I repeat myself, it can't be that difficult to give us some informations.

    If we got them, BIS can go on and make voice features, anti-cheat stuff, ArmA II, VBS2, future projects or go on holiday themselfs.

    MfG Lee xmas_o.gif

  3. ...

    While those tasks may sound trivial to you..


    I am afraid you will have to wait for the patch to get the fix.


    First, thanks for posting here.

    Second, no it does not sound trivial to us. We know that it needs a LOT of work and time to get such fix/patch done. And time is money.

    And third point, "wait for the patch" is part of the problem.

    - Bug is 12month old.

    - Last patch released 6month ago.

    - Last news in the "news forum" is 2month old.

    So all this "no information" does not help us.

    The patch takes time? Ok, no problem, take all the time you need.

    But how long do we have to wait?

    - a week?

    - a month?

    - 6 month?

    It can't be that hard to give a release date for the patch like: ~1month.

    Come on, BIS is no modding-team which is doing some addons in their free time.

    So the "it's done when it's done(bullsh*t)" does not count for a company, if you ask me.

    We are only asking for help and information, nothing more.

    MfG Lee xmas_o.gif

  4. The cpu could be faster but it should run "ok" with the GF8800GT.

    Only problem is, that ArmA has no dual core support(hello BIS) so you are running ArmA on a 2000Mhz single core.

    That's not 100% true because windows and the graphics card driver profit from the X2.

    Maybe a bit overclocking to get some more mhz? wink_o.gif


    When I start ArmA (at very high settings)with all the good addons released so far, it takes up to ~800MB ram.

    If you only have 1024MB that would mean you got ~200MB left for windows.

    So yes, more ram speed up the loading times.

    MfG Lee xmas_o.gif

  5. I'm so sorry that I have to say that it is only a fake screen.

    Made from this BWMod release screen I made 2 years ago:


    It's just to show how good some OFP addons would look like if imported to arma.

    Too sad, the bwmod team is very small at the moment and they have close to no time and/or motivation.

    Would be extremly cool to have all bwmod vehicles in ArmA, but that is just a dream.

    MfG Lee xmas_o.gif

  6. Vehicle transport would be awesome!

    I remember when BAS released the MH-47 helicopter with the transport/slingload feature! I put them asap in my cti mission and we played on AEC (Abel, Eden, Cain), transporting repair/ammo/fuel trucks from one island to another.

    It is really sad that BIS didn't remove this engine limitation. Things like that are far more important then any xxx-feature.


    Those landing crafts are extremly cool thanks again, let's all hope we see a version with vehicle transport script in the near future.

    MfG Lee xmas_o.gif

  7. Why the hell is everybody trying to tell us what we are, why we want this bug fixed and that we are all assholes?

    Is it really THAT hard to understand?

    Do we want the fogbug gone to make photos for the 'show me how much you can edit a picture with photoshop' thread??

    What are you smoking??

    MfG Lee pillepalle.gif

  8. why should they release only one fog-bugfix?


    - the bug is one year old

    - use the chance to also release other bugfixes which are ready

    - to make me happy

    - to make the other GF8800 User happy

    - to show how good this game can look like

    - to have a open beta test for the patch

    - to close this thread

    - to make me buy ArmA II at beta stage for the full price

    MfG Lee xmas_o.gif

  9. What do you think, a troubleshooting is for?

    Ppl talk about their problems here and ask for help and/or a fix.

    What is so funny about that?

    I bought my GF8800GTS last December, that is close to A YEAR I'm waiting now for the fix.

    Oh, it is allready fixed? Ok, then give it to us!

    But no, we have to wait for anti-cheat stuff(yes important too) and the "breathtaking" new voice feature which is going to be tested to DEATH right now(also very cool). Great..

    What "we" have done for the community?

    Do we have to do something to get a half way working game ONE year after the release??

    Maybe we should pay BIS for the Patch? crazy_o.gif


    I hate the word "fanboy" and all this bullshit talk, but it looks more and more that you either:

    - be a "BIS fanboy"


    - shut up and NEVER talk about things that are bad

    on this forums...

    Community? OFP had one, ArmA hopefully will get one some day...

    MfG Lee welcome.gif

  10. I guess you can look at it as the glass being half empty if you want, but that's a pretty sorry way to live your life.  confused_o.gif

    Everything is ok with my life, thanks.

    And at the moment I'm drinken a beer and the glass is full, thanks again.

    Problem is, there are a LOT of ppl here, wating for the god damned patch to fix their numerous problems that are in the game for years now(if you count OFP bugs) + all the new ones.

    Everyone WANTS information and the only thing we hear about, month after the 1.08 release, is the voice feature(which is very cool as I said).

    Sorry that I don't jump out of the stair und scream HORRAY.

    I don't want to blame you for BIS 'nightmarish catastrophe' information politics, sorry if you felt like that after my post..

    MfG Lee
