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Posts posted by lee_h._oswald

  1. BW units should stay on the west side.

    There are a dozen scenarios for the BW to fight against independent/irregular troops and only 1 fantasy scenario to fight against western army's.

    I really don't see a reason for the germans to fight against the United States or Great Britain today. icon_rolleyes.gif

    MfG Lee g_ari.gifwink_o.gif

  2. I have a question, maybe someone can help.

    I would like to ask, is it possible to create "airsoft weapons" for arma?


    A new ammo config, based on the original BIS weapons(or weapon pack addons) with:

    - very small recoil

    - aeg sound(automatic electric gun)

    - different magazines (milsim, lowcap, midcap, highcap, boxmag, etc.)

    - ammo with short range ~50meter

    - slow flying speed

    - special tracer that look like the white bb's

    - no or minimum damage***

    *** What would it look like if you get hit with such ammo?

    Would it be possible to create a loud "I'm Hit!" sound for the ammo, when it hits another player/ai?


    I know, it's a stupid idea, but I would like to know is it's possible.

    Thank you all.

    MfG Lee wink_o.gif

  3. I have the same problem.

    Using the Audigy 2 + 5.1 Speaker, latest drivers and the FDF soundmod incl. hotfix.

    Best thing to test is the ah6 minigun.

    While firing I can hear the sonic cracks inside the chopper(?) and the volume goes down extremly fast.

    I tried the "PROPER_Gameplay_Sound_SupersonicCrack_Effect_Removed" in every addons folder, but it does absolutly nothing, I can still hear the sonic cracks.

    MfG Lee confused_o.gif

  4. When I saw the topic title, I thought:

    Right, where are they all?

    All the cool OFP modding teams and the creator of single addons?

    Where are all the cool addons, like:

    - VITAPC's

    - GAZ69

    - MT-LB Pack

    - BTR-T Pack

    - OWP's ZIL Pack

    - Antonov AN-124

    - OWP's MI-2 Pack

    - OWP's MI-26 Pack

    - DKM's RAH-66 Comanche

    - DKM's MI-28 Havoc

    - DKM's T-12UM Black Eagle

    - DKM's 2S6M Tunguska

    - ORCS' T-72/T-90

    - SFM's Ural Pack

    - CBT's Bradley Pack

    - CBT's HEMMT Pack

    - CBT's HMMWV Pack

    - CBT's M113 Pack

    - CBT's M577 Pack

    - CBT's M901 Pack

    - all the others.. sad_o.gif


    Good old times...

    MfG Lee huh.gif

  5. You can't have it all, there has to be a default setting for the AI to continue waypoints or not after their transport has been destroyed.  smile_o.gif

    I thought this is the "details" topic? smile_o.gif

    The default setting could be:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">If waypoint = search and destroy with helicopter & helicopter = destroyed then find best way to get ass = out of here.

    MfG Lee wink_o.gif

  6. I just played a bit ArmA(I), flying a MI-17(MG).

    I placed an independent AI with a KA-50, that has the order to attack enemy forces inside a city.

    The KA-50 was hit by to many rounds and had to do an emergency landing. I was giving him support with the MI-17 and then landed near to him.

    The pilot was injured, but he ran like mad into the town to continuing with the fight.

    Wouldn't it be better to jump into my MI-17 to get out of the battlezone?

    In situations like this, you can clearly see the stupidness in the AI. He should either be able to "decide" that it's saver inside the MI-17 or I need an option to give this AI an order to follow me.

    It would make the game feel more alive.

    MfG Lee wink_o.gif

  7. Very hard to decide!

    I voted Uhao, because it's very well done and it looks finished.

    Next would be Avgani, it's small but it "feels" great, almost real.

    And then Schmalfelden, great, very german, I love it!

    MfG Lee smile_o.gif

  8. It's not the biggest problem, arma has.. there are many more important, that's right.

    But let's face it, you have to drive very often in arma.

    And driving a car is a pain with this "system". I want to look where I want to look.

    Having the view "connected" to the wheels is NOT realistic.

    Or simple said:

    It's a very small bug, easy to fix -> please fix it.

    MfG Lee wink_o.gif
