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Posts posted by lee_h._oswald

  1. Very good addon, thanks!

    For a future version, would it be possible to add/change:

    - G36(german army) has no burst mode, only SAFE/SINGLE/AUTO

    - For the version with both optics, instead of the burst, could you add a single shot for the reddot?

    + (single-scope/single-reddot/fullauto-reddot)

    - proper markings for the fire selector


    - proper sight for the scope


    Sorry for the bad quality, my cell phones camera sux..

    - Maybe a version with Zeiss Z-Point Reflex-Sight (G36A2).

    - Maybe the new K versions: G36KA1 and G36KA2.

    Thanks again for this very good addon!

    MfG Lee smile_o.gif

  2. This "feature" was added with a patch, before that patch, it worked like a charm.

    I can't tell you how I hate the "new way". It's another reason for me to not play arma more often.

    I really hope that in "ArmA VI - The return of the original ofp design" BIS has learned to not include "features" like this OR include BOTH options and let the USER decide what they prefer... banghead.gif

    MfG Lee icon_rolleyes.gif
