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Posts posted by lee_h._oswald

  1. Sorry for digging up this "old" topic, but I have a few questions.

    1.) Which version is the latest? V3, V4?

    2.) Is Evolution going to be updated in the future?

    3.) If 2.) = yes, any chance that the amazing RKSL Cargo System will be used? Maybe in an extra version?

    Thanks for all answers.

    MfG Lee

  2. I know about all that.

    But when he has vsync enabled and "refresh=59;" in his arma.cfg that could be a reason why he has max. 30 FPS

    59hz = max. 30fps in ArmA ?!

    Disable vsync can produce tearing which looks horror, so I have vsync enabled all the time.

    MfG Lee wink_o.gif

  3. anything less than that, even 59hz, will be rounded down to 30hz

    But isn't the "hz" set in the arma.cfg ?

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">




    refresh=60; <---

    The-Architect, can you take a look in your arma.cfg which hz value you have there.

    MfG Lee

  4. Operation Flashpoint is THE all time classic for me, it will stay on my harddrive forever!

    I'm not playing it today, because since arma release, we don't have our OFP CTI server anymore.

    ArmA is also a great game(advanced OFP) but it has been released FULL of bugs, not playable on ~60% on even modern computer systems.

    Even after a few patches(many beta) it did not run as it should.

    That scared away so many people, even my old hardcore OFP CTI player, so we had not enough ppl to pay for our arma server (playing evolution RED & Blue every day).

    So now I'm playing arma only in the editor with all the fantastic mods out there. My modfolders are full of "bugfixing addons", "effect addons" and great "vehicle/island/etc addons".

    It's still a great game, but without players/mod teams/the community, it's not what OFP was!

    Let us all hope the best for a bugfree ArmA II release and that it is NOT going arcade!

    MfG Lee smile_o.gif

  5. A last word from me concerning the "throttle" for aircrafts.

    Please give us, who fly with joystick, the old OFP throttle control back!

    Again a small video that shows how precise the OFP throttle/brake system was, here the "brakes":

    http://lee.plankton.ch/OFP_throttle.wmv (right click save as...)

    = <- 100% Thrust


    -  <- 50% Thrust


    = <- Deadzone


    -  <- 50% Brake


    = <- 100% Brake

    Please no more:

    = <- 100% Thrust

    = <- 0% Deadzone

    = <- 100% Brake


    I really hope to see this in the next/last patch for Armed Assault.

    Happy New Year everyone!

    MfG Lee wink_o.gif

  6. Was just flying a Kamov KA-52 in the editor and fired several rockets at enemy RACS M113.

    When all AT rockets where fired, I realised that I forgot to put an ammo truck in the editor.

    But now, with the new cargo system, the BIS ammo trucks are a ~bit unrealistic.

    1 Truck full of all type of rockets/ammo/magazines/etc... how boring is that.

    My question is, are you going to make new weapon crates with just 1 or 2 rockets/rocket pods/etc in the future?

    It would be really fantastic to have crates with all those different weapons that arma has. Addon maker could deliver that type of crates together with their new addons.



    I love this cargo system! biggrin_o.gif

    MfG Lee wink_o.gif

  7. Can you try it with only UNAFOV? Perhaps some other addons interfere with it? I have a bunch of addons, but I have no FOV issues in SP and I also have no map issues in widescreen mode. (Using WinXP 32 bit.)

    It's like mehman said, I messed around with the FOV setting in my profile.

    I set it now to 16:9 in the video options and the map problems are gone. (BIS should nevertheless take a look at it)

    But for me everything is still too much zoomed in.

    I'm playing on a 37" lcd tv and driving/flying is still pure horror.


    Don't bite in the steering wheel! crazy_o.gif

    MfG Lee wink_o.gif

  8. I can't get UNAFOV to work with arma 1.15 everything is still zoomed in. Pure horror driving a truck or flying a helicopter.

    Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


    Another thing is that the map problem with widescreen resolutions is still there.

    Watch this small movie to see what bug I mean:

    http://lee.plankton.ch/Mapbug.wmv (right klick save as...)

    Look at the mouse arrow, it should be over the watch all the time, but when you move it to the borders it goes away.

    Impossible to click on "plan/group/etc".


    I have to point the mouse at a.) to click on b.)

    MfG Lee

  9. ...sorry guys.

    No problem, for now I edited the pbo's myself.

    Cargo system works and I must say it's simply fantastic!!

    I REALLY hope that some mission maker see this system and make missions with it.

    Would be really cool not to play the ubersoldier fighting against the evil hordes but play the brave soldiers that support the troops with:

    - weapons

    - ammo

    - fuel

    - food

    - medical supply(medic-tents)

    - stuff to build a base(tents, fences, etc)

    Thank you RKSL Team for this amazing cargo system!!

    MfG Lee xmas_o.gif

  10. For whatever reason, I can't get it to work.

    If I start ArmA, the first thing i see is this:


    When I go into the editor and load one of the sample missions and click preview, I get this:


    Looking in my ArmA.rpt I have several entries:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"Unsupported language German in stringtable"

    Could the missing german language support be the reason?

    Thanks for you latest addons and your help!

    MfG Lee xmas_o.gif

  11. Nice feature, I like it!

    It does not feel 100% right, but way better then the overdone autocenter function.

    You should really start OFP one more time an look how it is there:

    - No autocenter when not driving.

    - No autocenter when driving reverse.

    - autocenter when driving forward(but not so overdone like in arma)

    Another thing that is needed, is the possibility to look up and down a little bit when sitting in a car/truck/etc (like in OFP). At the moment the view is vertical fixed which feels very bad.

    Last thing has been mentioned some month ago and I showed a small video for better understanding. It's about the head movement with activated freelook in cars/etc.


    Thanks for this topic Suma!

    Discussions like this are needed to get:

    - ArmA I better!


    - ArmA II released in a final state.

    Thanks again.

    MfG Lee
